Movie references.

meow that was funny as hell when steve martin was rolling and started chasing that tail through central park
the movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt I think it is called "She's all that" but it is about a guy that is in love with Jennifer and when she finally dumps her boyfriend he writes her a love letter and than she trys to find him. Well anyway, at the big party at someones house there are a bunch of kids that leave the party with arms full of whip cream, hence a wippit connection

Thought that was cool........Peace
I just remembered another one called The Daytrippers from last year. Despite the 'trippers' in the title, it's not about ecstasy or raves, but there is a scene in it where Hope Davis goes to a party and takes a pill (which maybe someone slips into her drink? - not sure). It's not made explicit but quite obvious from the camera effect that it's ecstasy she's taken. Also stars Stanley Tucci - good film.
Well "Fantasia" was the original acid movie along with "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".
I LOVE watching "Dune", really want to have blue eyes like the Fremin. And then there is the scene with the Baron Harkonin floating with the brown shit coming out of his mouth. Yummy!!
But I don't know where the drugs comes into "Chasing Amy"?
aka Karen
"Women are always better off when left to their own mechanical devices. I'm sure you know what I mean."
--Law and Order
I haven't seen the movie version but the book sure has enough e references: "Acid House" by Irvine Welsh (the guy who wrote Trainspotting). Anyone seen this? It opened a few months ago and has been playing art houses. I'd guess it'll go into wide release sometime next year...
If you haven't read the book, I'd highly recommend it
Anyone got suggestions on other similar works...?
That episode od 90210 was hilarious. The psycho chick slips brandon some X and he gets all pissed off about it. later you see them makin out on his mustang, so someone gave them cab money to go home. the next day they go back to get the car and it was demolished. fuckin hilarious.
Also, on an old episode of 21 jump street..this was easily 10 years ago... there was an episode where kids where taking pills that came in envelopes with big X's on them. they never said it was "ecstasy" but they called it X.
my 2c
Life is just better with porn stars
the care bears adventure : where the fuck do you think PLUR came from?
debbie does dallas : self explanatory
anything with erik estrada : ecstasy es muy muy bien! [flash ridiculous smile]
d e e p .
"Deep, I can't help but notice that everything you say in here is either negative, rude or just plain stupid" - Freaky Candy Monkey
[This message has been edited by deep (edited 05 November 1999).]
TITANIC (heh..that was a joke)
done *nod*
If you havent seen it yet,
Some of the best ecstasy effects I have seen, and the other special effects are simply mindblowing....
But dont see it just for that... the movie is amazing, philosophically, and visually.
In an interview, Ed Norton described the movie as a kind of drug metaphor, where what you learn eventually comes to a point that it doesnt teach you and only makes things worse (the drugs) so you come to a kind of middle ground of the drug you and the sober you.... i totally agree....for the whole interview, check out
I have to disagree with james_x. I thought Acid House was shit!!! And I thought it portrayed the scene in a very ugly and negative light.
I would like to see movies that portray the scene openly and in a good light.
I still want to be involved in producing a movie called "Pillars of society" (or something similar) for which the back drop will be the E scene and the story will be about a group of socially concious do gooders who are into the scene but doing good things for others.
Something Fred Nile would hate (Fred Nile is our right wing conservative over the top bible basing guru leader - Sydney). They usually have a big float with his head on it at the madi gras parade every year. His head was followed closely by Pauline Hanson's last year - quite amusing.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas would have to be the trippiest drug movie I've EVER seen. It was sooo funny. I was scattered when I watched it and was totally spinning out. These two guys (Johnny Depp is the lead), spend a weekend in Vegas and have the HUGEST drug bing ever. I was feeling ill by the end of it because of the copius amounts of drugs they took. Well worth the watch.. very funny.
I wonder how you all missed that...
MATRIX - you take the red pill, and your life changes - everything is not what you think it is... you all can develop the rest...
I saw that movie "Go" and though it was good, I think the whole E experience the guy had was bullshit. My friends and other rollers agreed. Never have I had dillusions of seen odd things like cats talking or totally spaced out like that guy did with the check-out lady. I dunno where the writers got their ideas of what rolling is like, but that isn't it. Maybe it's just me or my rolls, but never have I had any hallucinations or spaced out that bad when I roll.
BTW...Someone should make a movie about rolls and dance music. Just a movie about nothing but partying on E. That would be great.
DJ Maurer
you know, I really liked Go the first time I saw it, cause it came out like a week after I rolled for the first time, so I was all about it.
It came out on dvd a month back, so I bought it. I've watched it countless times sicne then, and I just realized it's not really all that realistic. I listened to the commentary track, and the driector and editor go on to say how they've never done x, but have been told the openeing credits is a good representation. I'm sorry, except for the authentixc rave footage, it's not like any roll I've ever had. How can you acurately portray a situation when you've never expereinced it yourself? Number one rule of writing fiction. Well, maybe more like number 5...
Second, the pills. Pharmasutical grade, not the crunchy herbal rave shit?" Ok...The damn things were huge, too! I'm sure that was so they'd show up on screen better and to facilitate the storyline, but comeon...
But, it's better than nothing. I often just watch the credits and rave scene over and over again, casue they're at least close.
I unfortuantely missed the shwoing of acid hosue here in otown, but I still want to see it. HEard it was pretty good.
What E and the whole rave scene needs is a true to life movie that takes the subject matter seriously. That's what I'm endevouring to accomplish. I'm actually an aspiring scriptwriter, believe it or not. My spelling might suck, my dialogue's not as realistic and flowing as it should be and my structure is unorthodox, but believe me when I say my characters, settings and stroylines are quite strong. Product of an overactive imagination I guess. Anyways, I think the only one who can do this material justice is someone with experience in the scene, someone who understands and embraces it (for all it's good AND bad) and can tell its story in a subjective manner. That's what I'm going to take a stab at over the next couple of months, so I'll let you know how it turns out.
Friday with Ice Cube and Chris Tucker (me thinks), they get stoned, it is pretty funny actually.
ohh lorD!!!
that was by FAR the best movie i've seen all year long...
go see it!!!! everyone!!!
eXistenZ is one of the best (and trippiest) films i've ever seen.
the opening title sequence is incredible. layers of translucent trippy earthy textures spinning in different directions/speeds. the kind of stuff that you can see on K.
the movie is just full of drug references. playing virtual reality games is a way to access different planes of reality. it seemed to me that playing virtual reality games could easily be a metaphor using drugs.
one of the main characters names is ted pikul. call me crazy, but pikul must be a reference to PIHKAL.
when they are inside the store for the first time, pikul holds up a game called "viral ecstasy".
the look on pikul's face during his first moments in the virtual world is priceless. looks like someone being hit hard by a roll for the first time.
i could go on and on with all of the references and metaphors. if you've never done drugs, then you'd probably never realize the virtual reality as drugged reality metaphor. it'd still be a good movie. any one who's ever tried e, k, acid, or shrooms will probably catch on pretty quickly (the opening credits gave it away for me).
just go see this movie asap. it's out now on video.
[This message has been edited by stacEy (edited 08 November 1999).]
The basketball diaries with Leonardo Difuckio. Although it is mainly heroin based film, the group dabbles in all kind of stuff. They all roll while they play basketball. One day they mix up the bags and don't know hwich are the "uppers" and "downers". They take the bright ones thinking that it sybolizes "uppers". Well sadly it didn't. They fuck up big time and having a ball on the way mind you.
So there is another one to the list. Also whilst I was rolling I was interviewed for a documentary at a rave, I gave the most stupid answers to questions (looking in hindsight).