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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Music and cocaine?

Lou Reed definietly did heroin man, the times when he said he doesn't do it, was real sarcasm. There's one interview in particular when he was asked (along the lines of) "you sing about drugs what do you use?" He turns around and straight up says"no I don't do drugs".... Corner smile and everything.
Some songs about drugs can be observational, and done well, but songs like 'heroin' can ONLY of been written by someone who's been/is there, it's shudderingly close to home, and usually a lot better when your strung out too rather than when your using.

I write songs (well just for my own entertainment you know) When I'm on the stuff, if I can focus long enough it's so much better, I'll write something straight, but when I'm wasted it turns into something I'm usually rather proud of!
Same with playing an instrument?

Bowie also definitely had a smack problem, it's been well documented, in his early days.

Your style sounds great, anything inspired by the bands you mentioned is going to fucking rock! Any chance of hearing some? I'll understand if not, being that I know about your drug use,
but either way...

Good luck in your career man!