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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(N-Methyl-TMA-2 / 100-150 mg) - Totally New Experience!


Sep 7, 2012
I have searched for information on this compound, but I found very little. Shulgin says that it was anecdotally deemed "inactive", but I disagree.

No synthesis stuff here and that reaction is basically impossible anyway ~ atara

TMA-2 active does is around 30-35mg. It was theorized that N-Methylation would reduce the activity and give more of a euphoric effect, much like the MDA ->MDMA analogy. SWIM was somewhat correct.

With 50mg: Stimulation is the main feeling, but it is different from a normal amphetamine feeling. This feels GOOD.. really good. Not in an MDMA sort of way, but in a "Kid that just arrived at Disney World for the first time" sort of good. It was emotional, soooo happy. Dancing to a good DJ was wonderful. I wanted to jump around and talk to everyone. It was fraking awesome.

With 100-150mg (probably closer to 150mg, we didn't have a balance at the campsite): Stimulation again, but more intense.. subtle, but intense. The effects are hard to describe, other than GOOD... VERY GOOD... So happy... SO very happy. I laughed for 10 hours straight (almost)... everything was so FUN. Any idea anyone had, we did it. Everything was a good idea. Emotional perfection of god-like proportions. Erotic ideas were there, but my wife was NOT, so that realm was not explored, unfortunately. This material induces a state of LOVE with everything: people, thoughts, things, actions; everything is awesome.

After about 12 hours of this UBER happiness, I started to compare this drug to the "Happy Helmet" that Stimpy built for Ren in those old Ren & Stimpy cartoons. "Look at me, Stimpy!! I AM SOOO HAPPY!! I'VE NEVER BEEN THIS HAPPY BEFORE!! I DON'T THINK I CAN TAKE IT ANY MORE, STIMPY!! SOOOOOO HAAAPPPPYYYY!!!!!"

We donned the material as "DIVINITY", and I hope the name sticks, because this stuff is the food of the gods.. ambrosia!!

Let me just say that I have personally tasted almost ALL of the compounds in Shulgin's book. This Divinity (TMMA-2) is not like any other psychedelic that I have ever experienced. To even call it psychedelic seems wrong, honestly. It is SO DIFFERENT.. so very different. It isn't a "roll" like MDMA or MDA, either. I had almost ZERO physical effects other than some stimulation. NO teeth rubbing, NO eye bouncing, ZERO hallucinations.. nothing. TMA-2 gives me good visuals, but NOTHING with DIVINITY. It is purely emotional. This is the rolls-royce of psychic drugs, and, in my opinion, it needs to be mass produced. We were all fantacizing about a party with everyone on Divinity.. OMG.. that would be SOO good. You have no idea. I would pay a lot of money for that, and I think a lot of other people would do the same. Considering the kind of effects that Divinity gives, I doubt that it would even be scheduled too quickly, or even at all. There is NO intoxication, no 'F'd-up'-ness to this stuff. It is just PURE HAPPINESS. Everyone that helped us guinea-pig the material that night is begging for more.

No synthesis information.


The beauty of Divinity is that idiots looking to get wasted will NOT like it. It doesn't intoxicate. It ELEVATES. This is the kind of thing that Elite classes of people would pay top dollar for, people looking for perfection... people with power. I also believe this material could be used for clinically depressed individuals, but that is for another conversation and will have to come later.

This is the first of many posts that I will make on Divinity. I plan to hit every psychedelic website I can find. Feel free to ask me anything... SOMEONE needs to bring this data to the world, and I am gonna do my best to make it happen.

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well, this indeed sounds like the new supermescaline, but you're just one person saying it's so great thus far so we'll see!
vendor report ?

I certainly hope not. This is not really something we'd expect from the SAR, since 2-methoxy groups tend to abolish the sort of monoamine releaser/euphoriant activity we like. N-methyl-MMDA-2 was disappointing. However, that doesn't mean the report isn't true, just suspicious.
However, that doesn't mean the report isn't true, just suspicious.

Especially because Shulgin wrote it off as inactive, if this report is true there are probably more 'deemed inactive' drugs than we think.
It is true. Like I said, it is not a normal psychedelic. Everyone that has experienced Divinity has deemed it a new thing all together. The best way to describe it would be Excitement. Everything was Exciting, like a pep-rally going off inside my brain.

What does "vendor report" mean?? I don't spend any time on these forums..

Atara: Without going into synthesis details, as par your rules, I'll just say it isn't done in one step. If you are not a chemist, why do you comment negatively?

Anyone interested in the actual synthesis can private mail me I suppose.. is this allowed? It's all too easy.
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TMA series is weird at best, as I've heard.

Not that I'm not interested in tasting them, but from the literature they are only really important historically as in they are the first real 'derivatives' of mescaline.

I'll follow up on this later when I can really expound upon your experience.

Thank you for the report!

This is very hard for me to believe and the fact that you referred to it with a "trade name" of "divinity" makes me think this is just a vendor post trying to stir up business for god knows what bath salt concoction is being sold as "Divinity".

Most trip reports at least include a few side effects or further analysis. This was like a full-blown sales pitch...
After reading through the whole report and researching around a little bit, I'm skeptical as well.

If I find any vendors offering anything called 'Divinity' I'll be pissed off and come back here, regardless of whether the shit actually is as good as you say it is.

Just curious, why would you 'hope' that people start calling a new compound some catchy abstraction of a trade name? Sounds like advertising bullshit to me. I hate when pharmacies do it too, so it's not just with things like 'ecstacy.'
If I find any vendors offering anything called 'Divinity' I'll be pissed off and come back here, regardless of whether the shit actually is as good as you say it is.

Just curious, why would you 'hope' that people start calling a new compound some catchy abstraction of a trade name? Sounds like advertising bullshit to me. I hate when pharmacies do it too, so it's not just with things like 'ecstacy.'

QFT, eyes peeled for 'Divinity'.
He hasn't returned to the thread.

Vendor alert.

My vendar is operating at full capacity today.
