My mind - a complete mess


Apr 25, 2017
So, how do I start, I'm not excellent at expressing my emotions, nor English is my native language, so I'll try and do my best to explain what my problem is.

First of all, I'm ONLY 14 years old, so this topic doesn't have to do anything with narcotics(since most of the topics here include those), but more likely my mental state, so apologies if I don't sound mature enough.

So, about myself, I've wasted most of my life(since 4yo or so) in front of the computer playing games and daydreaming that my life will be worth living when I grow up, just by sitting in front of the monitor, but I've never ever had the thought popping up that I'm completely alone and I've never ever had any friends against me who would give me their warm hugs and moral support whether I'm anxious and need a pillar to lean on, until the age of 13 when I was still only 8th grade when everything changed. I met a boy from my class whom I somehow found interest in and spoke to him quite often until the end of the school year when he offered me to hang out with him, but I refused, lying to him that "I'm way too lazy at this moment, perhaps some other time.", but actually, I still had that addiction to computers and I wasted another summer, sitting on my damn chair...

...And so the other school session began, now me, being a 9th grader, I met him again, though something changed and this time, I offered him to go outside and he agreed. The next day we were hanging out at my quarter and he offered me to his best friend, a girl that he knew since they were very young and uh, I agreed, because he explained me her character and I liked it a lot, though I've never liked people at all. In the next day it was finally all three of us and with the time passing by, we got to know each other quite well, but there was a problem... That I fell in love with her and became so obsessed with them, but with her - damn... two or three months later though, my classmate felt quite jealous, thinking that she prefers me more than him and decided to stop hanging out with us, but he apologized after about half a month later, but during that time, I became EVEN MORE obsessed with her.

But as soon as he became a friend of ours again, she sort of started acting strangely towards me, I received lesser and lesser attention from her with the time passing by and I was somehow ignored as well. I was so pissed then, I had to talk to her about that and in the end I confessed her my feelings, but she didn't take them well and rather decided to stop going out with me, because "I hate the feeling love", but somehow my friend discouraged her to do so and we continued being friends for the rest of the time, when... It became so repetitive, being more and more ignored by her, I started whining at them and made intrigues how isolated and useless I feel, but I guess I had irritated them so badly, she started disliking me and a few days before I wrote this thread, I made her confess that she's never liked me, but she doesn't want to tell me why. Then my friend told me that he could go out with me often, but he "has to hang out with her as well, but since she doesn't like you, we won't be able to meet each other all the time." and my heart was literally broken into pieces, I've never felt so much betrayal in my f*cking life before, I mean, I've been having suicidal thoughts for years, but I've never felt in such a negative way before, so the next day at school I told him that we should stop being friends, because I find his idea unfair and that he's not even trying to fix my relations, but instead excusing saying "I don't want to make her moody" and he said "Well, alright, I'm not begging you.", but after a few hours I thought that what I said was wrong and that I want him beside me nevertheless I feel so broken, but he refused to forgive me, saying that "We'd better stop being friends, since I'm almost usually stressed and irritated when you're with me, because you keep being an schemer.". I kept asking him for forgiveness and that I won't do that anymore since I just simply needed ATTENTION I almost never received, but he then responded, saying: "No, you may calm for a month, but I bet that you're going to keep being like that.". I tried even having the forgiveness of the girl. Being so insistent, I sent her literally, I mean LITERALLY a dozen of messages, but she ended up only seeing them and here I am, the only f*cking thing I care of doesn't have mutual feelings towards me and I even promised them that I'm going to commit suicide with paracetamol as it is quite cheap here, but I don't really want to feel enormous pain, but die with peace, since she said: "He's alive." after I told him to ask her why doesn't she like me a little bit before he stopped being my friend too. PS: Now while I'm writing this novel, she's happened to block me on Skype as well : /. Now I don't even know what to do since I just want to end my life not worth living, but I read that paracetamol could only damage your liver badly and literally rip it apart.
Please do not give in to the feelings of desperation that make you see ending your life as a viable option--nothing could be further from the truth. I understand how much pain you are in right now but you will continue to learn and grow and someday this will be one small memory, not the story of your life as it feels right now. You stretched yourself beyond your comfort zone to make friends and now it has gone badly with them. Rejection in love, and maybe even more in friendship, is one of the most painful experiences in human life. Almost everyone alive over a certain age has had to go through this--often multiple times. Use this experience as an opportunity to become strong in yourself--you need to be your own best friend first. If you feel tempted to stay in front of your computer all the time, try to resist. Find something physical to do like hiking or biking or swimming that will get you out of your house, out of your thoughts and into your physical body.

It is very easy when you are being rejected by someone else to be even more cruel in words to yourself than they are. Be aware of the language in your own head. If you are saying horrible things to yourself you must learn to be aware of it and to stop it. Nothing shuts down a life more effectively than self-talk that is promoting self-hatred or self-doubt. Loneliness in adolescence is a very difficult experience but not without value. Learning to befriend the state of loneliness as potentially creative, a time for self-discovery and positive introspection is one of the best things you can learn at this time in your life.

What kinds of things do you like to do on the computer? Are you a gamer? Many people make good friends through gaming. I was listening to a radio program about gaming and many people were talking about how they got to know each other through simply meeting online consistently in one game or another.

Do you have anyone in your family that you feel close to? Sometimes reaching out to an older person can be good. When I was at my loneliest during my twenties I got to be friends with my very elderly landlady. I found that she could make me laugh and I could connect with her without the usual stress that I felt when I was with my peers (Was I good enough? Was I too weird?--all the stupid anxieties!).

One last thing I will suggest. Find someone or something to help. We get very isolated in pain. One way to break the isolation and draw you outside of your own torturous feelings is to see a need and work to alleviate whatever suffering there is. Maybe work with abandoned animals, maybe with refugees in your community, maybe with very lonely old people that no longer have families. Volunteering is very good for getting you out of yourself and connecting with your own empathy and it is good for the world, too!<3

You were brave to write this. Keep pushing forward and don't give in to despair. Life will never be without pain but when you can create strength inside, the pain is much easier to recover from.
Hi, it's been awhile since I posted, a day after I made this thread, she had apologized to me and I thought that everything's a chill pill until yesterday when I found out that she doesn't really appreciates me, not even close to my feelings towards her.
Please do not give in to the feelings of desperation that make you see ending your life as a viable option--nothing could be further from the truth.

I've been trying, I've been really trying to get rid of my suicidal thoughts, though every single thing which popped out in my mind ended up with a negative conclusion, most of the time which is death.

What kinds of things do you like to do on the computer? Are you a gamer?
I don't know how to answer that myself nowadays, I used to do anything - playing games, listening to music, reading forums and blogs and such, I've even tried coding, but now it's just a tool to distract myself from the reality I'm so afraid of.

Do you have anyone in your family that you feel close to?
No, a few days ago though, my father saw me crying hysterically in my room and tried to cheer me up, then somehow he made me tell him the truth - what have I experienced and such, but then he had told me that I'll have to man up and that it's his fault that I've never received a beating from him. I barely know my other relatives by the way.

Find something physical to do like hiking or biking or swimming that will get you out of your house, out of your thoughts and into your physical body.
I've been doing Taekwon-do(WTF variant) for about half a year or so, but I only happen to go there at Monday and Thursday on the evenings, so I'm not getting distracted at all...

About making relationships - I've only ever had a single friend in the past and he moved to a different country. We texted each other constantly by the time, but he had started ignoring me more and more, so... I'm afraid of people, I've been trying to develop relations lots of times, but ended up realizing that the community is mostly idiotic, guess I'm truly unlucky...
Man, you basically fucked everything up by falling in love with her and playing the sensitive 3rd party, that is rejected by everyone now.

The best plan for you would be :

- search other friends and girls that seem compatible to you
- get to know them and share compassionate time with them
- care more about the new found friends than about your unsatisfied ego (it is not the others fault, that you dedicated your youth to playing video games alone, this is not meant to be offensive, I did the same when I was your age, but I never offended anyone, who rejected me, because of akwardness [I was very akward, but at the same time pretty good looking, so a weird situation for me], this is a bitch move in my opinion, because others like to commune in tribes, some of us like to be alone (you? and me?) so deal with it, make the best out of it
- try to forget that girl, with 90% probability the effort from your side will not pay off, so just try to ignore her, and perhaps she is so astonished, that she takes steps to reach you out
- in any case, search for other opportunities and forget those two (although they did not do anything wrong, it is just not in your interest, to keep up the current state of the situation)

Blabla. You are just fucking 14 years old, merely out of diapers. Don't be tripping. You have plenty of time to meet beautiful women. Just don't stay with anyone for too long until you are about 24, it is all just preparation ... that is the age, where you should find a real woman, that has sophisticated plans for the future (one of you has to have).

TLDR ? Distance yourself from emotional stress and try to observe, how women behave in a mating setting instead of getting involved in triangle relationships that just cause unnecessary emotional stress.
Your not going to care about what is happening now in even 2 years. Everything seems larger than life when were young. I remember. Your hearts broken cuz u need love and attention and you're not getting it. I get it. People get pushed away when people are being needy for love. I don't know why its like that. It just is. So best bet is to always play it cool. By that I mean, know that you need attention, but dont go seeking for it too hard. Allow it to come to you. People will respond differently youll see.

Also don't talk about suicide. That would just be a big mistake. You have your whole life ahead of you and you can still literally do anythign you want, be anywhere you want to be. Don't be so tunnel visioned. Try to look at the big picture. I know its hard at 14, when everything that happens seems like its the end of the world, but the truth is you get used to all this shit as u get older. Later on in life when someone jerks you around like this, you will have more skills to deal with it!!

I mean I remember so many stupid things I got involved with when I was a teenager. Love triangles too! IT all falls apart in the end and everyone makes an ass of themselves lol. Its a learnin gexperience.

Oh and also I second ignoring that girl. Take it from us. It works lol. Just stop messaging her and reaching out to her. And when she contacts you, just play it cool. Tell her how much you been cool doing your own thing. Works like a charm lol
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