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Treatment My dr. offered guided living?


Jan 27, 2009
A picture of my situation. Since 19 living by myself, never had any problem's.
Now 50 still the same no problem's except those caused by other's.

Went to see him because my Neurologist wanted him to continue the dex-Amfetamine he stopped.
He lied the Neurogist did that and he wouldn't give an repeat. Only the Neuroloog or a psychiater could do that or write a new script. 4 th time that happend. A dr who end's it but refuses to continue.

Then all of a sudden he begun about ´guided living'. While I manage perfectly by myself, no debt's or criminal offence's, problems of any kind, filing out form's. It seem's actually as if there has taken place of somesort of stigmatizing involved and my dr is conteminated by it too. He has all the info to form a prejudice about me. Including my intake for Alcohol treatment.

At that point, I already diddn't see my kids according the agreement. When I heard about the false claim 8 month's later, I was so deperate. I thought an official treatment would back me up that I am on track. Sober.
Later on I got inside info it was about DUI, I don't own a car or have a driver licence.

Forgot to mention there are 2 kid's, supposed to live with me every other weekend. Another disaster that I just yesterday was told. Its only legal when a judge looks at the case and orders it. Which not how it went.

Just venting injustice.
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