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Stimulants Mixing cocaine & adderall?


Oct 7, 2019
i’m an experienced user with blow and just recently got into adderall. i know it’s dangerous to mix them together, but i’m not sure how long to wait after a line to take some addy, and i don’t wanna do anything unsafer then what i am already doing. any help or tips?
Welcome to BL OffTheMFrails :)

It's not especially dangerous to mix cocaine and amphetamine. The point to consider is that taking multiple stimulants together means you'll probably need to reduce your doses of both to prevent yourself becoming unpleasantly over-stimulated.

There's also the issue that some feel the cocaine can blunt the effects you might normally expect from adderall, making the experience less enjoyable.

If I was you, I'd wait until you felt the cocaine was wearing off before taking any adderall.
I'd do a line up each nostril. Not saying you should. Mixing drugs is risky business. That's just how I roll.