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My Ex Left After Finding a Hotter Replacement

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I'm really sorry CH. That is a really difficult situation. <hugs>
I wish there was something we could do, but you've really just got to wait it out. Eventually, you'll get over it, get over her, and be able to move on. For now, it's just a matter of keeping yourself distracted and busy!! Best of luck to you !!
I'm really sorry CH. That is a really difficult situation. <hugs>
I wish there was something we could do, but you've really just got to wait it out. Eventually, you'll get over it, get over her, and be able to move on. For now, it's just a matter of keeping yourself distracted and busy!! Best of luck to you !!


Just keep this in mind Captain "THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE BETTER." If she left you just for the looks then she doesn't really love you so do not waste your time thinking about her. I know it is easier said that done but this might open another opportunity for you to meet the right one.
I would be curious to see pictures of the posters here and the other man/woman that they were left for.
Captain Heroin

How does one know that they are worse looking (or Sconnie better looking) than the other person?
Plus what is up with all the superficial shit?
I don't understand everybody heres fixation on looks.
Since when does looks define a person's value?
Don't be so hard on yourself captain Heroin. I'm sure your a awesome person.
And Sconnie420 saying Mr ed and super ugly . and downgraded from what? That's not nice. It usually says more about the person saying it than the recipient. Maybe she is a nice person andmmaybe captain heroins womans new man is a piece of shit. Ya never know.
But since we're both Madison girls were friends lol. :)
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I would be curious to see pictures of the posters here and the other man/woman that they were left for.
Captain Heroin

How does one know that they are worse looking (or Sconnie better looking) than the other person?

You all are not getting the concept. Zero single time in between two partners.
"hotter replacement"
You didn't say better or funnier or faster or smarter.
I was just curious where all the looks comments came fro.
Madison. :)
You close?

Ya, super close..bout 30 45 mins south...I didn't mean to come across sounding so conceided or anything..its not ol girls fault her new man's a dog..shell find out soon enough..I have a lot of anger towards him, if u can't tell..
Yes and she set it up and asked for it/wanted it; I was indifferent to the idea at the time.

Sorry, to hear that. I hope you atleast got to go through with the threesome first. It's true when they say time heals all wounds (it sounds silly to me) but none the less true. Hopefully the next girl you find will be less of an emotional flake.
I just don't like women getting down on other women. It's bad enough out there without us going against each other. Especially when it comes to looks. That has zero to do with a person. Just makes me sad to see and makes me feel like I'm back in grade school again.
Since when does looks define a person's value?

I agree with this. Someone can be the hottest person on the fucking planet, and if they have an awful personality, it makes them ugly. and vice versa.
Someone can be the lesser of what we define as "hot", but truer beauty shines through from the inside.
That cliché statement that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is so true.

And now C.H. after getting to the bottom of the story:
If she left you for another woman, then it was doomed from the start, unfortunately.

Really, if you ask me, I think she'll come to her senses.
Maybe you guys were going thru some problems or whatever, and the experience of another woman/fling is just making her forget about real life and making the now seem exciting and problem free.
That shit eventually goes away. Life can't hide forever.
If she left you, she doesn't deserve you in the first place.
AND if she just straight up left you, just like that, all being an asshole to satisfy her own needs and not care that she is hurting you, then you deserve way better.
C.h. I know your pain....my ex just cheated on me with multiple partners constantly, man and woman, because I was too busy working two full time jobs to take care of the family she chose to create (found unopened birth control ring I had paid for). Now I'm paying or her scandalous ass to live. If everyone got one free pass on murder....she would be long gone.
I have this weird, ridiculous idea that if it's meant to be, it will happen. If there is love (true love, mind you) it will work out. I'm a romance and passion idiot, what can I say. I also base my ideas on kissing, because kissing chemistry is the ultimate chemistry. So, anyway, if someone left me for someone hotter, I'd take it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. But, I'd also say that someone who did that was a bad kisser! Ha!
^^^sometimes people are just scumbags. Sometimes certain people are incapable of doing the right thing. I seriously take pause when I hear about people cheating on so called significant others. Obviously not significant enough to warrant even the most brutal of honesty. If you cannot be true to someone that very obviously cares enough about you not to cheat than you should not even consider dating.... I always hope that cheaters get their comeuppance by falling in love with someone and having their pitifully empty hearts toyed with in a significant way.

As you can probably tell this is a hot issue with this boy.
I have this weird, ridiculous idea that if it's meant to be, it will happen. If there is love (true love, mind you)
it will work out. I'm a romance and passion idiot, what can I say. I also base my ideas on kissing, because kissing chemistry is the ultimate chemistry. So, anyway, if someone left me for someone hotter, I'd take it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. But, I'd also say that someone who did that was a bad kisser! Ha!
Man, when I first hooked up with my ex, we spent like 3 hours kissing. I love kissing.
I have this weird, ridiculous idea that if it's meant to be, it will happen. If there is love (true love, mind you) it will work out. I'm a romance and passion idiot, what can I say. I also base my ideas on kissing, because kissing chemistry is the ultimate chemistry. So, anyway, if someone left me for someone hotter, I'd take it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. But, I'd also say that someone who did that was a bad kisser! Ha!

Agreed on the "if it's meant to be, it'll happen" idea. If she moved on, then you'll find someone who is better for you. Even though it's difficult at first. Sometimes having that idea in your head can help you move on a bit faster :)
I have this weird, ridiculous idea that if it's meant to be, it will happen. If there is love (true love, mind you) it will work out. I'm a romance and passion idiot, what can I say. I also base my ideas on kissing, because kissing chemistry is the ultimate chemistry. So, anyway, if someone left me for someone hotter, I'd take it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. But, I'd also say that someone who did that was a bad kisser! Ha!

Agreed on the "if it's meant to be, it'll happen" idea. If she moved on, then you'll find someone who is better for you. Even though it's difficult at first. Sometimes having that idea in your head can help you move on a bit faster :)
CH...I don't think you can really say she left for someone better looking than you...if she left for a woman then its pretty much apples to oranges. And you can't really compete with another woman so don't be down on yourself about that. As someone else said, in this case probably not much could be done. It gets easier..just takes time.

Also, I agree with what some others were saying. I have been with some pretty hot looking guys and when they turned out to be dumbasses or dickheads they just weren't attractive to me anymore. And some of the guys that I was the most attracted to were not the "hottest" looking guys I had been with but due to their personality, charm, values, etc. There was like huge chemistry there.
i've left women for hotter women but only been left by women for worse looking dudes
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