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My preload regimen


Sep 30, 2013
Hi all,

just wanted to quickly share my preloading regimen when taking MDMA as the last two times i tried it i had no comedown or side effects whatsoever(keeping the dose reasonable also helped, i'm sure).

2 hours before dropping:

a light meal(just be nice to my stomach with all the supplements)

2gs vit C with bioflavanoids
500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
100mg Grape Seed Extract
200mg Green Tea Extract
100mg CoQ10
10mg PQQ
my daily dose of Omega 3(2 caps)

1 hour before dropping:

200mg R-ALA
500mg Magnesium(oxide/glycinate combined formulation with zinc and calcium).

2 Hours into the roll:

100mg R-ALA
1g Vit C

4 Hours into the roll:

100mg R-ALA
1g Vit C
500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine

When coming down:

100mg Grape Seed Extract
200mg Green Tea Extract
1g Vit C
100mg CoQ10
200mg 5-HTP

Before going to bed:

6mg Melatonin

Like I said, I wake up the next day fresh as daisies and don't get any kind of blues or hangover throughout the week. I should also add that I mixed 10mg of Noopept into a 60mg booster which i took at T+1.5 and seemed to make the booster more effective, keep me clear headed throughout the roll without the usual mongering that comes later on, and made the uncomfortable feelings of the effects wearing off non-existant. It was just a smooth landing back to baseline.

Peace out :)
Nice! One improvement I suggest, which I use:
Sustained release ALA. ALA has a very short half-life, and is thus not very effective when dosed one or twice. I dose 3-4 600mg ALA sustained release before the roll (and 1-2 after), and this is released over a span of 7-8 hours. Great for maintaining a constant flow of anti-oxidant into the system. I do the same with vitamin C, dose 2 1500mg vitamin C (released over 7-8 hours) tablet prior, and then one 1000mg instant release after the rave (8 hours after the first dose MDMA)
Ofcourse,you take these supplements during the roll, which is no option for me at a rave. However, I suggest trying these sustained release versions so you don't have to bother with vitamins during the precious roll time.

I'm quite interested in the Acetyl-L-Carnitine. I might buy it as well.
I didn't know there are time release vitamins, i'll definitely check it out. thanks for the info.

I actually bring all the supplements with me to raves too and dose them while rolling. I look like a weirdo to a lot of people carrying so many bottles of pills and chugging them down but who cares? :p
Wow that some regime you got there, was going to say what do you do when you go out/not return for a day or 2 but it seems you take all your bottles with you.

Just out of curiosity have you ever tried and see what you felt like after just taking MDMA, enjoying your night then waking up in the morning? Or do you do this out of going through bad comedowns, and not wanting to go there again?
my first 3 times taking MDMA were with no supplements and even though i didn't suffer horrible comedown or anything of the sort, i definitely felt hungover, dazed, lethargic(that "deflated baloon" feeling you have in your head) and apathetic the next day and could feel subtle negative effects on my emotional state the following week. This of course, hasn't been the case when using these supplements. I know a lot of people regard this as placebo and it's a shame, because the difference can be felt and is supported scientifically. Honestly, it's not even that expensive and I believe the body deserves a fair treatment after the beating we're giving it by taking the MDMA in the first place.

Do I believe i'll be dead in the water if I didn't preload? of course not. But it seems stupid to me not to do it when it clearly helps and is supported by research. It's honestly the least I can do for my body.
Might I also add that pre-loading on 5-HTP 3 months+ in advance improves the roll significantly o:

Not for 3 months but I took 5htp for a week and then stopped 4 days before and rolled harder than I had in a year. Seems like it's a good idea for people who have screwed up their tolerance.
I also believe you OP but for a guy like me who's really low on cash I definitely don't have the cash to be buying so many supplements.
I also believe you OP but for a guy like me who's really low on cash I definitely don't have the cash to be buying so many supplements.

No shit, OP I think Bear Grylls could do a thousand TV commercials hunting all the animals for this :\

Do you feel completely scattered the next day if you don't have this pre-load?
Like I said, i'm not dead in the water if I don't do this preload but it just seems silly of me not to when it's about a 100$ investment at worst, that can easily last you for more than a year of rolling(even, and especially if, you do it every other week or every month). I think people should know what they're talking about before jumping the gun saying "it's really expensive".
Seems a little excessive. I'm all for HR but when I'm at an event I just want to enjoy myself instead of waiting every few hours to take loads of supplements. I'm also a firm believer that dosage is the main way to minimize damage and/or the comedown. Taking loads of supplements is secondary and less important.
Fucking hell. I've been filling myself full of drugs for years (I'm 40), on a daily basis for the last few years (not daily MDMA, I do polydrugs) I don't get hangovers or comedowns either. I have the odd berocca, that's it. Booze, that's a different matter. I've been avoiding that stuff as much as possible lately.
I will say that if you're young and still developing it makes a lot of sense to take care of your brain. But I've really tried hard to drive myself insane with drugs and I just can't do it (I do have some temporary success but then it wears off). I keep bouncing back. Life has fucked me up more than drugs ever could.