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Opioids Need double amount of opiates after quitting lyrica and benzos

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Like the title says I need way more opiates/opioids after quitting my previous meds clonazepam and lyrica. I also used risperdal for some months this fall.

Is this my true opiate tolerance?
Lyrica and opiates provide a more complicated biological reaction, but the clonazepam definitely resulted in opiate potentiation which means without it your tolerance will be higher.
While its unfortunate your tolerance is higher good work getting off the pregabalin and benzos...thats not such an easy task...
Like the title says I need way more opiates/opioids after quitting my previous meds clonazepam and lyrica. I also used risperdal for some months this fall.

Is this my true opiate tolerance?
Nah, the lyrica amplifies my opiate highs, especially if i time it and take my doses around when the lyrica kicks in, especially at high doses, i love my gaba meds :):)
While its unfortunate your tolerance is higher good work getting off the pregabalin and benzos...thats not such an easy task...
you know, i've been taking thousands of mgs over the last 40 or so days and fuck am i feeling it now that i'm down to my last 200 pills of pregab and gabapentin luckily i can easily order more if i need to
offtopic as fuck, but zonxx how much do you find gabapentin to potentiate opiates...... asking for the science
offtopic as fuck, but zonxx how much do you find gabapentin to potentiate opiates...... asking for the science
pentin? i can't really say i LIKE pentin. pentin is very, downer ish, wheras Pregabalin aka lyrica is more benzo feeling, i take the two together until i eventually run out of pentin because my script is for lyrica now and the person who gave me an extra 600 pentins is also rx'd lyrica which theyre giving me every month for free because they know if they don't they can't use my coke connect but.... and i know the first couple times when i wasnt a huge gabapentinoid user (dunno if kpins count cause i take high doses of clonazepam about 2-4 times a week) but.... certainly enhanced, not in a 'potentiating' effect, i like to seperate potentiate from 'added effect' , potentiate being increased the amt of morph oxy or whatever, but as an added, Pregab is basically like throwing benzos in at doses of 800+ and pentin really only effects me if i've taken 2,000mg and then a minimum of 2-4,000 more over about 2-4 hours but it feels more like a sedating downer than a benzo like pregab does, overall wouldn't ever take the pentin if i didn't have em sitting around for free because it has much more negatives vs lyrica, but on the other hand, when i setup for a nod, i'll take a few k mg with 500-1.2k pregab, and when i get my first snap out of the nod i'll eat more pentin, definately prolongs nods. this response was way more detailed than i expected it to be, and my onions are alittle overcooked now.
After Phenibut, Pregabalin is the best “synergiser” with my Oxy I have ever tried, and believe me I have tried many. @Zonxx is spot on, “additive” and “potentiate” are easily confused but very different at enzymatic level.

I find that Contin Opiates/Opioids, can be taken at the same time as gabapentoids, their delayed onset matches up fantastically almost always. Hope this helps.
After Phenibut, Pregabalin is the best “synergiser” with my Oxy I have ever tried, and believe me I have tried many. @Zonxx is spot on, “additive” and “potentiate” are easily confused but very different at enzymatic level.

I find that Contin Opiates/Opioids, can be taken at the same time as gabapentoids, their delayed onset matches up fantastically almost always. Hope this helps.
With the simultaneous use of pregabalin and oxycodone, there is an increase in impairments of the mnestic function and the basic motor functions, which are caused by the intake of oxycodone.
Can you elaborate a bit more Zon, not following you entirely there??

I have been trying to find the clinical trial data from I think Johns Hopkins Chicago or Boston, where a joint painkiller was being trialled. This gives credence to the good match we already know is the case.