• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

N,N-Diallyltryptamine (DALT), DNP weight loss and cold temperature


Mar 11, 2020
This wiki entry:
N,N-Diallyltryptamine (DALT) is a tryptamine derivative which has been identified as a new psychoactive substance.[1][2] It has been used as an intermediate in the preparation of radiolabeled diethyltryptamine.[3]
One of the more pronounced effects of this substance is a sharp increase in body temperature, similar to the effects of 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP). Unlike DNP, DALT is suggested to be safer, as it belongs to the tryptamine family. DALT exhibits weak psychoactive properties, particularly among tryptamines. The metabolic effects of this substance on body temperature, and its non-toxic nature, leads to the viability of this substance being used for emergency situations in cold weather environments, or as a weight loss supplement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DALT
Now I could absolutely find no references whatsoever regarding the statement made on that wiki page (either peer-review or just anecdotes on forums..etc). Did they just assume it would or something? because a safer non-psychoactive alternative to DNP for increase metabolism, weight loss, bodybuilding, sport doping, cold-weather military applications ..etc would be huge.
I tell you what would be REALLY helpful. Someone taking and reporting on mesocarb. It's not a traditional stimulant (doesn't release monoamines) but it's a selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

I think it's OTC in places like Russia, but those Russian medicinal chemists marched to a different drum which makes understanding their work so important.

They also made some interesting and less abusable than the western drugs. So they cared. I would love to mean some of them.
I tell you what would be REALLY helpful. Someone taking and reporting on mesocarb. It's not a traditional stimulant (doesn't release monoamines) but it's a selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

I think it's OTC in places like Russia, but those Russian medicinal chemists marched to a different drum which makes understanding their work so important.
Wikipedia says it was sold in the UdSSR and was OTC so I assume that it's currently not being sold or we'd see it available through some nootropic suppliers like other Russian drugs like Afobazole etc. Sad, because it really sounds like an interesting drug. But I had high hopes for pemoline being somewhat related to 4-MAR as well and then read a first hand report here from someobdy from Japan saying it was basically like caffeine/modafinil and pretty much lacking recreational as well as therapeutic properties.
Yeah - The USSR DID look at Western drugs but they learns somethings we did not. I mean, you cannot push around drug designers. They don't work in a climate of risk/danger because all you get is quick/dirty product rather than GOOD product and they have made GOOD product.

Sad we are unlikely ever to know names. OK so NOBODY is proud of Kolokol but they discovered some drugs that really seem to lower the effects of radiation exposure. I can only guess HOW they work but from the papers, it was not a small project.

Now they pop up from time to time.

What scares me is that Russia STILL lists вялотеку́щая шизофрени́я (slow onset schizophrenia) which is often used as a reason to place dissidents into secure treatment centres. But the lie is so big, I KNOW that they tried to make drugs to treat it. Now I am the FI|RST to say the DSM is now corrupted by pharma designers (DSM added GAD and would you believe it, Upjohn had alprazolam - the ONLY treatment).

But knowing medicinal chemists from all over the world - these people MUST have the ability to pull off cons but almost never do, because their 'thing' is to make a medicine to treat an illness. So I think the USSR had designers chasing illnesses that were 'political'.
Russian medicinal chemists marched to a different drum
Can I ask what you mean by this? like they way they design there drugs or they way they chose there routes of synthesis or there retro synthesis methods ?
Good questions. Well with compounds similar to compounds used elsewhere, they almost certainly just looked for legal analogues. But they were most certainly had different criteria than western product. As I said - they made compounds supposed to harden the human body against radiation - melatonin compounds with longer amides being one (so maybe useful for gamma?) and then compounds for illnesses to treatments for diseases we don't even accept like' sluggish schizophrenia.

So some we recognise
Some we don't really know BUT we cab see the logic
Some we just do not recognise.

I might add that dissidents were fed barbs to mess them up. I mean, They came up with unusual salts, possibly to hide taste. But mostly the stuff was unusual but I can see reasons.

But don't forget, Russian citizens had almost no doctor outside cities so pharmacies (like in many nations) ARE the first and not ONLY source of medicines and medical advice for such a long time do they are able to provide things. The staff are badly paid and so I still think a lot of stuff we don't know about are abused.

Only a Russian would discover that tianpenine (SP) is also an opioid.

It scares me that people trust RC providers like pharmacies. I am SURE we will have a thalidomide of our own. I think chronic liver, kidney or such damage will show up. After all, it took ages for K to show up as causing bladder damage because nobody ever thought people would show such abuse.

It COULD be worse. Bromethiazole is on sale - and it's an alkylating agent! That is why it was made, tested and forgotten.

So a spike of deaths is sure.
Bromethiazole. Basically chlormethiazole, but an even more active alkylating agent? Bet the sneezing side effect virtually means your brains explode out...
Bromethiazole. Basically chlormethiazole, but an even more active alkylating agent? Bet the sneezing side effect virtually means your brains explode out...

I never got that - but I watched someone else suffer from sneezing.

But I think I got it from a Spanish pharmacy and it only (!) cost about £30 for a box of capsules. RC vendors now have worked out people will pay x3 more....

But it WAS made in the 1930s but bromethiazole stopped after animal trials (and think how crude they were in the 1930s) so I expect their was some nasty problem.