Mental Health Narcissism Support Thread

I don't really know shit all about her, but this lady's videos might be helpful...

She's talking about ex-spouses in that video but some of it could apply regarding not engaging with your spouse and focusing on your children. I know personally how not engaging a narcissist is one of the hardest things to do.

All she really says is do not engage with your ex narc. Interesting though. I am loving this thread. My ex had aspergers but i also think he had some narcissistism in him. He was VERY manipulative of me. He's in jail now
Thank goodness.

I have narcissistic traits just like everyone else, however, I also have a profound sense of empathy.

Here is a story about narcissism in a relationship. I was doing the laundry of my ex and myself (we were living together at the time) found a neighbors shirt mixed in. I washed it. Put it on and nonchalantly started a conversation. I kept bringing up how nice the t-shirt was and I wondered where I had gotten it. She kept playing it off. I finally outright confronted her. She pretty much tried to make it out that I forced her into my neighbors arms because I was always working...she didn't work and I was supporting her and her habits. blameless and shameless.
Maybe this might help?...

Yes my ex was like this. Very emotionally abusive n manipulative. Many people told me but he'd laugh it off n have me think they were totally over-reacting. For instance i once said i want to use protection because i'm worried I'll get pregnant. He quickly used hus "aspergers" in full force "well maybe I'm better off single," or "you know I can't use comdoms maybe we're better off apart this aint working." And would be like that every time I so much as voiced an opinion he didn't like.

When I was pregnant n spent most of it alone, we'd fall out n he'd make it obvious he could have anyone he wanted n i couldn't "I was going to have Marina here for the weekend n didn't n you're being moody with me." Or would start arguments cut contact for days n let me know he's been talking to so n so for hours n "wasn't it nice of him that that he didn't go with them n could easily have done instead of me." He was highly manipulative person. He also used emotional blackmail too but won't go into that. He was pure evil.

Glad I cut all ties from him.

For instance i once said i want to use protection because i'm worried I'll get pregnant. He quickly used hus "aspergers" in full force "well maybe I'm better off single," or "you know I can't use comdoms maybe we're better off apart this aint working." And would be like that every time I so much as voiced an opinion he didn't like...

That's pretty crazy, but can you explain what this has to do with aspergers?
That's pretty crazy, but can you explain what this has to do with aspergers?

Aspergers was one of his many diagnosis. Psychopath or narc should have been the first. The things he'd say he was a very dark person but could also be incredibly charming. He's in prison now probably in protection because what he did to get there will only win enemies let's put it that way. The criminal psych report said "he was a master manipulator of woman n a very dangerous person should never be allowed near kids."

Yikes, sounds not good.

I'm trying to come to terms with my own narcissistic traits, and take control of my own life with the idea that only I can change myself, and not drugs, comments of others, illness, and other things.
Yikes, sounds not good.

I'm trying to come to terms with my own narcissistic traits, and take control of my own life with the idea that only I can change myself, and not drugs, comments of others, illness, and other things.

Good luck. It's good that you're aware you've issues n are addressing them. Can I ask are you going in for therapy or are doing this yourself? Have you any support around you?

I wish you the very best with it all n you're always welcome to PM me if ever you need someone to chat to about things x

Thanks! I engage in therapy. I don't yet have the motivation to address it as much as I should, like by exercising and putting myself out there socially. But I'm working on it. I have support but I'm going to a far-away school, so my family and I live in different provinces. It seemed like I was really stable before I left. I didn't foresee the trouble I'd have as a result of having little to no social support here. I'm trying to build support, but lately I feel like I've partly given up :(.

I could go to clubs, but I feel too exposed already to do that, ya know?

That said I've made a pretty good friend since coming here. It could be worse. It can always be worse...
I would like to hear more stories about narcissism so I can put my experiences in context. Anyone else have stories/ horror stories about exes, or situations where they acted narcissistic?
That's pretty crazy, but can you explain what this has to do with aspergers?

They're two different things but some of the traits do overlap and theoretically I suppose someone could be both.

I have narcissistic traits just like everyone else, however, I also have a profound sense of empathy.

I've questioned myself before whether I fit the bill for clinical narcissism because I've grown up around a family member who would always accuse me of having no empathy if we would get in an argument or fight about something. But I've since come to the conclusion that it was just their own projection. I can't believe it took me so long but narcs are good at making the other person feel like they're the ones with the problem. I'm no angel by any means but when I actually started thinking about it and doing research it became all too clear.

I would like to hear more stories about narcissism so I can put my experiences in context. Anyone else have stories/ horror stories about exes, or situations where they acted narcissistic?

I'm not sure if I have any "horror stories" but I've lived with one for most of my life and could probably write a novel. I'm 33 years old and basically feel like I don't even have my own identity. That's the main reason I made this thread, so I could possibly help others recognize it that might not even know what NPD is and get the fuck out if they can. If the person is truly clinical they are NOT going to change no matter how much you might think they are or what they say.

Anyways, was there anything specific you were wondering about? lol
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Yeah nutty. I actually got out of a very long relationship with someone with borderline personality disorder. She made me feel narcissistic for wanting my emotions to be met and validated. This went on for years, now my head spins when I try to think of it. I have brought it up in therapy. My psych says I need to confront her about it in order to get the answers for myself. When I think of some more stories about our relationship I'll post them here.

I guess the question is, how do you know that your narcissist is making you crazy, and as person recognizing that you aren't narcissistic?
Just recognize the traits and see if the person makes you feel like you're doubting yourself all the time.
Both of my parents are like this and they act like children. When they were married and would fight and argue, usually over drugs and stupid shit, one called the other a narcissist (among other things, of course) and so on.. Confused the shit out of me and my brothers.

Their behavior has always been embarrassing but thats too much to type. Both of them are addicts which makes matters that much worse and as we all know, addicts can be pretty selfish people. Throughout our respective childhoods we were taken care of and all that, but emotionally it was like a game. To this day if one of us disappoints or even mildly upsets one of our parents the insults and emotional blackmail flow like milk and honey in the promised land. I'd like to give my mother an award for being the best guilt-tripper who ever lived.

My dad is in prison ATM but my mom is still a control freak. She doesn't even want me to have a job or a social life, she wants me to stay home all the time and do her bidding. I love my parents, but the damage is done. My brothers and I all have trust issues and low self esteem.

Thank GOD we didn't turn out like them. Big hug to all of you! <3
I can well relate to that ^

Does anyone know how likely it is for one child to be targeted by narcissistic parents but not their sibling? I'm trying to work out if it really is me who is the narcissist (I know I have problems but if it's all in my head that they treat me differently then perhaps I'm the one to blame).
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What pisses me off is the cold calculated manner in which someone can cause chaos around them, and sit back and enjoy the show so to speak.
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Just to note.

Sam Vaknin, is a complete fraud - he has no legitimate qualifications apart from that which he bought on the internet - THIS has been disclosed by himself, personally.

As you can see/hear - he is verbally facile and is (by his own admission) probably, psychopathic himself (although I think this may be just another tactic he deploys to sell-himself and gain notoriety - either way he is a grandiose, liar ie. full of shit).

Describing Narcissists is one thing but does nothing to solve the problem when dealing with someone like this; especially a malignant Narcissist.
Narcissists are usually deeply wounded people - who are so deluded that if there is any light 'thrown' on their behaviour they will usually either submit to denial, or else begin, to blame the accuser (projecting) rather than deal with the genuine, factual realisation of how flawed they are - they are perfectionists and because of this, they fear annihilation of self; if they are 'seen' in a less than perfect light. Of course this is tragic for all involved, as we all know, nobody is perfect - it must be exhausting to put on that pretense indefinitely.

Everyone is narcissistic to some degree - it is a spectrum; a sliding scale. Psychopaths would display highly, narcissistic features in their character when being assessed (although can hide this IRL).

It is important to remember that Narcissism is healthy but when it prevents an individual from empathising with another on some, level - then is has become a problem.
If our own esteem is low we may judge others as being more narcissistic than they actually are - our judgement is relative to our own circumstance too. However, if you feel that you have been systematically, ignored or misunderstood by a caretaker or loved one, to the point where you believe they are being callous then this may signify that this person may be toxic and emotionally abusive to you.

There are many reasons why a person may behave so callously eg. addiction; mental illness/personality disorder (incl NPD); learning disabilities but whatever the reason, it does not change how isolating and damaging the consequences are to our self-esteem.

Blaming the person to excessive levels can and often does perpetuate this cycle of abuse and can lead the victim to become highly narcissistic themselves - so, best practice would be to try to separate the behaviour from the person and deal with how that impacted us, personally.

If someone who perpetrated this abuse/neglectful behaviour is significantly abusive (ie physical and/dangerously manipulative) then it can be very difficult to do the former and it's best just to deal with the trauma by building personal esteem; practicing intense, self-compassion and by seeking ongoing, quality professional help (as well as obtaining support from other various social and professional, avenues) to deal with this.

This is how healing happens.
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I'm not sure what you have against Sam Vaknin... He can be a bit pompous but he's a good resource imo, especially since there's so little on narcissism in the first place. And how is he a fraud? I don't see him claiming to be a doctor or anything, he's just an author. He's not doing anything different than what you're doing, he's just making money doing it.
Oh dear. Please don't turn this into an ad-hominem attack or, take it personally, Nutty nutskin.

He is Fraudulent - he has been caught-out, many times ( Amongst one; he claimed he was a Doctor - his qualifications were bought) that to not acknowledge these facts would be completely, crazy and delusional. He has made-up terms, relating to Narcissism, that are completely unsubstantiated -
If you wish to site his videos, that is fine (they are interesting, entertaining and fear mongering) however, they also ignite a type of hyperbole and lack of understanding - his plight has been to fuel his own business agenda (much like Dr Oz or any other 'expert' however, Oz at least, happens to be genuinely qualified) or any other self-help, Internet, quack.

I am highlighting this specifically for those people who don't support con-artists when their motivation is to improve their own mental health. I think it is important to highlight the subtle, unethical motivations of these frauds who are reaching an audience that mainly consists of vulnerable and/unstable individuals.

He is an economic predator - feeding off an internet audience to garner adulation and money - he does not have a benign, objective agenda toward helping people.

If you choose to reference him then by all means do. Personally, I prefer to be aware of this, cleverly crafted bullshit -his methods are not scientific; his studies are composed of those people he has encountered 'studied' himself - as a non-qualified, self-appointed 'expert' - if you listen to his language/interviews most of what he says is unsubstantiated and made-up personal opinion; he intersperses this with quotes from other authors/sources.

I don't know if you are aware of the documentary 'I Psychopath'?

He is a faux, intellectual and con-man. I have nothing personally, against him but truth is truth and as a resource, it would be foolish to believe his theories as anything legitimate
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Ok, we get it, you don't like him. Let's move on. There is a good chance I'll post more of his videos as well as others that aren't medical experts here tho so this might not be the thread for you.
actually your first post was excellent. The rest, not so much. You say it takes two to tango, well someone inevitably has to be the bigger person. That bigger person could have been you. A lot of life is accepting that others opinions may vary greatly from your own. I for one didn't watch the videos because I don't necessarily find this guy very helpful. I do however appreciate posts that describe people seeing a narcissistic pattern in their own life.

Everyone heals differently.