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Mother loses custody of baby after drinking marijuana tea while pregnant


Bluelight Crew
Dec 29, 2008
Parents have lost custody of their newborn daughter after the mother used a tea made with medical marijuana to treat her morning sickness and discomfort, authorities said.

Hollie Sanford of Cleveland, Ohio, said she decided to use "pot tea" to help with her extreme morning sickness and nerve pain while pregnant with her daughter, Nova, Fox 8 News reports. Sanford told Fox 8 that doctors were going to dispense opiates, but she was afraid of the effect of opiates on her unborn child.

“We did the research, and THC, the psychoactive element, doesn’t reach the baby after it’s metabolized through my body,” Hollie told Fox 8 News. “So it’s not like the baby is stoned, like people might think.”

When their daughter was born on Sept. 26, the hospital performed a drug test on the baby. The child tested positive for a byproduct of marijuana.

“They never even asked us,” said Sanford told Fox 8 News. “They tested my baby’s diaper with the meconium stool.”

Hospital records said the baby “was very healthy at birth” and there was “no evidence the child was exposed to THC or suffered from withdrawal,” according to Fox 8 News. But Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services took the baby into custody.

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This is what the war on drugs does.
It tears families apart for no legitimate reason.
So terribly sad. :(
Thank goodness i don't lice in America the more n more I'n hearing of these shocking, horrendous stories. Where I lived we have help n support for addiction for the individual n their family. For an advanced country they appear behind when it comes to drugs /addiction n thats upsetting.

The parents must be going hell right now losing their child

Am I reading this right? So she refused opioids, which do get into the baby and the baby can be born in withdrawal and all that, to use a substance that allegedly doesn't affect the baby, the baby is born all fine and she's a bad mother and has her baby taken away from her? Well this is retarded. Do mothers lose custody of their children if they drink alcohol during their pregnancy? Hell no. This is beyond messed up.
^ Sadly you are reading it right.
It is pretty kafkaesque, I would say.
i was only recently made aware an have not had the time to explore what all this about, but its my understanding that cannabinoids are naturally present in breast milk.

The scientifically documented negative result of state child removal, on both parents and children, combines with with drug paranoia based on little or no evidence to create a result that could eventually used to justify the same exact....

Damn Carl Harts view right hear.
Am I reading this right? So she refused opioids, which do get into the baby and the baby can be born in withdrawal and all that, to use a substance that allegedly doesn't affect the baby, the baby is born all fine and she's a bad mother and has her baby taken away from her? Well this is retarded. Do mothers lose custody of their children if they drink alcohol during their pregnancy? Hell no. This is beyond messed up.

I agree it's ridiculous. They're causing more harm to both parents n child. And yes that is a valid point, BD - she refused opiates which could have caused the baby to be in withdrawal. This way the baby was fine. She was thinking of her baby's needs while it was inside her as we all did when expecting. I don't know what happens in Amercial but how would the parents go about getting the child back.

Is it a normal practice that newborns get drug tested after birth (without consent of the parents)? this also seems very fucked up.
Especially when she refused opiates to begin with. More bullshit against the legalization of marihuana.
I did not know the blood test in babies was mandatory. Should be something the parents would consent.
They can't use this to judge parenting IMO.
Welcome to 'murica! Go back to watching Modern Family, you can rest easy knowing that your government (federal, state, and local) are protecting you from crazy women drinking folk remedies instead of taking a medication we have been paid to tell you to take.
^ nice.
But change it to "amazingly safe, effective, time-proven folk remedies" and I think it's even better.
As I say I'm glad I'm in the UK. I've a happy 6-year old n I've suffered addiction (n mental health issues the MH refuse to treat). It just seems extreme n like the child will hurt long term. What has that child ever done wrong? Don't trust social services either they're extremely manipulative. I feel for this couple.
