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need help please


Mar 10, 2014
So my dog was trying to waste time tonight and didnt do much research. He happened to get into my medicine cabinet and eat 20 robotussin cough gels for the first time. Its been an hour and he feels fine but hes starting to worry because he is on 37.5 milligrams of Effexor. And he has read bad things online. He hasn't been on Effexor long and this is his first trip. Please let me know if he needs to start puking. Thanks
Welcome to Bluelight / PD. :)

That combination is not safe:

DXM and venlafaxine is not a safe combination. DXM releases serotonin and venlafaxine is a serotonin (and norepinephrine) reuptake inhibitor, meaning your brain can be flooded with serotonin which isn't reabsorbed, potentially causing serotonin syndrome which can kill you.

Interactions checker showing major interaction between the two
Serotonin syndrome

Please don't take this combination, especially if you are increasing the doses - just because you or someone else were okay before doesn't mean you will be again!


Also, you can stop talking about your dog or saying SWIM or something like that. It's against the rules and it is unnecessary. Maybe done at other forums but it's based on myths.

The only positive thing I can think of is that I think Effexor is mostly an SNRI so the dangerous side is not the primary action. IIRC
Still, see if you can purge some and keep a close eye on yourself. Get acquainted with symptoms of serotonin syndrome and write them down. See if you can find someone to keep you company. Keep the phone close for emergencies.
But at that point try to relax, stress won't do you any good and may very well just be fine.
My dog has done alot of different experimenting and just wanted to make sure that he will be safe and can enjoy the trip and not freak out the whole time ending up calling 911. I think he will be fine but theres that 'what if' factor. As I have stated, it his first time, and he is on the lowest dose of venlafaxine. He is also on Allegra (just started today) and Hydroxyzine.
Sorry for the myths. So are you saying I should start puking it all up and get it out of my system or do you think this will be okay just one time?
The other meds may be an extra problem if they are metabolized by the same enzymes, that would mean that they would distract your liver which should be getting rid of the other drugs adequately to keep them from reaching dangerous levels.

I wouldn't risk it and take cautionary measures, yes. But after doing that, I would try to have faith that it will turn out okay this time and just never do it again. And next time always doing research before taking anything or any combination. :)
I really can't decide for you if you should be even more alarmed. Hospitals can save a person but if you go to one and nothing really happens that's not a great deal either. From what I can tell from the pharmacology there are things more dangerous than this, but I can't be expected to take responsibility for you I'm very sorry.

Good luck and be safe my friend.
TBH I would personally induce vomiting, it may save you a hospital trip. If you have a benzo now would be the time to use it as constantly wondering if your in danger in such a confusion based trip like DXM will only add to the negatives you experience.
If you start to feel overheated seek medical attention, overheating is one of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome and that is what could be very dangerous about this combination. Be on guard. Better safe than sorry.
Having someone else present would help with the fact that the DXM will likely start acting and complicate decision-making. And serotonin syndrome causes confusion itself when it advances, so that is why Xorkoth is totally right that you will want to make sure you avoid reaching that point.
Oh so I induced vomiting and felt nearly all twenty came out. As I said it was about 40 minutes ago that I popped them, so I hope that not much of the DXM got out. Unfortunately the bile was very red, to show that the capsules did break open. But I feel I have most of it out of me rather than whats still in me. I feel better, and I do have Ativan. Should I wait to take one?

Also I have no one that I know that lives here in my town. I recently just moved here so I dont have anyone to 'watch me.' I should be better off now that I have it out of my system correct?

Is it safe for me if I fall asleep?

I have done ALOT of drugs, shrooms, acid, everything with the exception of heroine. I just find it hard to believe that this would have been so donagerous compared to everything ive done before.
Im just naive.
It sounds like you will be fine, still keep an eye on yourself for the next hour or so to see what happens, but by all means I am not saying: go panic.

After that hour I guess sleeping would be okay, you were planning on tripping so obviously you can afford staying awake for at least another hour.

Only take the Ativan if you are really panicking despite a big part of the risk appearing to be averted, IMO. Or, if after that hour really very little at all is happening, take it at your own discretion.

Having extensive drug experience has nothing to do with it. Maybe that would help with being able to wing a weird trip better, but it doesn't make your body immune to interacting pharmaceuticals causing toxic effects.

IMO if you learn from a mistake, then you can forget any feelings of guilt. It's repeatedly making the same mistakes that is shameful.
Thanks alot for your advice. I do feel very indifferent now though, like everything is VERY 3d. getting harder to type. But hopefully this will wear off in the next hour or so. lots and lots of water. Im going to trip a little since i did have it in my system right? like this is normal?
Don't feel bad, we all make mistakes every now and then.

Relax a little and watch something funny to distract yourself. Lie down on a couch and take a deep breath. All this will pass, you will be relieved and next time you can do the smart thing and stay safe.

I'm not suprised you absorbed some after an hour. Is this a polystyrex formula, an idea? It says so on the label?

Slow release or extended release?
So 300mg... not a big dose, that's good. Sounds like you definitely got some in your system, but my sense is you'll be fine. Still stay on guard though for if you start to feel bad.
If i start to feel bad just pop an ativan right? I figure if i puked it up. at least half of it had to of came out. so id be like at 150 DXM and I took the Venlafaxine way early this morning like at 8 and it was only 37.5 gms. (dont know why the VA put me on it, doesnt do anything for me)

BTW all the symptoms of serotonin syndrome seem to be the same symptoms of a trip. so I find it hard to differentiate if something would be wrong.
If it makes you feel any better I have a friend that succesfully mixed DXM with sertraline more than a few times with no negatives, in fact he would've continued mixing the two had I not found out he was on an SSRI. Your doses of both chems are low so you should be good, just don't mix the two again and save the ativan until you feel necessary (if you start panicking at all) but TBH a small dose now wouldn't hurt and would keep your BP down.
The ativan would work to remedy agitation (so would help you relax a bit which can help a little with keeping your blood pressure in check. And it would also help control possible seizures. But it is not an antidote.

Yes a lot of symptoms are the same but with serotonin they would be lots stronger, worrisome, dysphoric (I think you would feel very negative instead of nice).

I agree with CK, you should be ok.
Im just kind of blank. Listening to music. little paranoia but not too much, just trying to enjoy the ride. Kinda like when you get on a Rollercoaster you only regret getting on when you start climbing the hill. Right now, Im about to go over the top and hit everyloop and all i can do is enjoy it. I just want opinions that say you will be fine you wont die have fun. dont do it again.