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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

My first shroom trip :)


Nov 24, 2012
Shrooms, 2-2.5g My first Foray

Cubensis, maybe about 2-2.5 grams
This is about my first mushroom trip. Its not an experience that you can quite put down in words, I know you guys probably know that. In fact, its one of those times in your life when words truly fail. And you see how they fail, and how insignificant they are. When the whole machinery of thought dies down, when you are confronted with the fact of existence, you see this. A better way to put it would be, when existence slaps you right across the face. Fuck you, you’re alive, atleast be fuckin’ aware of it!! That’s the feeling I got. Sort of what Siddhartha must have felt like when he went out into the world for the first time. I was there, in the palace of my self, with all my little tribulations, securities, pleasures, pains, this, that. My god, my virginity, my marks, you get the general picture! And I felt like I was riding out into the world for the first time, the shrooms as my charioteer!

I was in my friend’s apartment. After an hour or 2 of just laughing like crazy and having such a lot of fun, I went out. There was a tree in his backyard. It was autumn and the tree just felt so, naked, alone, I dunno! The leaves were crimson yellow, it had a delicacy I had never felt in anything before. It was startling. Could it be that I had never noticed this tree before? Every movement it made in the wind was intensely perceptible. I was so engrossed, for a moment or 2 I don’t know what happened, I was consumed by some strange ecstasy. It was better that any orgasm I’ve ever had, because I felt an indivisibility with the tree. After it was over I was gasping for breath, with my friends giving me strange looks.

Rest of the trip was about the completion of what it had started. I saw the breakdown of my entire image of the world before my eyes. The wonder, the energy I had was so startling! It seemed to be unending too! I had, for the first time in my life, discussions on topics other than girls, video games, marks and all that. We talked about life, death, what it all means and where is it all going and blah blah blah. Not that we got anywhere, but!! The universe was pulsating, vibrating all around us, and we were there, in the middle of everything, trees, birds, and everything, talking about life. The sunset had gotten on, but time was unreal. You don't need time when you are in contact with what is most real. My friend, who was suffering from depression for several months, had burst out, "No, not even sad things can make me sad anymore." And that was seriously the end of his depression. Oh how I wish I had that day back!

But time was drawing to a close, and the chariot had to head back! But I can’t stop thinking about how to escape once more! But it never comes. Ive done acid some 3 times, and shrooms some 6 more times, much higher doses and I’ve never gotten that trip back. I know I never will. They are no longer overwhelming. I know psychedelics are not the way, but they can give you a glimpse, and sometimes that’s all you need. I don’t know if that day had actually changed me, or if it was something bound to happen. But this was just before my college admission, and I took philosophy over literature, which was a smart choice. And I owe it to the shrooms.
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Nice TR .. I am yet to try Shrooms, done acid though .. and that changed me .
Exciting, for the first time alone!
After that i had not even a real trip.
I've never seen hallucinations. First time, the colors seemed brighter.
Then not even that. I've taken acid 150 mics, 250 mics and 300 mics. Ive never gotten this trip back.
Those were some killer shrooms man!
Being weighed down by expectations and desiring to recreate a previous trip won't help you have new magical (perhaps in different ways) experiences. You gotta let go, and work with whatever comes your way gratefully. And that's my unsolicited advice for the day.

Also, the report was a pleasant read.
Tnx :)
The thing is, its not overwhelming anymore. Its all predictable and there is little scope for insight, if at all.
Maybe I need to get some stronger stuff.
Very nice report. :) I am very glad that you experienced such a trip> I completely understood what you felt with the trees. When on mushrooms your brain instead of supressing certain areas actually allows activity in those areas to increase. Your perceptual input is dramatically increased and you see the world as you haven't seen it before. I also noticed in my shroom trips that the trees felt a lot more alive, I noticed the sun the wind, The connection of the Universe.
Barriers between you and the world break. :)
good report.
years ago I had a similar experience with shrooms (even stronger, absolutely groundbreaking, lifechanging, ++++). made the mistake of chasing the high for years....the lessons learned on the way were tough and merciless but after all: those are the lessons that need to be learned.
getting your head into the clouds is easy and volatile, having your feet on the ground is boring and fainthearted. having your head in the clouds while standing firmly on the ground is mature...