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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

My experiment with Bromo-DragonFLY.


Aug 2, 2023
I was asking around for a few months. I wanted to get my hands on Bromo-DragonFLY. Finally a friend of mine got his hands on some of the stuff and I decided to try it. It came in powder form and I snorted a line of it. Suddenly, intense dizziness came over me. I went to lay down in bed. It was like tripping off marijuana. Only it was much more intense than that. I felt like I was flying through a whole new realm. I totally lost contact with reality and I was flying through a whole new world. It felt like the whole experience took forever. When I started to comedown I realized it was 6:00 in the morning. I could not believe what I experienced. And I'm not sure whether I'd try it again, it was too intense. It was almost like tripping off L.S.D., but crazier than that. All I have to say is if your going to try it be prepared for the ride.
Did you happen to reagent test it at all?

The usual reported doses of bromo-dragonfly are up to 750ug-1mg max and there are a lot of reported deaths and hospitalizations associated with this compound, if you snorted a whole line of it like you describe I believe it may have been something else entirely
Let me give you a better idea because I'm bad in math. The amount of powder that I snorted was about the same size as a tab of acid.
That sounds like a lethal dose if it were bromo dragonfly. Here is an image of 2mg fentanyl so half of this amount of powder, approximately, has the potential for a high degree of toxicity

"Bromo-DragonFLY can be considered extremely toxic at very high dosages with several deaths and numerous hospitalizations reported on overdoses.[6][7] It can also have extreme vasoconstrictive effects, which can result in severe tissue damage or even limb amputation. Due to its high potency, one can easily overdose if this substance is not measured correctly ("eyeballed") or mislabeled as another substance."

Its incredibly dangerous to eyeball doses with bromo dragonfly, volumetric dosing should always be used. Don't even trust measuring powder on a scale because most balances that people have aren't accurate at those small amounts (1mg). And nearly all can't measure under 1mg.

A good rule of thumb for dealing with powder substances at doses under 1mg is that if you can see it, its too much

And most importantly always reagent test your drugs
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It seems you got some other compoubd. Bromo dragonfly would have killed you at the dose you are reporting (and likely caused nasty gangrene due to its prodigious vasoconstriction).

Maybe you got 2CB fly mislabeled as bromo dragonfly (and the irony of that is not lost on me) or something like a 2C compound.

How many hours were you tripping for?
About 16 to 17 hours. I took it during the day and before I knew it, it was 6:00 in the morning.
Snorting Bromo-DragonFLY would be a closest follow-up to sticking one's tongue into a bag of chemicals.
If it wasn't for the large amount I could guess DOI (and that would be a stretch).
bk-2CB could stretch orally to 12 hours at 150mg. I could see it being fashioned into a line, but I have never taken it this way. I did snort various 2-Cs, but they would require 2-5mg.
On the other hand, there is a mind-bogling number of tryptamines which could potentially fit the bill because they are less active intranasally than orally while there are very few user reports of them being taken up the nose.