
Nov 2, 1999
Well i guess its time for me to take a break. I've been rolling for a bit now. But the past two months has been non-stop. And my rolls don't last as long and are not as hard as before. Also i think that i need to give my body a break.
I must admit though there are too many things going on these days that it will be hard to resist. But I think that I will be able to do it.
The next time I'm going won't be till after new year's eve. And i think that an awesome date would be for a round three of PVD for me at Twilo on Jan 7th, 2000.
So there. Almost a month without beans for me. But i guess it will be good for me and let my body recoop.
And for all of you. Take a bean for me in the mean time. OTAY???
*****BEAN me up Scotty*****
I just wanted to say I support you, and any break you take will only make the next time more amazing.
I don't think I'll be rolling 'till New Years or after myself. Anytime you want to go for crazy dancing night sans happy beans, you just let me know and we'll get our groove on.
hey drgnfly
what's up brother? you know? i think a lot of us are getting to that point now...but i'll tell you a secret...(well it's not really a secret now) i fell off the wagon this past saturday night... but i've decided that i'm going to finish out the year and then go clean. I still feel like total shit today, but we've got a few meetups planned and i just don't want to miss out on them.
much respect to you drgnfly, if you need any support from someone who's feeling proabably the same know where to find me
good luck, man
you were there for me when i needed some words...and now it's my turn
Dayam i love you bluelight people...
Chacha, most definite !!! even if not going to boogie we should get together after work and go for drinks or something...
Soulfly, my next trip to bean town should be sometime soon after new years... and i'm definitely getting together with you and going to do some damage in bean town....
It was a weird feeling when i got up on saturday, i slept all day, it was dark when i got up and felt energized.. but then after a couple of hours into the evening i felt like complete ass... Well i guess that's what you get for rolling every weekend for 2 months without any breaks...
Thanks for all your kind words...
always PLUR always
*****BEAN me up Scotty*****
Im whicha brotha! I had a very "good" weekend doing some very "bad" things to my body. I just recently found out about the PVD show in January and that seems like a nice little show to shoot for! Much respect to the NY crew. Love ya all. I'll definitely get in touch with you closer to that date for a meetup.
Definitely with you, drgnfly . . really
sorry that i was so out of it when we met up
today. Every weekend for 4 months is not
good ... time for me to rest, too. On your
side, jahm, so i guess i'll be owing you a
Suprisingly felt good yesterday, but I
should've known it was too good to be true
because i've majorly crashed . . feel
physically beaten down and Edepression has
taken its toll.
Hate this feeling -
worst one yet. Anyone else ever get this
feeling ?
'nuthin but PLURness'. . . . . . <>!
{{GATS}} =P
[This message has been edited by Tshirt (edited 13 December 1999).]
hey Drgnfly- just seeing how youre doing...and hope to see you after new years when you come up...and if you want...i'll buy ya a bean to celebrate
and TShirt- you know? i deal with the SAME thing...all the time
i'm probably the worst candidate for E...due to my poor upbringing and my usual mental state.... and well...i keep doing it
but i can spend the entire week depressed and disconnected...sometimes it really sucks...