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Nausea from too much cannabis?


Jan 9, 2019
Hey everyone. I've experienced gagging at the inhalation of cannabis and even vomiting in the recent past, but I took a break from the subtance for about a month and now i'm able to smoke again. Has anyone had this happen to them?
Hey Kahze, welcome to Bluelight.

I don't gag, but I have thrown up from smoking too much.

Usually on top of smoking too much, I get into an uncomfortable situation, and that causes me to throw up.

Do you think it could be in your head, and that's why taking a mental break helped?

Do you find that being in an uncomfortable setting makes you queasy as well, or is it purely from the smoke inhalation?
Yup, specially if I try to take too big of a bong rip or if I already have a sore throat. I’ve found that changing the bong water every rip helps me avoid a learned gag reflex from the stale taste.

And have had nausea from consuming too much, too fast. Time just kinda slows down, sounds seem muffled, I start sweating and then a complete green out. I accept it as occasionally coming with the territory (for me).

Hey Kahze, welcome to Bluelight.

I don't gag, but I have thrown up from smoking too much.

Usually on top of smoking too much, I get into an uncomfortable situation, and that causes me to throw up.

Do you think it could be in your head, and that's why taking a mental break helped?

Do you find that being in an uncomfortable setting makes you queasy as well, or is it purely from the smoke inhalation?

It doesn't matter the setting. Its always the moment i inhale the smoke an taste a certain aspect of the flavor.
I see.

Too much of anything can be a bad thing.

Good to hear the break worked out for you :)
I've had nausea from vaping weed before (never smoked it never will) but it was usually when I went way overboard and gave myself a panic attack.
ahh the sweet thc panik attach


its okay, it has its service.

glad you got better.

It's actually affected me so much that I've quit medium to long term. At least a month or two for sure... I was becoming antisocial and honestly showing early signs of paranoid schizophrenia or similar mental illnesses. It's weird, usually I can tell myself "how I feel is just in my head, I'm fine", but after using weed for the past year and a half, for the most part almost daily, I think it's taken its toll.

It's time to stop for me, and I'll only go back if I feel I can keep myself from using more than once a week. I realized I haven't experienced any form of euphoria from THC in months... I was literally only doing it because I was trying to kill my thoughts and stop thinking about negative things going on in my life. I know, I know, stupidest reason to use ANY psychoactive substance, but looking back that's why I've been high so much.