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Health My perspective on the dark side of psychedelics


Aug 19, 2013
This is just my experience and yours might be different, but I wanted to share nevertheless. During my freshman year of college, I began experimenting a fair amount with lsd and ketamine. I connected with these drugs in particular because they made me feel like I really had things figured out during the experience. Not just my personal stuff but the nature of reality of well. This feeling of clarity was so strong that I would usually trip around once a month to reset things. During this time, I didn't feel like I was overdoing it but in retrospect I probably was. Anyway, what I want to mention about the dark side isn't about frequency of use, but how life without psychedelics can feel anhedonic. I can no longer use psychedelics at all due to having psychosis, but to this day it's been impossible for me to capture the magic I felt during lsd and ketamine trips while sober. Since I felt so strongly like I had everything figured out during these experiences, and they really made me appreciate the little things, it caused sober life to become all the more dull. I know others have had an easier time integrating their insights into sober life but for me it's quite difficult without chemical aid. My point is that if you become too attached to the experinces like I did for a few years, sometimes it can be hard to recreate the same feelings without the substances. This has been my experience, maybe yours is different.
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This is just my experience and yours might be different, but I wanted to share nevertheless. During my freshman year of college, I began experimenting a fair amount with lsd and ketamine. I connected with these drugs in particular because they made me feel like I really had things figured out during the experience. Not just my personal stuff but the nature of reality of well. This feeling of clarity was so strong that I would usually trip around once a month to reset things. During this time, I didn't feel like I was overdoing it but in retrospect I probably was. Anyway, what I want to mention about the dark side isn't about frequency of use, but how life without psychedelics can feel anhedonic. I can no longer use psychedelics at all due to having psychosis, but to this day it's been impossible for me to capture the magic I felt during lsd and ketamine trips while sober. Since I felt so strongly like I had everything figured out during these experiences, and they really made me appreciate the little things, it caused sober life to become all the more dull. I know others have had an easier time integrating their insights into sober life but for me it's quite difficult without chemical aid. My point is that if you become to attached to the experinces like I did for a few years, sometimes it can be hard to recreate the same feelings without the substances. This has been my experience, maybe yours is different.
Are you talking about the combo or just both separately ? Just Curious :unsure:

The reason I ask is that I use to combo LSD and PCP back in the day and it was indeed a very special combo. 👍
Are you talking about the combo or just both separately ? Just Curious :unsure:

The reason I ask is that I use to combo LSD and PCP back in the day and it was indeed a very special combo. 👍
Generally I took them seperately. Psychedelic combos are part of what caused my psychosis some years ago.
Takes a while to find your joy sober.

To much transcendce can become very depressing to live a sober life. Been there aswell. But i was tripping every week on heavy doses, take a short break for tolerance and take more heavy doses.

Eventually I just wanted to be dead and rest in the godhead.

Its been two years since i stopped using psychedelics regularly and had a 8 month break then 3 month break for my last two trips.

It also a phase of life, at college you have tons of time and are young, then you graduate or get a job and suddenly your now in a real adult world with reasonability's and no time to trip, all the things you use to do that made you happy and fun are now past memories.

It can be pretty dull in a 9-5 job.

I do miss tripping alot.

It can be hard to intergate the psychedelic lessons into life.

You got to find hobbies and passions that you love.

Getting sober was hard, and my only drug use this year was LSD and DMT, acid twice, dmt once.
I had the same experience you did. After experiencing psychedelics when I was young, everything else seemed to pale in comparison. I also ended up with psychoses as well. Psychedelics aren't addictive in the same way that heroin is, but you can become addicted to the experience and fixate on it.
I had the same experience you did. After experiencing psychedelics when I was young, everything else seemed to pale in comparison. I also ended up with psychoses as well. Psychedelics aren't addictive in the same way that heroin is, but you can become addicted to the experience and fixate on it.
You’re absolutely right about fixating on the experiences. I would constantly be thinking: “imagine what this hike would be like if I was on acid,” whenever I would do things outdoors. To this day I have not been able to stop doing these kind of comparisons.
I never had this problem because i would bad trip whenever my intentions were silly ..thats the good thing with psychedelics they have a limiter ...ketamine on tha other hand ..is psychedelic heroin with no limiter or breaks
I admit
it is easy to become attached to the flavor of psychedelic experience
especially when you confidently seem to know what is happening.
being turned on, is
being turned on.
So was both the LSD and K use once a month? What kinda doses? Did you ever use the K more frequently?

Krink makes a good point, when you find a drug you enjoy it’s only natural to then wonder in what settings it would be fun. It’s only a problem when you can no longer enjoy the activities you once did without a substance.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about tripping or rolling in certain settings, nature being huge for me too. Does that mean I don’t enjoy being out there? Nope. Still a wonderful experience and if anything I appreciate it more because of my past trips than not.

A lot of the posts here are dealing with people having trips, then thinking regular consensus reality is depressing. But it is, am I missing something?

You know if you taste Heaven and get cast out after the trip it seems logical that the come down needs integrating for the content and not just the experience. A lot of psychedelic users do it for the experience. Up and down, up and down. Getting addicted the experience. When I was younger I too went through a phase where I did it for the experience. The Grateful Dead playing 3 nights at Nassau Coliseum or Providence in say 1982, one hit the first night, two the second and 4 for the 3rd. I learned later on in life to just pick either the Fri or Sat night to trip. Later on I did that with festivals too. I would stick with cannabis the first few nights, then the Sat night dose. I had seen people dose every night and burning out on the Sat night when the best music happened.

Now psychedelics causing psychosis would be a different topic. It can happen. Never to me but I did witness a friend totally freak out but was back to normal the next day. That was 40 years ago. He can still dose within reason these days.

Getting absorbed in life can help with integrating. Taking breaks and picking proper set and settings can also help. Cutting back to occasional use has worked best for me. I did not know that when I was buy sheets of acid and gobbling them. But in time I did learn. And I did go through periods where I was depressed if I was not tripping.

I also think Mr Krinkle said it right, that can be with any drug. It IS with a lof of drugs. Possibly a different mechanism but I have been reading the ketamine addiction forum on Reddit to my horror. That psychological addiction to think a person needs a substance can be even more stubborn than physical dependence. I can see that spilling over to psychedelics too.
A lot of the posts here are dealing with people having trips, then thinking regular consensus reality is depressing. But it is, am I missing something?

I think it can go either way depending how its viewed. For example if you think its possible to live with some of those positive attributes in daily life, it can be very inspiring to touch upon them 'artificially' from time to time
I think it can go either way depending how its viewed. For example if you think its possible to live with some of those positive attributes in daily life, it can be very inspiring to touch upon them 'artificially' from time to time
I agree. Having read a lot of NDE's there are the two different sides which may be similar. Coming back from an NDE a lot of people come back enthusiastic and happy to be alive. Others come back to a deep depression that is said to be like weighing 1000 pounds and trying to walk through mud in physical life. Like living and walking through molasses.

Not sure how I would be with an NDE. I can say being younger I found tripping to be inspiring. I still do, but do come back more depressed that I have to face the same days I had even before the trip. That old saying, before wisdom, chop wood carry water, after wisdom chop wood carry water. (or something like that don't quote me)

But I am trying to think if the original thought for the thread was a different notion that what we are talking about? I am sure a lot of us find psychedelics to be refreshing and probably the reason we revisit them. But I do believe it can work both ways.
i felt like i couldn't really ever make art or music with out being high or tripping. i feel like i just know more and work more unconsciously while using. i've managed to do one painting since i stopped doing lsd analogues about four or five years ago now, and after i finished it, i really like how it came out and i'm kind of into painting with out psychedelics at this point just to see if i can. i still feel like i have some type of muse, but i feel like my movement toward painting is less natural with out psychedelics... like also i've been thinking about recording some music that i was doing before while tripping, but i don't even feel like i could hook up my equipment or start doing it because the marijiuana isn't going to keep me high long enough for me to complete my task. this is all pretty much in my head, i know.

i also love the feeling of lsd analogues to the point that if i had the money i would dose them as much as possible. they help stop some awkward feelings in my body that i have from having a messed up back, and i just love how dirty they feel in general and how i feel great when waking up the next day... if i didn't have stomach problems like i wrote about, i'd probably be in a bad mood i didn't have money to do those all the time...

and when i really think about it, if i'm going to go all out tripping as hard as i possibly can, it's just kind of like "what the fuck do i even want to do that for". like a low dose of psychedelics is always cool to get creative or be put in a better mood and vibe with nature, get some light visuals... but going all out on psychedelics is another thing. i might's'well just save that shit for dreaming because i'm apt to do something insane or just really not be in a place to make any sense cause reality is going to go away and it's just like dreaming in my experience.. i actually smoked salvia recently and as cool as it is, i'm just kind of like not really seeing a reason to do that after experiencing it so many times. i know it's possible to get different trips and i will try it again, but when i do that it's kind of in a masochistic way to torture myself, like part of my mind is actually laughing at how miserable i feel. like it's not just miserable though, it's cool as hell like art or something. it's just so fucked up that when i get back from the trips i appreciate reality for what it is....... i mostly just have to learn to live feeling good when i don't have any weed money or have to vape in the winter cause i'm going to be living in a smoke free apartment. been a lot for me to think about lately not using drugs the same as i used to... but i've mostly felt good about it... i was planning not to do psychedelics until i can do them in a setting where it's legal, and i've been fine even thinking i'll never trip again.. but i actually found out 6 cities in my state made it so you can't be arrested for growing, handing out, or taking mushrooms. i've been in a pretty good mood because of this. i'm just gonna live in my town where it's still illegal for the next however so many years and if they don't change my town by then, i'll probably try to relocate to one of the cities that are listed as decriminalized in what sounds like a pretty awesome way... i've been thinking about actually just moving to calorado, but i don't want to leave my family. at least if i'm in the same state it won't be like i never contact them ever again.

psychedelics definitely are addictive though ime. like when i first started using them, all i would think about was my experiences tripping and when i was gonna trip again... after like twenty years of that, i care a bit less about doing that... that's a while of doing that though to feel how i do about them.
This is just my experience and yours might be different, but I wanted to share nevertheless. During my freshman year of college, I began experimenting a fair amount with lsd and ketamine. I connected with these drugs in particular because they made me feel like I really had things figured out during the experience. Not just my personal stuff but the nature of reality of well. This feeling of clarity was so strong that I would usually trip around once a month to reset things. During this time, I didn't feel like I was overdoing it but in retrospect I probably was. Anyway, what I want to mention about the dark side isn't about frequency of use, but how life without psychedelics can feel anhedonic. I can no longer use psychedelics at all due to having psychosis, but to this day it's been impossible for me to capture the magic I felt during lsd and ketamine trips while sober. Since I felt so strongly like I had everything figured out during these experiences, and they really made me appreciate the little things, it caused sober life to become all the more dull. I know others have had an easier time integrating their insights into sober life but for me it's quite difficult without chemical aid. My point is that if you become too attached to the experinces like I did for a few years, sometimes it can be hard to recreate the same feelings without the substances. This has been my experience, maybe yours is different.

Hi I can relate to your story a lot. Same thing. Psychedelics and ketamine/MXE made me feel like I had become enlightened and gained some grand knowledge.

Later I would quit psychedelics due to health reasons also (ketamine bladder damage)

Even before I quit though I realized as I got older that they didn’t enlighten people or make them loving. Those were things within myself that could be tapped into without psychedelics. The interest in the nature of reality lead to a lot of training and career in science and the emotional aspect of the drugs was something I learned to tap into by doinng a sport I was very passionate about but also very dangerous and puts you in the most remote places on earth a human can get to.

That sense of danger and accomplishment left me with the same realizations about what is truly important in life like family and love…similar to how near death experiences and psychedelics did.

i posted a thread years ago to the effect of “can psychedelics make bad ppl good. Like if Hitler had dropped acid or Molly would he have done what he did”. The answer was no. I came to find ppl that did psychs that were still extremely evil cruel ppl. The drugs didn’t teach ppl to love.

There is no other class of drugs that has ever deceived me as badly as psychs. With all other drugs I quickly realized that it was wrong and bad for me. Psychedelics tricked me the most into thinking they were a positive force in my life.

In the end I learned nothing more about the nature of reality than my studies taught me…in fact when you see the uneducated use psychs they tend to become even more deluded) and nothing more about love than actually real love and being loved taught me. The drugs were simply just another meaningless escape like heroin or whatever and they destroyed me.

To address your point about your life being full of Anhedonia, I don’t quite have that issue because I have something else too lock forward too. That thing is what I referred to above about getting out in dangerous remote natural environments to do a very dangerous activity. It’s simply a passion maybe but the feeling of having accomplished something very difficult that people I go with often fail at while I succeed is the essence of competitive sport. You can do it in non athletic pursuits like doing art. Always looking forward to that next adventure while at the same time being scared of it.

Lastly finding true love does make life more tolerable.

But the feeling of loss of something that feels amazing which is drugs , including especially empathogens and dopaminergic psychs like lsd are working on the pleasure centers that the hard drugs work on, albeit by mimicking rather than releasing dopamine.

Many things are lost during life though. And life without any addictive drugs will be a fond memory. One day being physically able to do any travel or physical activity will.your love may die literally or figuratively and you have to move on to the next phase of life and the memories of your trips and anything worth a damn you think it taught you will have to be enough for you. Don’t you think you get enough of what it’s about if you’ve tripped enough? Continuing to re use them throughout the entire course of one’s life from young to old, for some ppl, will simply be a phase in life they’ve accepted they have to live with if they want to continue living.
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but that's every drug you do and like...

"imagine what this would be like if im stoned"

"imagine what this would be like on coke"


It's not every drug. Weed yes, but weed is a psychedelic or at least has psychedelic effects so that doesn't even count. As far as other drugs, either no or not as much. For example, opiates for me were much more of a make me feel better drug regardless of what I was doing type drug. If I were to go on a hike or go to a concert I wouldn't find myself constantly thinking about what it would be like on heroin because heroin wouldn't enhance those experiences a whole lot. In fact for me, heroin dulled enjoyment of music. Cocaine for me, was mainly about attaining a state of incredible internal euphoria rather than enhancing a hike or a concert. I can't say I never had the thought "what would this be like on cocaine" but it wasn't near to the degree to witch it happened with psychedelics.
The dark side for me is that I will bad trip if I trip for escape. Maybe not a full blown bad trip, although I've done that too, but not a good one.
So, I don't think addiction would be the dark side for me.