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NASADD social - killing hookers is bad m'kay

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FUCK this super bowl matchup if the giants win. When these 2 played in 2008 i was in a coma from a car wreck, when i woke up i asked who won? They told me Giants. I asked for my pain meds and back to coma. Fuck both teams with a thorny branch and no lube.
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Well i have my superbowl plans. Im gonna get into another car wreck and go into a coma so i dont haveta watch that fucking yankee superbowl of horseshit. Sorry im sober and heated.
I could barely give less of a fuck about football, but even being from New England all I have to say is fuck the Patriots. I don't care who they're playing against as long as they lose.
Seen any tornadoes yet? It got pretty nasty put this way for a bit.

Fuck those weak ass storms makin me miss the game cause some redneck trashers house flew off... get the fuck outta here with that shit

But no it barely rained where im at haha
mmm... magic hat and 3mg kpins... and somehow a slice of nug.

i second nowdubs thoughts

if i cared about bostonians ans new yorkers goin at it id watch baseball

this sucks ass

couldnt sleep this morning was up at like 6 45
when i went into OD Social for the first time a month ago they still had a dead hooker we left there a few years go...

apparently no one cleans the place up after our eviction...
They just let the dead hookers fill up with protein shakes and empty it out every month or so. keep that formaldehyde around for the smell and all
What are you gonna tell the dr? I read some nasty shit on a drug website about dead hookers and i think i may have contracted herpaderp from the filth?
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