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Movies and Literature about VR, Simulation Theory and Techno-Spiritual Transcendence


Jul 18, 2012
Simulation Theory is the theory/philosophy that we may be living in a sort of computer simulation, and supposedly the math leads us to believe that it is actually a probable scenario. I've been on a kick with this subject mainly because of the imminent arrival of mainstream consumer virtual reality. We all know 'The Matrix' which is a pretty good trip on the subject, but there are lesser known films that I think are also very good. I saw 'The Thirteenth Floor' last night, impressive and relevant to the subject. 'eXistenZ' is good too. 'Strange Days', from 1995 is a good early VR flick looking back. I was also intrigued by 'Surrogates', a more recent (2009) film where in the future everyone lives through robotic surrogates and never actually uses their real bodies much anymore, an interesting thought exercise on the implications of such technology.

As for books I am less versed. 'Snow Crash' is great though! Haven't caught up with some of the other cyberpunk books like 'Neuromancer'. I also want to read 'Ready Player One' as I hear it is a big influence to the founder of Oculus. Any recommendations?
I think that if we are in fact in a "simulation" that "whoever", or "whatever" is outside will have entertained this idea.

I've seen words, that we should be able to find evidence... But I'm not so sure of that, or that we would interpret things correctly.

I tend to think that if we are in a simulation, that whatever is outside simply can't know if they are, either. I think that reality is strange, and that it may intertwine. Such as, one can free themselves form certain matricies while remaining with... One can be free to move about, unencumbered by certain machines, with the knowledge to beat them...
But, like Neo finds he still has power "outside", in the "real world"... Yea.

People can be challenged to think such things. Reality can seem so peculiar, and perfect at times... Perfectly aligned, that I understand why some people struggle and break down mentally thinking that there is some overarching "conspiracy" of control (and Illuminati). I have found that there is, but it more boils down to a laws of physics. Or greater (and lower) physics that everything "falls" to, or "submits" to (must submit, like predetermination, perhaps). That we are supported by God and the angels, and yes, there are such things as demons ("bad machines", habits, thoughts)... But let's feed the good things. Not to say be willfully ignorant, or complacent. There are certainly forces of control in the world that need fought.

I have considered that even if I am simulated/in a simulation, that that the spark that "I am" can't be contained by it. That it is one with the source, as is the creator.

It can be an allegory, but also literal. But the heart is one.
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I like your view, you should definitely watch 'The Thirteenth Floor', it plays with the 'I am' statement of self awareness which is what differentiates the mere programs running on autopilot from the ones with free will or a soul.
yeah, very weird indeed.

Ive had very weird episode under psychedelic trips where it was quite obvious at the time, that it looked as if life was a test.

I think that to think someone is testing us is going too far, but I do think life is a test in many ways and that, somehow, at the time of death, there's beings who knows what to do with ''you'', where you are in your life spiritually and will know where to redirect you in the next life. that was my feeling. Do I believe that? I'm not sure if I do, but something's up with this :)

now, do we have entire control over the machine, I have absolutely no doubt that we do.
OK murphythecat for what it is worth I have experienced the same. I should divulge at this point that my fascination with this subject is in part due to the great number of 'holes' I have experienced on MXE and ketamine...especially MXE since I have IV'd it more times than I can count, and what I experienced with very many of these trips was a feeling that I was breaking through the illusion of the simulation and revealing the essence of the code that makes up our conscious experience. On many of these experiences I felt like I was however briefly able to interact in a parallel dimension, and on some especially weird occasions there was a crossover effect in which I was experiencing both at the same time, and where 'that' dimension caused effects in 'this' dimension. Anyway it's all philosophy at this point because I don't have hard data, just subjective experience, but there is a TED talk that provides some hard math backing it up
It might also be worth considering the possibility that in our attempts to logically quantify and qualify the aspects of existence that we are aware of, we draw upon the metaphors that represent the limits of our understanding. The current cutting edge metaphor being one of highly advanced computing technology. This one in particular appeals to the logical mind as it mirrors it's processes.

If looked at in the light of higher dimensional theory and interleaved realities though, it quickly shows itself to be far to limited to account for much beyond binary dualism and the physical realm.
might find Old Twentieth an interesting read, the plot revolves around people on a very long spaceship voyage keeping themselves entertained by using a VR machine that transports the user to any given era during the 20th century so they can live out the fantasy of having a life. Predictably, the machine develops some sort of sinister problem past the point of no return on their extremely long space voyage. Parts of the story were genuinely engaging but then other parts were cliché. I dunno, 4/5 stars on Amazon is still pretty good.
Joe Rogan has talked about the simulation theory in his podcast before. I need to do some research on it because I don't really know shit all about it besides the very basics. I find the theory about people's lives being pre-programmed pretty interesting too although I don't know if that fits exactly into the simulation theory. Like what if we only think we're making choices but everything is actually predetermined somehow.
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there was a movie in the 80's about recording brain function and playing it back, called 'Brainstorm' that was SO about DXM...there's even a split second scene with a box with DXO written across it. VR, though, not simulation. the real gurus about this can be found at the GURPS Transhuman Space forum - I think Simulationist has a big following in that setting, but i can't remember what they call it. Then again, this is the game that created the word 'infosocialism' and this little logo:


(by which i mean as an example of their meme-crafting, as it's a great flag)
Well I just finished the audio book of Ready Player One, and wow! It is a very contemporary look at the logical conclusion of where VR could take humanity, with an amazing story to drive it. I can understand why it was a bestseller and Steven Speilberg is directing the film adaptation, and with a VR experience tie-in being produced. OMG the possibilities, considering 90% of the book takes place in VR.

Seriously guys read the book or listen to the audio version if you have interest in this type of sci-fi. I hadn't used audio books before but can understand the appeal now, frees the mind to sit back and imagine and contemplate the richness of the world.
Vortech, loved the Ted talk. This reminds me of a fun night I had thinking this very thing. Maybe the Mormons were right, that we get our own universe to rule (in a simulation), only they got their timing wrong on when it would happen and to whom.