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need help please

Hahaha ya I feel pretty good, vision is really delayed so im focusing on the computer hardcore haha. Pandora intense techno has me tranced pretty good. Cigarettes are feeling great tooo, but the BP is a little high at 110 but nothing like a meth pulse which was last weeks indulgence (benzedrex, prophyhexidrine)
I understand what you WANT to hear but sometimes in life your gonna make mistakes and have to deal with what you don't wanna hear, especially if your health is at stake. It would be silly for a harm reduction to not warn of the dangers of mixing drugs your not supposed to but anyways I honestly believe you will be fine, just don't do it again ;)
Any advice on getting off of Effexor? As stated above I recently just started. after the air force had me on zoloft, lexapro, cymbalta, now effexor in the last two years.
Can I have a beer later? I normally drink about 5 beers a nice. Bud Light Platinum>
If you feel good then I wouldn't worry. If you start to feel bad, like physically worrisome or really depressed, then seek medical attention. However I feel pretty confident you'll be fine considering what has developed so far.

I wouldn't have a beer... DXM and alcohol isn't a good combo. Marijuana mixes really well with marijuana but make sure you wait til it's been a few hours and you're all the way up first, as marijuana makes things more intense. And if you don't normally smoke then I wouldn't either.
Update: Eyes are very dialated. Huge Pupils. Music is still arousing. Very Jiterry. Not depressed. tried playing call of duty and couldnt focus. Mouth has a metal like taste to it. as if i am the tin man from the wizard of oz.
Are eyes being dilated normal or bad? I mean im enjoying it but cant keep my eyes closed, yet am tired.
Beginning to lose feeling in legs and little queezy in stomach. kinda just wanna go to sleep but know i cant. about to take an ativan.
Took an Ativan. Worried I wont be able to sleep. Very separated from myself. Like I know im here but im not. My mind is working on its own and im just watching sort of thing. Mouth is very numb as is throat kinda hard to swallow. Am I good? Like this is all normal right?
Sounds like DXM trip, personally not my cup of tea. Don't worry about it, just ride it out, maybe consider something else or else sobriety.
It was a great ride. Very different. Almost like acid especially with after taste. Acid without the visuals and happiness. Your just you. Normal nothing amazing. But really deep in your thoughts. At least I can say ive done it now though. Ive had an ativan and 3 bud light platinum to calm the come down. Working very smoothly no discomfort not drunk but getting tired. Heart rate is good as well as anxiety. No problems. Ill write in the morning to let y'all know im alive ;)