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Recovery My journey starts today (hydromorphone)

sorry to hear all that. kind of an obvious question, but is there a chance you could get a script of your own for klonopin (or whatever benzo you prefer)? I agree that dealing with benzo WD while you're still reeling from opiates is going to be counterproductive.
Sim, hey buddy..

I'm at the fuck it stage.. I'm just gonna take it head on. Wish me luck buddy...
HeyvSixx- How are you buddy?

My addiction began w OxyContin. Due to chronic pain. I was so tired of running out of my script and being sick that I went to a methadone clinic. Which is where I ended up using heroin. Not meaning its the clinics fault. I was just really shaky, suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks-which I have my entire life. One of the things I loved about the oxys is they stopped the anxiety and panic

Fast forward- when I was locked up for six and half mos 2yrs ago - I was given Neurontin- which helped w anxiety panic and depression greatly. I was also diagnosed w bipolar 2. Which made everything make sense finally.

I cried to and from the methadone clinic for 8mos - literally. I was so miserable sober. And that's because Unless I was on something I felt as you say - gray.

But this past time getting clean-being on Neurontin-I felt great clean. What bit me in the ass was boredom. And lack of a good support system.

I completed day 4-starting day 5 of not using. Fingers crossed. As soon as Im able Im getting Kratom. You're awesome Sixx. Maybe talking to someone about emotional health and finding some meds could help? My mental and emotional health was always overlooked when I was clean. Making my existence sober miserable.

Hope you're good Sixx. <3
Sim, hey buddy..

I'm at the fuck it stage.. I'm just gonna take it head on. Wish me luck buddy...

Absolutely wishing you good luck and more. Dude, luck is part of it, but hard work and long-term thinking in the face of compulsion are also part of it...and you've got those in spades. You totally have this, man. All the shit you're feeling is--unfortunately--just a part of your own personal recovery process.

We've all got your back regardless of what happens. Try to keep us in the loop. I'm really thinking of you!
Sixx how ya doin buddy, I agree with sim maybe you should recover futher from ops before you take on benzos. I still get big relief with paws from a benzo here and there.
But everyone is different and if you think your ready to take that head on im wit ya bro! but if you find it becoming detrimental towards ops recovery i would slow down a bit.
Thanks friends,


Thank you for your input on the neuronton.i haven't really heard much of it. I will have to do some research. Is it closely related to gabapentin and lyrica class stuff... I'd like to steer clear of that shit if I can.

And opiotes did the same thing for me. Totally regulated my anxiety which has always been through the roof. A god send they seemed. Unfortunately I found out it wasn't God who sent them.... Was that big red prick down below. But fuck it.. We cool! ?

I was on celexa for several years, it helped tremendously.. But eventually made my super hot and flushed.. And like all modern pharma drugs killed my sex drive. Why does all the good shit, kill all the good shit? But yeah, coming off an SSRI I found quite difficult. So frankly I'm afraid of messing with them again. And because of my past seizures I can't be put on things like we wellbutron. Which I've heard good things about.

10years, what day are you on? How you holding up?

Sim, hey buddy!

Yeah I get that feeling like a can of smashed assholes is all part of the game... But fuck, I need a break Dude. I have no intention on using, but if someone swung a bag of coke in front of me id probably party for an hour. Then get paranoid.... Cry.... Wait till sober up for five minutes and remember why I hate uppers. Yet I'm still tempted... Haha. I'm just whining brother. Thanks for sticking by me. I'm certainly better off then I was a month ago. Shit I'm almost two months clean. Congrats on your milestone man.


Man, I've been off the clonazepam a week or two now but I'm taking clobazame. A left over script from years ago. I think it's classed similar to diazepam. I'm taking 10mg before bed. It helps a little I think. I'm gonna stay taking half a pill fort a week, the 1/4 then jump off. I been taking 1/8 mg of xanax a day to, just to keep it in my system to ease withdrawal from benzos.

I don't really know what I'm doing to be honest, just trying to reduce my intake and not use ops... That's a solid plan I suppose??
Sixx- Im starting day 6. Truthfully-Lyrica makes me a little freaky lol. Inhibitions are down, In relaxed. No problems sexually ...at all. ??

You have to do what is right for you. We're all behind you and here for you. Hope you're well. <3
Hey you, yeah....YOU. I know what you're going through. And I will tell you how it ends. I am a 25 year old girl and I spent the last 7 years on and off of any type of narcotics. I'm free...let me tell you how this feels. First, let me warn you.
Getting on drugs will give you the single most difficult, painful, soul-crushing experience in your life....soon or later. You've never experienced completely LOSING yourself and all form of life and hope like you will if you take for just one more day. Because one more day is just a precursor to an endless number of one more days. I know you don't believe me....I know you think you have control....I know you've heard that before....but you don't....and you won't. Because if you take for one more day thinking you can stop tomorrow....tomorrow never comes. Because why would you wake up and choose to stop taking when you could just choose to do it "one more time"....to feel good today instead of bad. You won't. Don't tell me you will.
You might find yourself 7 years later and talking to your sister about how she gets the same high, happy, "all is good in the world" feeling without any drugs, as I do with them....and not be able to for one micro-second wrap your head around that idea or remember what that was like, or if you have even experienced that before. Because in the blink of an eye....you lose control....and you forget. And you look back and all you can remember is being unhappy without drugs...we can't seem to remember any joy we actually did feel...that's because the drug will refrain to give you any reason to let go of it.
So here I was....7 years later....after endless nights of crying and asking God to help me stop...but waking up the next day to choose to take something because why wouldn't you choose happiness if it came in an easy to take form? You would. And then it wears off and at night you find yourself crying and feeling the weighted blanket of shame covering your eyes all over again. But you live to quit another day. Tomorrow? Keep telling yourself that.

After talking with my sister about her joy and me not being able to fathom feeling it without drugs....I came to the end....I decided that I will never stop if I don't just do it NOW and choose to never look back. Am I ready? No. We will never be ready.
I needed to remember how that felt....it really was possible to feel joy and happiness like I do now without habitually taking something right before? I don't get it and it made my brain hurt and my heart ache that I couldn't grasp this. I really am not normal anymore.

So I stopped. Cold turkey.
I just decided that I am going to suffer....because if I don't feel the pain I need to feel from 7 years of drug use than I will never be terrified enough of returning. So I did...I didn't occupy my mind with other things to get it off of the withdrawals, no....I took it all in. Every restless leg jerk at 4am, every anxiety-ridden thought, every tear. And I just prepared myself for the worst....and somehow....that made it easier....
But cut to 6 days later. In the past withdrawals took about 3 days and on the third day it was either the worst and gone the next day or already gone completely. I think it's because in my mind I always had that blanket of drugs to run back to because I never fully committed myself to stopping for good.
But not this time....it's day 6 and for the past few days I gradually began feeling nothing.....just....nothing. And by nothing you're probably thinking...that doesn't sound all that bad. We hear in songs all of the time about feeling nothing and it somehow sounds attractive almost. But no...it's not. It's not at all what you imagine it to be like.
Imagine opening up your eyes in the morning to a feeling of complete apathy towards life. You have absolutely no desire and no motivation to get up. You look out of your window and all you can see is death...decay...surrounding and in everything. You feel no life. Nothing. Nothing except this hollow, empty, hungry feeling in your chest and gut that is driving you to the point of insanity.
Insanity? No....that's not actually all that attractive either.
I had NO idea who I was anymore...I didn't just feel nothing....I WAS nothing. There was not an ounce of life or juice or anything inside of me worth going on and worth fighting for. Why did I fight? I had no other choice. I decided drugs were not an option. And honestly....at this point....the only desire stronger than the idea of taking something to make this all go away....was the desire to just die.
And stop fighting.
But I just decided that wasn't an option either.
So on day 6....I lost all hope. I thought that I lost all hope on day 4.....but day 6 was a reminder that I did have a shred of hope still hiding in me somewhere on day 4. Now I have found out what it's like to ACTUALLY lose all hope.
Withdrawals are lasting too long this time and not even a shred of happiness has entered my lifeless being in the past 6 days. My brain just stopped producing ANY good chemicals. The brain heals right? Well when the spirit is broken....you'll start to lose faith in that too.
I just accepted that this was it for me. I am probably going to feel this for the rest of my life. And it's not that I'm okay with it....but I guess I just developed this coping mechanism in the past 6 days of suffering.... that was that, I accept this. I hate it. I hate me. But I'll go on. I gave myself no other choices.
I went to bed on day 6 feeling COMPLETE hopelessness.....really and truly weighing the idea that is it worth living anymore.....I had absolutely no idea that I would wake up the next morning and feel that first BURST of joy inside of my chest. It was more powerful and satisfying than I ever imagined it to be. I began waking up each day....deciding to get up and take a bath, get dressed, do whatever....simply because the idea of doing that made me feel good. I never ever imagined that I would feel this way or get to know what this feels like again after completely losing myself to drugs. But I did.
I truly believe that sometimes with withdrawals we need to hit COMPLETE rock bottom before there's no where else to go but up. So if you are feeling absolutely hopeless and like "will this ever end if so....when".....well, if you're as far down as you can possibly go, than probably tomorrow.
But you have to hit that.
The worse that you feel, the closer you are. And just know...you won't encounter anything that you really can't handle. We as humans developed a way of coping with anything. You will survive. So lose hope. But at the same time...don't.
Don't listen to anybody's stories online about how it took them weeks or months to recover....
It's all about how quickly you hit that rock bottom. So that you can fly again. And you might not be able to remember what that feels like....but you will. And just in time. Not a second too late.
It's worth it.
^^I knowyou probably mean well-but your copy and pasted story (that your pasting on numerous threads) isn't helping. You know nothing of our journeys. Ive never said anything like this to anyone.

Stop pushing your shit on everyone. You have nerve telling me anything. Either learn some humility or just stop posting. You come across as a pompous know it all. And that NEVER works.
I hear ya Ten...

But I also enjoy hearing success stories... Good bless all you fabulous folks ?

Weather your popping percs, smashing smack or smoking crack.... We're all in this fucked up game together.

I love success stories too Its gives hope. But when being lectured (which is how that post made me feel) and spoken to as if I have no clue what this whole drug thing is about- also a problem.

On a brighter note- starting day 7 not using. Yay. This has sucked....but will be so worth it. Getting my soul back...my life back together and many other great things. No disrespect was intended Sixx- I feel very protective over rhe newly detoxed.

I think we"re all aware of how much we've fucked up. Thats alll Im saying. That would probably be better in The Dark Side.
Also wanted to add- I love hearing others journeys- but don't like when Im being told where it goes and as if their experience was the end all. I detoxed twice-naked on the floor of a jail cell. I had a 14-15 yr opiate addiction. I was clean for a yr and a half then fucked up for a month. Ive been going through something very difficult and buckled under the stress.

Im well aware of this horror called drug addiction. Im probably sensitive due to being delusionally tired from barely sleeping for six days- w/d'ing from my month long heroin binge. So if anyone can relate and cut me some slack I'd be grateful. I still think YOU yeah YOU post is obnoxious and confrontational. Peace.
No stress 10. I totally get where you're coming from.. And where your heads at. I too thought that the spam type postings were kinda repetitive... But I also thought.. Shit, that's a lot to type so I would probably copy and paste it to lol.

Day 7.... You're killing it! Freaking awesome.. Good for you hon.. We're here rooting for ya?
Thankyou Sixx <3

Im having cravings like a mf'r. 2 more days and I'll round the bend. And I"m also ordering Kratom on Tuesday.
Sixx- my daughter is shooting meth. She doesn't want to stop. Im having trouble coping.

Its part of why I went on a bender. You have a little girl- so Im sure you can imagine how that might push you to the breaking point. I handled it wrong- I need to find support. Thats where I dropped the ball.
Yikes! That's really scary. From what I've read, shooting meth is about the most addictive sUbstance. is she still in the honeymoon stage of her use?

I can certainly see how that would stress you out. But there's nothing more motivating then watching someone you love beat their devil...I think you could be a serious inspiration to her.

I find now that I'm sober, it bugs me to be around my mom..I dunno if it's because I know she's chemically happy, or because I wish she'd quit. She's got serious anxiety and depression and self medicates with oxy and prescribed benzos. Apple's and oranges I suppose...

Motivate that girl of yours! You can do it, the fact that you're here's shows you can! Even if she's not ready to quit... If you get clean and stay clean she will see that it can be done. When the times comes.

Hang tough 10

She's moving out of the honeymoon phase-her and I have really long hair that people always make a big deal about-she had to cut her hair above her shoulders (we're both stylists) because it was so matted. And even cut its fried looking.

She's often psychotic and paranoid- the usual tweeker shit. It's DEVESTATING to watch. So yeah- thats where it is right now.

She 's beautiful, intelligent, gifted artistically---my heart is bleeding. Constantly. It makes not getting high harder. Im trying w all that I have to get and stay clean.
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's meth use, 10. ... I just wrote a bunch of stuff that I promptly erased...Mostly I just want you to know that we're rooting for you AND your daughter. Neither of you is alone in this.
10Years: You can have a mod delete that troll's post by clicking on the little square on the upper right side of that specific post (report post button). I did it because she posted on my tapering thread... by the way... I am right behind you... over 40 hours clean off my opiates, but with no suboxone/subutex. So has been brutal physically, but I made it out the other side. Good luck with your journey...what others said is right. You being clean is the best remedy for your daughter.. to have a role model in recovery.