• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Microdosing phenylpiperazines?


Sep 14, 2011
Do you think this is a smart and/or viable idea?
Many of these are said to have side effects when used at recreational dosages and also produce poor psychedelic effects. However, what if your goal is different - like relieving depression or increasing mental performance.
I'm not talking about the BZP like ones. There are some less common ones (pFPP, pCPP, MeOPP) which sound like they don't have the anxiety and other side effects. Not to mention, pFPP (and probably also pCPP cause it's so similar) are primarily 5-HT1a agonists. That receptor is the primary one studied in depression and official non-SSRI pharmaceuticals like the pirones (buspirone, etc...) target it. I wonder why none of these was ever made into a pharmaceutical? Maybe toxic, or maybe because it could be so easily abused at high dosage, or maybe because it would actually work :sneaky:

To me this sounds like a good idea. The Phenylpiperazines don't seem to be sold in the US, even though almost all of them are legal. They seem to be available in bulk from chemical supply houses.

Has anybody tried any of the ones I listed? What do you think would be a viable dosage (maybe 10mg)? How about long term toxicology? Not saying I'm going to do this, but it's an interesting thought experiment.