Mental Health My doctor says dexadrine and Welbutrin is a safe combo, but is it? And do you recommend welbutrin?


Mar 3, 2014
I have a new psychopharmacologist who is helping me with both my mental health issues and drug issues and she comes very highly recommended.

I started taking Naltrexone a week ago to stop me from both drinking and kratom cause those are my 2 biggest drugs i use most, though dexadrine is also in the mix but i don't like it quite as much, and yeah, i would agree with those who say kratom isn't dangerous and in many ways it has helped my anxiety and depression, but it totally ruins my ability to exercise and my libido, so while I am not saying i'm quitting kratom, booze or all drugs forever, right now I'm trying to be clean for as long as possible, and the naltrexone blocks the alcohol supposedly and also the kratom, so that only leaves dexadrine as my only other commonly used drug, and right now i am not refilling my prescription.

So, i also take klonopin and lexapro, but the lexapro isn't working that well and my doctor is suggesting Welbutrin as something to help me both with my depression and with drug cravings, and I don't feel the lexapro does much for me so i am thinking of maybe going off it in favor of welbutrin.

I told her I have been interested in welbutrin for a while, but that since i only just stopped dexadrine and can get it whenever I want, I don't know that i could guarantee i'd never ever combine the 2, and that one or two posters on this forum had told me ''NEVER EVER COMBINE DEXADRINE/ADDERALL AND WELBUTRIN AS IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!!'', so that IF that is true I'd be nervous about taking it, (even though i do want to resist taking dex/adderall ), just out of fear that I might and it might kill me or mess me up.

Well, she told me that that is NOT true at all, that she doesn't know many people prescribed Dexadrine that often anymore as most are prescribed Adderall, but we all know they are ALMOST identical, just with Adderall being 75 percent dextroamphetamine and 25 percent levo-amphephetmaine, with Dex being 100 percent dextro...and that she knows plenty of people who are prescribed both Adderall and Welbutrin at the same time and that done correctly it can be a perfectly safe combination and one she would not be afraid to prescribe someone.

I asked where these posters' ideas came from and we didn't have a long discussion about it but she seemed to be saying that there is some cross over in terms of POSSIBLE negative interactions between the two, but that they DO NOT DIRECTLY INTERFERE WITH EACHOTHER, in the way that say, an SSRI and MAOI might, or mixing high dose DXM with high dose SSRI or like a high dose of an opiate plus binge drinking alcohol might, and that while she DOES recommend I avoid dexadrine/adderall, that she would not by any means see it as a complete ''no-go'' to put me on welbutrin because it is possible that i could slip up and sometimes take dexadrine or adderall while on it.

So...i know you guys are not doctors, but what do you say?

Do any of you have evidence to suggest that she is wrong here, and why do you think those posters said it was such a dangerous combo?

She's been doing this stuff for probably 30-40 years and knows what she's talking about i think.

Like, everyone says ''NEVER'' drink on benzos, even she says not to, but i have gotten drunk hundreds of times on klonopin in the past 15 years and blacked out only once, and everyone says not to drink on SSRIs but that's never been a problem for me.

I think maybe IT CAN cause problems but not necessarily. any of you guys who have OCD and or social anxiety and/or generalized anxiety and/or depression and/or drug cravings find welbutrin to be helpful for you, and if so, in what ways?

And if you DID NOT find it to be helpful and found it had certain negative side effects, what were they?

Did it help with your anxiety or your OCD or your depression or did it make your crave drugs or alcohol less?

Also, if i were to ever fuck up and mix it with kratom, alcohol or phenibut, would any of those be really lethal combos?

Cause those are the other drugs I have problems with.

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IMO, both drugs can induce anxiety. Combining them together, IME, could make anxiety worse for you.

Wellbutrin did help with my cravings, and did help with depression, yes.

I have a fear that you could become way over stimulated. Just based on your OP you seem to be focused enough as it is. Wellbutrin might be overkill and exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
IMO, both drugs can induce anxiety. Combining them together, IME, could make anxiety worse for you.

Wellbutrin did help with my cravings, and did help with depression, yes.

I have a fear that you could become way over stimulated. Just based on your OP you seem to be focused enough as it is. Wellbutrin might be overkill and exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

Well, I am trying not to use Dexadrine at the moment, in fact, i am trying to go without most drugs for as long as possible.

But generally speaking, my doctor is recommending that she thinks Welbutrin might be a good drug for me, for my depression, anxiety and drug cravings, and I told her I'm interested in considering it, but that my main concern was that if i messed up and took dexadrine once and a while with it the combo would kill me.

She says the combo is NOT lethal, and so I have nothing to be afraid of, and since she's a doctor i think I believe her.

Would you agree with her that this is not a highly dangerous or lethal combination like certain drug combos are?

That's my main question.