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Modafinil uses and detectability?


Sep 13, 2018
Dear BL Community,

I’m curious about the most common uses of Modafinil through first-hand accounts of BL members. Should I use it purely for intellectual tests and not things that relate to emotional intelligence and connecting to people?

Is Modafinil usually detectable in Urine analysis tests?

Have online ordering sources generally been reliable for you for Modafinil?

Does/How soon does dependance develop?
Thanks all.
Tolerance develops pretty slowly, extremely rare for anyone to test for it.

It is fine to use around people, it has a slight increase in confidence with it that one see with reuptake inhibitors (modafinil being a weak DRI). Problem is it has an irritability to it also consistent with DRI's as it wears off.
I use modafinil on days where I have a 12 hour shift and need the extra mental capacity to spend 12 hours with former mental patients. Comes up while I'm driving to work and ensures I get home safe.

There is very little or zero recreational value in modafinil, it's simply a utility drug that works exceptionally well for functionality.