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my RLS story...

sorry for thinking i could join a forum for a discussion...

i'll know better next time :)

find me a specialist that can help me without a 4-6month waiting list and you get a gold star!
Misk, try going for a run about 1 a and a half hours before you deicde yo go to sleep........
also the dr i was warned against going to due to him physically harming a patient amongst other reasons...

i dont see why this thread cant remain open?
also dont see what i have done to upset you AyahuascaSeeker13?
AyahuascaSeeker13, I hope you never get any sort of condition where you need to seek answers for, God help you if you come across people like yourself.

Misk has got a problem he is seeking answers to, regardless if he is going about it the wrong or right way. If you are not part of the solution, then you are just part of the problem. If you cannot contribute something valuable, then you really should say nothing at all.

This is a harm minimisation and information site, if I were in Misk's shoes I would have opened the same sort of thread, he obviously has been looking for answers for a while without any seeming success.

Misk, quite often there is a component to restless legs syndrome which has it's roots in magnesium deficiency. Being magnesium deficient produces symptoms of restless legs. As the body does not store magnesium and excretes what is not immediately consumed, magnesium is something that for those deficient they need to take regular doses, approx 3 times a day.

There is a solution called 'Magnesium Oil' which is sprayed on the skin and is absorbed into the body through the skin. This is a good option as you can keep doses up regularly. Magnesuim oil can be bought from sellers on ebay for the best value.

The other option is Homoeopathy. Homoeoepathic medicine is very effective. Do not see a Natropath who does Homoeopathy, see a Homoeopath. There are quite a few magnesium remedies available, though this might not neccessarily be the correct remedy for yourself.

Homoeopathy is prescribed based on symptoms. The particular way your rls manifests will specific to you. The Homoeopath will attempt to match your unique symptoms to a remedy which manifests the characteristics of your symptoms. It can be quite effective when the symptom picture, and the medicine picture are matched precisely.

Good luck with your search. If you have a few month wait for a specialist, that would allow you the time to see if transdermal magnesium and homoeopathy might make a difference to your condition. I hope I have contributed something worthwhile that may be an avenue you were unaware of, but hopefully may lead you to find some relief for your condition.
thanks for the reply.
i had tried taking magnesium supplements with vitamin D and calcium for some months as they all seem to give some people some relief, but had not heard of the spray.
at this point, im willing to try anything, so i will check out both options.

The spray is Magnesium Chloride, and is apparently the most superior route for magnesuim ingestion. Research Homoeopathy too, it is the sort of thing that is very underrated. You just need to find a good Homoeopath. You should at least be treated acutely for the symptoms, and constitutionally for the underlying cause.
in my opinion, this is why they arnt taking you seriously.

alot of GPs hate it when you talk like you know better than them, it doesnt matter how much research you have done.. they know better.. this isnt the case for all doctors, but it definatly happens alot.

if you are telling them the ins and outs of RLS and then telling them the best course of action is a certain drug, well, id be pretty wary of prescribing you aswell mate.

Some are like that for sure...but if you have a good GP who you've been going to for a while they normally trust you to some point.

There's different ways you can come across to a doctor which would probably get a harsh reaction - acting like a know-it-all, looking like a typical drug user, tripping their 'med shopper' alert etc. Gotta be polite and careful how you say things. Like instead of 'this is the way it is', try explaining where you read/learnt 'this is the way it is'. Lots of people think they know the way it is when they might not :)

My uncle had pretty bad RLS for years but in the last couple years it seems much better, should probably ask him what worked for him.

i agree that respecting doctors goes a long way, but dont sit there and tell me that every single doctor you have seen has wanted to go out of their way to help you...
i have been told that there is nothing wrong and my time is up as there are other patients with 'actual' problems.

That's messed up mate, not doubting you at all some doctors just make up their mind about something/someone and that's it...gotta just shake your head and move on which it sounds like your doing.
RLS the nightmare from hell.
Opiates will relieve it- not a smart answer i know but it works.
I can definitely empathise with doctors not taking you seriously, especially if there's a history of drug use/abuse. As I've probably demonstrated I'm not familiar with this condition at all but I wish you well in finding a doctor that will take you seriously, don't give up, if you keep searching I hope you'll find someone a bit more useful. What state are you in?

Also, have you tried just the amino acid L-Tyrosine? It's a precursor to dopamine one step before L-Dopa, and you can get that without a prescription.
I'll only add about the frustration it can have of taking information to GPs (which from literally 100s of hours of research + talking with other people with the same/similar condition(s) ) with them not bothering to take note of what you have to say and/or are actually angered that you would dare to tell them information...

Especially when you learn from speaking to them, they are very ignorant to the topic you are talking about (ignorance means not knowing, not the misconception of it being used as arrogance). It's soooooo frustrating... This was from experience of doctors in the public hospital system (which I moved to private within a couple months due to the said bad experiences) and also seeing GPs. I've probably seen 20-30 various specialists and GPs for my injury over the past 4+ years, I reckon I've cost TAC almost a mil in medical fees, thankfully or else I'd be in a lot more pain and possibly less recovery than I do have now.

So.. my recommendation is, when taking information to doctors, let them know you've done research but leave the questions/statements as "I thought this possibly could help, what do you think?" and the like so it still lets them come off as being the ones who prescribed the help/drugs you took to them. I literally left a couple GPs after having the experience of them being offended of taking information (that was correct/right) for help with my chronic pain/nerve damage. The good doctors/specialists took the info and thanked me for taking time and poured over the info to see if it helped/was relevant. The bad ones just dis-regarded it without even taking time to look at the info I had.

It is sad but I think you have to let the GP feel they are the ones "in control", well for the majority anyway. That is until you may build a relationship with them that they then actually rely on you bringing up to date info, that was the case for my local GP in Richmond who was good. He took me on (after I left a couple of other GPs who I felt were crap) and started doing courses/seminars in chronic pain. And this guy was a locum for the crap GP I left who 'owned' the medical centre I was going to, plus he was semi retired going to work 2-3 days a week, aged 50s but by fook he was good. He listened to me, attended classes to learn specifics for me, really warmed my heart :) Had to leave him though as we moved to Geelong, 30 GPs I've phoned, 4 I have seen, I finally found one I can rely on to listen to me and not instantly reject any info I bring.

So, I'm sticking with him, plus he doesn't have a stigma in prescribing schedule 8 stuff like oxycontin, just as long as I don't show signs of abusing it. He has said a few other things which has made me very happy, I know I can get 200-300% of stuff prescribed *if* he feels it is needed, not "wanted" by me, that is in time though, which has shown me there is room for tolerances and needed higher levels of drugs in the future, *if needed*. I hopefully of course hope to heal more than injure as time goes on but with my fooked shoulder, it's hard to tell due to the nature of the injury.

Sorry for my long post, I guess you can tell my morning pain meds are kicking in so I'm liable to type a lot more than a basic answer ;) But as I've tried to convey, GPs can be very narcissistic when it comes to patients having the possible answer(s) to their condition(s), even some having drugs as some/all of the answer(s). Just let these (idiots) feel like they are the ones telling you what you need, even if it's the result of your research + [hard] work, but it is what it is. You rely on their power of the prescription, can't do much else besides leaving them and going elsewhere, which as I said, have done more than once. FOOK the healthcare provider if they aren't the best for me, I deserve the best care so I'll go out of my way to find it :)
maybe i didnt describe how i was acting at the doctors properly, rest assured i dont walk in and tell them this is how it is kind of thing lol.
i always tell them my condition, show them my test results and ask what they know on the matter.
i then say i have been doing some research and have heard such and such works, have you heard of this? what is your thoughts? i'm really trying to find the next step in the situation.

i have found this approach is working well, i dont care what they prescribe me, could be panadol and vitamin c lol, if they think it will work, ill give it a go.

sorry if it seemed i went in with the approach of wanting specific medications with a speel to get it.
i have only asked for xanax once early on as i was getting sick of being on stilnox and what not which didnt treat my symptoms at all, just knocked me out.

wazza, i can only imagine the situation you would go through needing medication for pain, good to see you have had some luck with doctors through your time.
sadly i cant afford private or even non bulk billing doctors, which is the main reason i have such a hard time finding someone that is willing to listen.

luckily, so far the sinemet is working good.
although ive had only one tablet last night and one this morning, my legs are feeling much better and should improve over time.
AyahuascaSeeker13: What is your problem? Misk is here looking for help and people who have similar experiences, and you are acting like a complete asshole. Why is this thread annoying? This is a harm reduction website, you should know about which threads are appropriate here and not due to your thread warning about raids being closed.

Misk: Ignore those guys. Your thread won't be closed, and I hope that you get some useful advice from this website. I hope these jerks don't spoil Bluelight for you, it really is a great site that provides a lot of good information and discussion. :)
clonaz isn't a monkey on your back if you need it and dont abuse it.

Hell i've abused every benzo under the sun, and seriously, unless you over do it for fuckn months, you'll be fine...

I've bounced back from heroin w/d, Benzo w/d and just about everything else - the docs should give you what you need.

p.s wazza, was great to see ya yesterday mate - i'll make the effort to visit your side of town more often :) Try bring zaine up next time... and maybe have to bring my ex too :(
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clonaz isn't a monkey on your back if you need it and dont abuse it.

Hell i've abused every benzo under the sun, and seriously, unless you over do it for fuckn months, you'll be fine...

I've bounced back from heroin w/d, Benzo w/d and just about everything else - the docs should give you what you need.

p.s wazza, was great to see ya yesterday mate - i'll make the effort to visit your side of town more often :) Try bring zaine up next time... and maybe have to bring my ex too :(

Was a good catch up as always :) Be it a big one or small one these days as dictated by having kiddies about.

I'll agree with the above about not having a monkey on your back *if* you don't abuse a drug/chemical. Even the dreaded opiate monkey appears not to hop on people (that I interact via injury/medical websites) who can take boatloads of oxycontin, say daily for 5+ years, if they are using it for their pain properly. I've seen anecdotal posts from chronic pain people who were on say, 480+mg oxycontin daily for 5 years and after surgery/healing, their pain was noticably down/gone so they went off the oxycontin use, I recall the guy saying he stopped 480+mg daily use to zero in about a week and 3-6 months after said stopping, he had no noticeable WDs. This was the case from a few posts from people using it only for pain, I guess it works in real life that using a drug for a "proper need" can stop the monkey coming onto your back.

So, as said, the main difference is the actual reality of using or abusing a said drug. Just remember, soon as you feel like drug use is becoming "fun", it's time to evaluate the use, having the monkey jump on the back could be a very big regret, just use as NEEDED and you most likely will be able to use said drug.

Misk, sucks about the $$ with seeing a non bulk billing, I have found good doctors who bulk bill but it probably is via my luxury of being able to pay for any doctor bill (TAC takes care of all medical/health care providers related to my injury in 06) but they are out there, the majority might be Coles checkout type revolving doors as-many-patients-per-hour as possible GPs but there are some ones out there that are good, hope you find good service, it can be a jungle out there!
I got some Repreve for my RLS the other day worked like a charm and mixed well with other drugs. So relaxing and dope. Very expensive though. I just hope its not too addictive i binged on it when i first got it. Want to try it with some codeine and phenibut it would be so nice i recon. Add some barbs and benzos to the bliss, oh some weed be needed for those sensitive to lots of dopamine.
^ It's a dopamine agonist; what drugs did you mix it with? I'm surprised you found it relaxing and 'dope'.

I imagine mixing with an opioid would probably lead to extra nausea, as direct dopamine agonists are known to cause.
i always copped nausea from my sifrol (another dopamine agonist) and could see no use whatsoever in it other than treating specific conditions that would aid in relief of symptoms.
sadly, i was not one of those people.

after a week on sinemet and 2 days of nausea and vomiting plus increased pain and symptoms (ie. 5 times worse than before), i told the gp and he reckons i need to take less of a dose (was on half a tablet of 100/25 strength) and wait longer before ruling it out as a solution and to wait for my specialists appointment which could be months away.

i think he can get fucked...
id rather be in the state i was before than nauseous and with more pain.

they are still refusing to give me anything to help with the pain or my sleep as any of those meds could be 'addictive' and not ethical to prescribe.

dont know why these guys are doctors if they arent willing to prescribe something which will help at least relieve my symptoms.

i cant sleep, am in constant pain and often miss days of work, cant exactly go on like this for months.

sorry for the rant :/
really dont know what else to do, ill lose my job again if i keep up with sick days and lack of performance due to the symptoms.

if anyone knows of a good doctor for this condition in the eastern suburbs, please pleeease let me know.
i dont want to get shit to abuse it, i want to feel normal again.
Interesting story dude, I can't really give advice it's a bit out of my league and I can't at all relate to a condition like that.

In your future you should consider doing a documentry it would be definitely one I'd be interested in seeing. Hope you catch some luck!
I suffer from this condition and i do take Xanax for other reasons and i don’t think it is worth it in the end. I totally understand your frustration with being honest with your doctor about this medical condition, from my own experience no doctor’s have taken me seriously when mentioning RLS.
hmm that post was bit erratic last night, didnt mean for it to come out like i was so against the doctor, but im losing my grip on alot of things.

i think xanax or a benzo works so well for me because when i know im not going to sleep my mind starts racing and all i can think or concentrate on are my legs, so the xanax calms me down as well as relieving the pain and gives me a good night sleep compared to the no sleep i got last night.
i also twitch less or not at all when i take xanax for this.

but i would much rather try clonazepam as i dont think id need as much as often.
regardless, i just need something to get me by until my specialist appointment.
because im in so much discomfort, there is no way i would abuse any meds prescribed for this as i just want them to do their job as they should on a correct dose as directed.

i had 50x 1mg xanax last year and it helped me leaps and bounds in every aspect of my life, didnt abuse them and had no withdrawal symptoms nor addiction symptoms, but i do still hold out hope that i can treat the actual cause, which could even be MS as i sometimes get electric shock style twitching down my arm all the way down to one or two fingers and often get numb toes, so it could be a few things.

ill update once i have more profreson with the some info s it comes, will ne intesting shen th undersrand how financially pained and broke becaused ofthos

just had 3mg of xanax, so will be slepy time for me soon