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Morning Glory seeds in Coke


Dec 29, 2014
By coke, I mean Coca Cola. Would I be able to soak some morning glory seeds in Coke in order to mask the taste? Or would that destroy the LSA? It's not really for extraction purposes; more like a way to make eating them more bearable. On the same subject, if it is okay to do that, would it then be easier to remove the outer shell? I've always just eaten the whole things, and while I've never thrown up on them, I do get a bit sick to my stomach. I've heard that the shell is the main reason for that. Would I be losing potency that way? And, finally, would drinking the coke afterwards be advised, or not so much? Thanks for any help.
I don't see why it would be a problem. But I try to avoid caffeine prior to and while using lysergamides. Caffeine can really increase body load for me.
Thanks for the advice. As it just so happens, I have some caffeine free coke, because I feel like it tastes better anyway.
No caffeine. I wonder how acidifying LSA would effect it?
That was my main concern as well, and from what I experienced, it did have an effect. It kicked in much faster than it usually does, and it peaked early, but it stayed at the peak for much longer, and at the end, it came more rapidly. The overall time was around 8 hours, which is about the standard amount of time it usually lasts, but it was much more intense (in a good way) the whole time. The come up was only around 20 minutes to feel the effects, and about another 45 to to peak. I can't say for sure that it would always be that way though, but it was for me last night. Couldn't get the shells off, but the coke almost completely hid the awful taste, unless it took too long to chew them up, which happened a couple of times, and there was almost no nausea. So, it definitely served its intended purpose.
That was my main concern as well, and from what I experienced, it did have an effect. It kicked in much faster than it usually does, and it peaked early, but it stayed at the peak for much longer, and at the end, it came more rapidly. The overall time was around 8 hours, which is about the standard amount of time it usually lasts, but it was much more intense (in a good way) the whole time. The come up was only around 20 minutes to feel the effects, and about another 45 to to peak. I can't say for sure that it would always be that way though, but it was for me last night. Couldn't get the shells off, but the coke almost completely hid the awful taste, unless it took too long to chew them up, which happened a couple of times, and there was almost no nausea. So, it definitely served its intended purpose.

WandErection ( Harry Potter fan or One Direction fan. ;) ) Your cool, so I will explain.

The main ingredient you are seeking is called Ergine aka d-lysergic acid amide (LSA) aka d-lysergamide.

As a precursor to LSD, Ergine is a DEA schedule 3 drug in the USA and is considered a depressant.

There are many ways of preparing Morning Glory Seeds for usage. I will list the simpilest IMO. First, store bought. They work, but may be coated. This will not kill you, but may make you slightly sick to your stomach or puke.
I don't know your experience level. Don't drink on these is my main suggestion.

Anyway, you could( should ) measure the dose of seeds out. Very smart practice. You could pop them in your mouth and chew the shit out of them and swallow. Easy enough.

I prefer to take, no less then 150 seeds, place them in a electric coffee grinder, grind them up to a fine powder, dump powder( depending on the amount ) on to toilet paper squares and with drink ready, parachute the ball of powder and chase it with your preferred drink immediately. This way, they get to stomach pretty fast and kick in quicker. You avoid the wonderfully aweful taste.

A longer, but much better and worth the time method is to make an alcohol based extraction. There is a little more time involved, but IMO, way worth the extra effort.

Get yourself at least 1000 seeds ( could use less, but why bother?) preferably two wide mouth mason jars, the strongest clear liquor you can find ( Everclear, grain alcohol, moonshine ).'Now take all your ground up powder and dump all of it into a jar ( the more ground up seed, the better ). Take your choice of hard( clear ) liquor and pour over seed powder about an inch, but not too much. You may need more liquor, the weaker it is. Now shake the tar out of your sealed mason jar. Stick container preferably in the fridge for at least 24 hours, if not 36 to 48 hours. Every so often, pull it out briefly and shake a few minutes. After this time has past, get yourself a bunch of coffee filters or I prefer a tee shirt. Push it in the jar a little and rubberband to the container ( you don't want to mess up, if you can help it ). Slowly pour and dump all your seed mush into this filter. The liquid coming out is extracted LSA. When you think you are all done, carefully take off your filter( tee shirt preferred ) and wring it out into the jar. You could keep going further, but this is good enough. Discard all the solids, or whatever. You now have some pretty clean, potent LSA extract.

Now, this is no toy. The dosage is a sip at most. Start low until you figure out how strong this stuff is, how long it takes to kick in, side effects, etc. A sip should make you trip.

In one of my LSA threads, I'll edit in the Bluelighters name later, but he suggested mint or cinnamon to kick things up a notch.

I suggest some N2O ( nitrous oxide ). Stained glass visuals !!!!

I hope I helped you in some way. Best bet for seeds is an organic shop. The seeds will be untreated. PM anytime. Speed King.
I've never actually done an extraction, but I used to have a coffee grinder, and I'd pulverize them until they were very fine. Now that I don't have it anymore, I just eat them, so I was trying different things to soak them in to help with the taste. I'd tried things like KoolAid, juice, and even vinegar, and nothing worked, so I thought the acidity of the coke would help penetrate the shell. I normally use around 300 to 400 seeds, and I've never thrown up, though I've been close. Really, its not that the taste is awful, as much as it is really strong and lingering. Though I've found that eating a couple sour gummy worms when it gets overwhelming helps a lot. And with the coke soak, I didn't need that much.
I've never tried nitrous oxide, but that does sound like fun, and I'd never have thought of cinnamon or milk, but I may have to try that too.
On a semi-unrelated note, how would you describe the LSA feeling to someone? I gave a friend of mine who is interested, but he wants me to try and explain how it feels. To me, it feels like a mixture of the feeling of DXM and Ecstasy. I say "feeling" because I've never taken them both at the same time, but I feel similar things to both of them, but I know that sometimes mixing two things creates completely different effect, rather than just having both effects at once. But, idk if that feeling is universal.
An important point: fresh morning glory seeds contain very little LSA. The main ingrediënt is LSH: lysergic acid Hydroxy-ethylamine (acid is saure in german). Frsh morning glory seeds will have an effect that is pretty close to LSD. I would say, if you have a good batch of seeds, it's even better than LSD. Although it's very LSD-like, it's psychological effects are stronger. It penetrates the mind deeper than almost any other psychedelicdoes (except maybe salvia). To give an indication of how superiour a psychedelic fresh seeds can be, to the mexican natives, ololiuqui was more sacred than peyote or the psylocybin mushroom. Over time, LSH degrades into LSA. LSA is more of a sedative than a psychedelic. The effects of older seeds are nice, but they don't come anyway near the effects of of fresh seeds. They are two entirely different experiences.
^^^Good info and point. One of the first times I revisited the MG's, it had a heavy downer effect to them almost like Valium. I have MG bushes in my yard. Next time I'll grab the fresh seeds.