Near insanity from 2-DPMP


Mar 3, 2010
I would just like to point out that I was extremely stupid with this drug and I hope this is a warning to those who are planning to use this chemical known as desoxypipradrol.

Over the course of a night I consumed upwards of 300mg of this stuff. After the first line of 30mg I was already gone in the head.

I experienced full blown dellusions and hallucinations that people were out to get me. I could see knives in the shadows coming closer and closer, peoples heads staring at me through the (closed) curtains.

I thought I could hear my flat mate conspiring with others to come into my room and kill me, I got to near suicide, I thought if I could "pretend" to kill myself they would leave me alone.

I proceeded to do line after line of desoxy, hoping that it would knock me out (I know a completly stupid idea - had no control over what I was doing though) I pretended to drink a whole bottle of 1,4 BD and just lay on my bed completly still for 10 minutes, until I felt a knife going up to my throat which caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.

The sheer horror of the situation was too much for me to bare. Later on in the night I thought the police/armed forces were out to get me.

I could see around 10 of them in my room in full riot gear shooting me with tranq darts, after maybe half an hourr of this I was begging them to use something stronger to knock me out. They agreed to use nerve gas on me, I could see the spray right in front of my face, I could feel it slowly taking affect and this went on for what seemed like forever, when out of nowhere my flat mate was standing over me wondering who I was talking to.

(back to reality)

All of a sudden all the hallucinations stopped, though I wouldnt believe him that he wasn't in my room to take me outside to be arrested. He left for work after a while and I was left to my own devices.

Although I was majorly tweaked and paranoid, I didn't see anything nor hear anything. I don't know how or why but the desoxy would hit me in waves at night time.

The second night I had a friend over, and we didn't do any drugs (in the day I had flushed the remains of the desoxy) although the hallucinations came back this time seeing images of old people having sex behind my friends back?!

He would tell me, he thought I had completly lost it as I could conjur up any image and see it (why it was mainly the aged having sex, im not to sure lol)

He left at 6 in the morning and the full blown paranoia came back, I hid under my sheets for around 2 hours, popping out when I could feel people grabbing me.

After a while my I thought my phone was ringing, and that it had been wire tapped. I was instructed by a cop to go outside and wait at the bus stop for further instructions.

When I got there, they told me to take off my jacket and go into a driveway nearby (there was an abandoned house near the bus stop) with my hand behind my back I was handcuffed and injected with a sedative/ local anasthetic and they proceeded to take blood, syringe my ear, give me a stomach pump and give me an enema. All of which I felt in pure agony, lying face down in a puddle for which must of been for around 5 hours.

I'm not sure if I passed out or had a seizure but next thing I knew I was sitting up in this puddle dazed and confused. I ended up walking in and out of my house for a while until armed police pulled outside and were instructing me to lie on the floor.

I couldnt hear exactly what they were instructing me to do and I could tell from the tone of voice they were getting very pissed off at me for not co-operating and were going to shoot him in the head if I didn't follow their instructions. In the end I layed spread eagle on the floor and started crying until I came back to reality once more surrounded by neighbours and ambulance workers.

I instantly felt tweaked again, even though it had been a long time since I had taken any drugs. The next two days were filled with more hallucinations, which even a strong course of benzo's didn't cure.

Those were truly the darkest days of my life so far, needless to say my researching of this chemical are over as careless use turns you insane.
Glad to hear that you landed back safely... I've not come across desoxy personally, but have read a few posts over in EADD stating pretty similar experiances...

Needless to say this is something that you should probably give a pretty wide berth in the future...
Yeah for sure, I really don't think this stuff can be used safely in any way, shape or form, unless you want to visit hell.
Dear God man (and I'm an atheist!), you consumed over 100x the recommended dosage of a highly potent stimulant (a research chemical, no less). What did you expect to happen? 8o8o8o
Yeah for sure, I really don't think this stuff can be used safely in any way, shape or form, unless you want to visit hell.

I'm sure it could be used safely if you don't go apeshit with your dosage. People blame the drugs but wtf do you expect to happen when you take that kind of dosage? Did you do any research into this and/or have any experience with Dopamine/Noradrenaline releasers? The duration is INSANE and I'd say your lucky you didn't have a heart attack or something taking that fucking much.

The second night I had a friend over, and we didn't do any drugs (in the day I had flushed the remains of the desoxy) although the hallucinations came back this time seeing images of old people having sex behind my friends back?!

He would tell me, he thought I had completly lost it as I could conjur up any image and see it (why it was mainly the aged having sex, im not to sure lol)

Okay this part cracked me up though :D
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After a while my I thought my phone was ringing, and that it had been wire tapped. I was instructed by a cop to go outside and wait at the bus stop for further instructions.

When I got there, they told me to take off my jacket and go into a driveway nearby (there was an abandoned house near the bus stop) with my hand behind my back I was handcuffed and injected with a sedative/ local anasthetic and they proceeded to take blood, syringe my ear, give me a stomach pump and give me an enema. All of which I felt in pure agony, lying face down in a puddle for which must of been for around 5 hours.

I'm not sure if I passed out or had a seizure but next thing I knew I was sitting up in this puddle dazed and confused. I ended up walking in and out of my house for a while until armed police pulled outside and were instructing me to lie on the floor.

I couldnt hear exactly what they were instructing me to do and I could tell from the tone of voice they were getting very pissed off at me for not co-operating and were going to shoot him in the head if I didn't follow their instructions. In the end I layed spread eagle on the floor and started crying until I came back to reality once more surrounded by neighbours and ambulance workers.

Wait did all that actually happen or did you hallucinate that? I'm confused.
Yeah, 30mg was already 10 times too high. You started with a massive overdose!
Yeah for sure, I really don't think this stuff can be used safely in any way, shape or form, unless you want to visit hell.
Coolio said:
Yeah, 30mg was already 10 times too high. You started with a massive overdose!
I think that it could possibly have been used safely if you had been more careful with your starting dose. If you started out with that massive of a dose it's no wonder all of this fucked up stuff happened. If you're gonna play around with these "gray area" and legal chemicals the least you can do is research thoroughly and *AT LEAST* determine what a common dose is (and of course, always start at the low end of the spectrum when trying something new).
Imagine eating 30 grams of dried p. cubensis for your first trip?
Holy crap man, starting with 30mg? If 2-DPMP would have made it through it's trials to a prescription drug, it would have probably came in 1-2mg pills. That's like snorting 15-30 ritalin pills (except that 2-dpmp lasts about 24 hours in a normal dose) just to start off.

I'm very glad you lived. Sorry you had such a horrible time. I couldn't tell if the armed police and blood test/stomach pump/enema etc were real or in your head. Either way that's an intense story. Hope you're feeling better!
yeah i agree with everything said, i was completly stupid. I posted this to show what happens when you show ignorance towards research chemicals.

Yes it was all hallucinated, I saw, felt and heard some fucked up stuff.

I'm back to 100% now, I was pretty messed up for a while afterwards.

Well, only the foolish will repeat doing this amount.

I'm not sure if the hallucinations of the stomach pump and all that stuff where all in my head or if i was actually having a full blown seizure. Needless to say, its not something I will be doing again.
yeah i agree with everything said, i was completly stupid. I posted this to show what happens when you show ignorance towards research chemicals.

Yes it was all hallucinated, I saw, felt and heard some fucked up stuff.

I'm back to 100% now, I was pretty messed up for a while afterwards.

Well, only the foolish will repeat doing this amount.

I'm not sure if the hallucinations of the stomach pump and all that stuff where all in my head or if i was actually having a full blown seizure. Needless to say, its not something I will be doing again.

Yeah, I'm sure you don't need any scolding considering the mess you went through. I'm just glad you're alive and are back to 100%. Best of luck!
There is a recognised condition called amphetamine psychosis, which I imagine could happen with other stimulant drugs too. It's temporary but very closely resembles schizophrenia, with paranoid delusions etc, so I reckon that's probably what happened to you.. I'm so glad you are OK now!

Coincidentally I had quite a similar thing at the weekend, combined with a bad trip after taking some DOC, which is an amphetamine derivative. Absolutely terrifying!
There is a recognised condition called amphetamine psychosis, which I imagine could happen with other stimulant drugs too. It's temporary but very closely resembles schizophrenia, with paranoid delusions etc, so I reckon that's probably what happened to you.. I'm so glad you are OK now!

Coincidentally I had quite a similar thing at the weekend, combined with a bad trip after taking some DOC, which is an amphetamine derivative. Absolutely terrifying!

hoping your ok now too mate.
I would just like to point out that I was extremely stupid with this drug and I hope this is a warning to those who are planning to use this chemical known as desoxypipradrol.

Over the course of a night I consumed upwards of 300mg of this stuff. After the first line of 30mg I was already gone in the head.

I experienced full blown dellusions and hallucinations that people were out to get me. I could see knives in the shadows coming closer and closer, peoples heads staring at me through the (closed) curtains.

I thought I could hear my flat mate conspiring with others to come into my room and kill me, I got to near suicide, I thought if I could "pretend" to kill myself they would leave me alone.

I proceeded to do line after line of desoxy, hoping that it would knock me out (I know a completly stupid idea - had no control over what I was doing though) I pretended to drink a whole bottle of 1,4 BD and just lay on my bed completly still for 10 minutes, until I felt a knife going up to my throat which caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.

The sheer horror of the situation was too much for me to bare. Later on in the night I thought the police/armed forces were out to get me.

I could see around 10 of them in my room in full riot gear shooting me with tranq darts, after maybe half an hourr of this I was begging them to use something stronger to knock me out. They agreed to use nerve gas on me, I could see the spray right in front of my face, I could feel it slowly taking affect and this went on for what seemed like forever, when out of nowhere my flat mate was standing over me wondering who I was talking to.

(back to reality)

All of a sudden all the hallucinations stopped, though I wouldnt believe him that he wasn't in my room to take me outside to be arrested. He left for work after a while and I was left to my own devices.

Although I was majorly tweaked and paranoid, I didn't see anything nor hear anything. I don't know how or why but the desoxy would hit me in waves at night time.

The second night I had a friend over, and we didn't do any drugs (in the day I had flushed the remains of the desoxy) although the hallucinations came back this time seeing images of old people having sex behind my friends back?!

He would tell me, he thought I had completly lost it as I could conjur up any image and see it (why it was mainly the aged having sex, im not to sure lol)

He left at 6 in the morning and the full blown paranoia came back, I hid under my sheets for around 2 hours, popping out when I could feel people grabbing me.

After a while my I thought my phone was ringing, and that it had been wire tapped. I was instructed by a cop to go outside and wait at the bus stop for further instructions.

When I got there, they told me to take off my jacket and go into a driveway nearby (there was an abandoned house near the bus stop) with my hand behind my back I was handcuffed and injected with a sedative/ local anasthetic and they proceeded to take blood, syringe my ear, give me a stomach pump and give me an enema. All of which I felt in pure agony, lying face down in a puddle for which must of been for around 5 hours.

I'm not sure if I passed out or had a seizure but next thing I knew I was sitting up in this puddle dazed and confused. I ended up walking in and out of my house for a while until armed police pulled outside and were instructing me to lie on the floor.

I couldnt hear exactly what they were instructing me to do and I could tell from the tone of voice they were getting very pissed off at me for not co-operating and were going to shoot him in the head if I didn't follow their instructions. In the end I layed spread eagle on the floor and started crying until I came back to reality once more surrounded by neighbours and ambulance workers.

I instantly felt tweaked again, even though it had been a long time since I had taken any drugs. The next two days were filled with more hallucinations, which even a strong course of benzo's didn't cure.

Those were truly the darkest days of my life so far, needless to say my researching of this chemical are over as careless use turns you insane.

This trip report is very similar to the experience that this one guy had when he took an am-hi-co red dove. delusions, full-blown hallucinations, paranoia, seeing knives, thinking people were out to kill me or blow up my house, seeing people through bushes who had blowdart guns pointing at me. scary as hell. this guy was admitted to the psych ward at the local hospital, but luckily, the experience eventually faded (since he sat in the emergency room for about 6 hours. hah. emergency room my ass. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Iv just been watching a documentary: Drugs inc - Designer drugs and it's just come to my attention that i beleive i may have actually had this substance without knowing. I don't really know any sciency sort of stuff so this is based on my experience and sources such as Wiki and BL and other online sources.

About a year ago a friend had obtained a reasonable supply of this and it was sold to us as mephedrone and its been bugging me since i had it what it was as i and my friend had probably the worst experiences from any drugs ever. When we actually got it i did hear that it was 'Ivory Wave', but not really believing anything i hear on the streets i put that to the back of my mind.

But based on what iv just watched, iv come to the conclusion that it was desoxypipradrol as it's mentioned towards the end of the doc, that samples of 'Ivory Wave' in the UK were found to have this substance in which has a rather long half life.

I didn't actually sleep for 5 nights and my friend went delusional for a week.

I also recently started using Ethylphenidate, which at first did scare me as it initially felt very similar to this substance. I do also beleive that desoxypipradrol is related to Methylphenidate which may be why i felt this. (Although i do like Eth)

Sorry for the lack of scientific jargon - Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge can fill in the gaps.

(Also Drugs Inc: Designer Drugs - Highly recomended although some of the stuff they say is debatable)

Anyone who's snorted 2DPMP, Does it give you a horrible sort of menthol feeling at the back of your throat??? If so than im pretty sure it was.
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Umm, the dose for DPMP is 1 or 2 mgs. As needed, I take half that and I'm up for hours.. I think folks have unrealistic expectations from this compound. Its meant to be a medicine, not a drug of abuse..sorry.
Also wanted to add, DPMP is actually not bad for life enrichment, as long as you can be reasonable with it.. this stuff will not get you "high" but if you have motivation problems and can control your use.. 1 mg per am is PLENTY..