Motivation to go to the gym


Aug 31, 2014
I just read "Sticky: Your first Cycle by -Guido" essentially saying that steroids are not a quick fix. I must admit I am a little disappointed. I was under the impression that an initial cycle would show some gains and give me motivation to continue.

I have been using the gym sporadically from 16 to 25, I'd go for a week or two and feel really motivated and pumped and the next I'd feel incredibly self-conscious, insecure and unmotivated. I have been trying to psyche myself up by either taking a line of coke or a N2O balloon and listening to music etc, but some days I just can't do it. I don't have any friends to go to the gym with either which doesn't really help. I'm currently 77kg, 21% body fat & can manage a 22min 5k...barely, I haven't been to the gym this week at all but on the plus side no opiates.

Do any of you take anything to get motivated to continue to work out? Or is there some way of mentally encouraging myself?
Try to develop yourself some kind of ego since you said your insecure and self-conscious
If you keep at it you will eventually see that youre starting to look better. Take a picture and look at how much you have changed every month. Use self improvement and wanting to look and feel better to motivate yourself
do you enjoy working out ever?

do you set yourself realistic and manageable goals you can achieve even on a bad day?
Need to work out AT LEAST six weeks consecutively using proper training methodology to see noticeable changes. You can change how you look, dramatically, for a period of up to 6-9 months. This is often referred to as beginner gains. After 6-9 months you see 'diminishing returns.' so it's best to put in a solid 6 months straight using sound program and nutrition; you'll see a lot of bang for buck if you go by this.
I just read "Sticky: Your first Cycle by -Guido" essentially saying that steroids are not a quick fix. I must admit I am a little disappointed. I was under the impression that an initial cycle would show some gains and give me motivation to continue.

I have been using the gym sporadically from 16 to 25, I'd go for a week or two and feel really motivated and pumped and the next I'd feel incredibly self-conscious, insecure and unmotivated. I have been trying to psyche myself up by either taking a line of coke or a N2O balloon and listening to music etc, but some days I just can't do it. I don't have any friends to go to the gym with either which doesn't really help. I'm currently 77kg, 21% body fat & can manage a 22min 5k...barely, I haven't been to the gym this week at all but on the plus side no opiates.

Do any of you take anything to get motivated to continue to work out? Or is there some way of mentally encouraging myself?

You really shouldn't use stimulants to motivate yourself to workout, especially cocaine which has probably the worst impact among all the stimulants in terms of it's cardiovascular effects. I also can't see the value of using steroids as a quick fix, since the results will probably disappoint you a few weeks after you stop and all the gains are lost.

What may be of more value to you could be to work on a long-term health/lifestyle strategy incorporating exercise and changes to your diet, sleeping routine, and hobbies to help maintain motivation. Finding a good personal trainer or some exciting classes at your gym may also help. There are also generally running clubs that exist in most towns and cities, along with triathlon, swimming, hiking, regular sports, and martial arts clubs. Perhaps some of these options would work? It would certainly be better than attempting to take steroids and stimulants, and much much healthier.
I don't at all mean this to sound like an insult - but I think you'd actually find yourself even more disappointed in the wake of a cycle due to the lack of gains you'll make, as per your current attitude towards gym (and again, I don't mean that as any form of insult or having a go at you). You need to already enjoy putting in the hard time before touching AAS, as AAS aren't that quick fix and will actually require MORE hard time in the gym, which can be a struggle if you're not already enjoying the time you put in.

Pretty much why I'm holding off on another blast cycle of any kind - I'm struggling to find time and motivation now, so AAS would be a waste. Sure I'll end up in the gym a bit more since the immediate increase in strength etc is good motivation, but that's just a temporary bandaid that'll fall straight off the moment Tren concentrations drop enough to stop having a real effect haha
And also, as CFC said - using stimulants to motivate you, ESPECIALLY cocaine, is a bad path and ultimately will work against you. At the very least it'll curb your appetite, which will restrict gains. At worst you'll have a heart attack. Or a stroke. Strokes fucking SUCK man, trust me...I speak from experience :(
Mate stop the coke before workouts immediately.. if you need a stim just get a heavily dosed caffeine pre-workout?

I find watching motivational videos on youtube helpful e.g. - if that video and a good preworkout doesn't get you in the gym then just throw the towel in and go dominos.
When I first started working out I was not only too young but I was also scared to go in the gym and be judged for not being up to par. So I would do push ups and bicep curls with 10 and 15 lb dumbbells at home until I reached a point where I bought some additional equipment and eventually I knew there wasn't enough room and I actually had to go to the gym. You might benefit from just increasing the number of push ups you can do and how many pull ups and sit ups and bicep curls; all relatively easy to do at home or at a playground. It's a catch 22 how do you look fit in the gym and "fit in" without being fit in the first place...

Now, even after a layoff, I will do some pushups at home for a week or two before going back to the gym. And when I do go back to the gym I actually get strongly motivated because of my competitive nature. The girls who dress very provocatively and the guys who don't know what they're doing are an annoyance, but trust me nobody is going to fixate on what you look like or what you're doing. Take it from experience they're probably busy worrying about their own physique and their own challenges - the serious people who know what they're doing, even especially more so.
Coke? Nitrous? Steroids?

This definitely isn't the usual building blocks for muscle. A night in Vegas? Maybe.

You definitely should reconsider your approach. Until you have developed a solid foundation then adding in compounds and extreme supplementation only complicates the equation.

Steroids don't make it easy!!!!! It makes everything more difficult. It adds variables to your daily routine that are unique to you and takes time to understand. You will make mistakes and you will become frustrated.

So why would you immediately complicate the development process from the get-go and only cause unwanted frustration and dissapointment? You need to fall in love with the simplistic process of weight lifting and eating before you begin a clandestine chemistry project with your biology.
Coke? Nitrous? Steroids?

This definitely isn't the usual building blocks for muscle. A night in Vegas? Maybe.


Steroids don't make it easy!!!!

I've never done steroids (I just like lifting) and my knowledge is extremely limited on them, but it astounds me how many people these days seem to see them as something to be done as a beginner instead of something to supplement years and years of hard work in the gym. I don't know what's to blame for that... Probably bodybulding mags. People think if they take steroids and enough Celltech they'll look like their favorite bodybuilder within a year even tho they have no base and their training is shit lol. There's a Lee Priest video somewhere where he basically says steroids mostly just help recover faster.

I've never done steroids (I just like lifting) and my knowledge is extremely limited on them, but it astounds me how many people these days seem to see them as something to be done as a beginner instead of something to supplement years and years of hard work in the gym. I don't know what's to blame for that... Probably bodybulding mags. People think if they take steroids and enough Celltech they'll look like their favorite bodybuilder within a year even tho they have no base and their training is shit lol. There's a Lee Priest video somewhere where he basically says steroids mostly just help recover faster.

Thats all steroids really do....but no one wants to hear that...its 2015 everyone wants a quick fix and they dont wanna work hard

Another thing is most people who do steroids dont know anything about steroids cause they learned from someone else who knows nothing...Best way to compensate for lack of knowledge is to just take grip ton of gear and assume youre doing right cause youre getting better. Then you have people who give newbs horrible advice

its partly the media too...they make it seem like the only reason this person can do this is cause they use gear, and that if they did use gear they would be like said person

When im not on drugs im a walking poster board for steroid use....but some squirrel neck comes up to me and i tell them gear isnt a quick fix and they need lots of hard work dedication no one wants to hear that shit
Yes, but Lee Priest's credibility isn't the greatest. He's one of the few professionals who confessed to using steroids (unlike ronnie coleman who claimed he's natural). The catch is he gives laughably absurd doses for what his cycles consist(ed) of. He was also taken to task by nasser sonbaty aka gh15 for being a trenbolone addict. He also claims he didn't use gear until late teen years, but there's pictures of him at 15 showing superb muscular development better than what naturals will achieve in 10 years of training. So all in all, he's not very credible.

AND, remember the study which showed that a natural can try as he may and workout diligently, whereas his geared counterpart on 500 mgs testosterone per week need not even workout, but the latter will gain decisively more muscle.
Yes, but Lee Priest's credibility isn't the greatest. He's one of the few professionals who confessed to using steroids (unlike ronnie coleman who claimed he's natural). The catch is he gives laughably absurd doses for what his cycles consist(ed) of. He was also taken to task by nasser sonbaty aka gh15 for being a trenbolone addict. He also claims he didn't use gear until late teen years, but there's pictures of him at 15 showing superb muscular development better than what naturals will achieve in 10 years of training. So all in all, he's not very credible.

AND, remember the study which showed that a natural can try as he may and workout diligently, whereas his geared counterpart on 500 mgs testosterone per week need not even workout, but the latter will gain decisively more muscle.

He is an A class bullshitter but really most of them are so i commend him for at least admitting something
but the fact remains thats really all steroids do is help you recover....some help u get a little leaner and harder, some aid with getting a little bit more bloated to get bigger. But thats really the general purpose

and yeah I do remember that

I've never done steroids (I just like lifting) and my knowledge is extremely limited on them, but it astounds me how many people these days seem to see them as something to be done as a beginner instead of something to supplement years and years of hard work in the gym. I don't know what's to blame for that... Probably bodybulding mags. People think if they take steroids and enough Celltech they'll look like their favorite bodybuilder within a year even tho they have no base and their training is shit lol. There's a Lee Priest video somewhere where he basically says steroids mostly just help recover faster.

The reason is our generation has become fixated on the ideology of instant gratification. We live in a world where everything exists at our fingertips with little to no effort. It has become a McDonald's sense of mind. Why take 20 minutes to cook hamburgers myself when I can order one in 2 minutes from McDonalds for a small fee? Same thing goes for weightlifting..

Why work my ass off for years when I can just inject some random compounds into my arse and now I look like the guys at competitions? Magazines do exacerbate this issue. These "5 exercises you need to build 20'' arms in 2 weeks!" ads just lie.
AND, remember the study which showed that a natural can try as he may and workout diligently, whereas his geared counterpart on 500 mgs testosterone per week need not even workout, but the latter will gain decisively more muscle.

I don't know what study you're talking about but my point was that from what I know a lot of people overestimate how much steroids are going to help them... They see it as a quick fix. As far as Lee Priest, you're on your own. He is my favorite bodybuilder, but I quit giving a shit about bodybuilding a long time ago.
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