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Microdosing LSD


May 14, 2017
My experience and others on the effects of microdosing lsd for a better life.

Early 2017 I microdosing lsd for a week or so and reported my experience and finding to a notepad on my phone. I hoped to one day post it somewhere and now here it is. I hope for people best opinions on the subject and also their experiences.
T-0:00 cut corner off tab and placed under tongue for approx 15 mins. I perceive this dose to be no less then 10ug but possible much more. No accuracy in scaling.
T-1:00 nothing much noticeable.. maybe more excitement in doings but I'm not sure.
T-2:00 still not really noticing much like I would presume but this is my first micro dose so having yet known what to expect.
T-3:00 I think maybe now seeing the array of reddish fuzzy hue associated with lsd. I might have seen a couple things "jump" but this is most likely nothing rather than a placebo, especially at this dose. To note next micro dose will be consumed on Wednesday following a 1,4,7 regimen.
T-4:00 still haven't noticed anything significant or an enhancements as far as cognition or mood necessarily. Will check back in tomorrow (Monday).
Day 2
T-2:00 second day I took what I perceived to be a slightly larger dose. Previously I talked about not taking it again until Wednesday but last night I read up on many articles. I found most popularly people where going 4 day on 1 day off or something very similar to this. The doctors or people studying this disagreed with daily because of the build up of tolerance and so I set out to find where 1,4,7 day schedule is better or 4 on 1 off.
T-2:00 this morning when taking the does I guess was between 15-20ug I noticed, again, very little. Going to school I would guess I had an uplift in social interaction and happiness and maybe even an increase in focus. As for physical effects I notice a heaviness behind my eyes. This heaviness I felt the morning after my big first trip. Music does not seem to be any different and I seem to notice the cold less.
T-3:30 noting what is happening in this journey is not doing much because nothing much happens. I do notice that I am more involved in school and want to be. This I notice when I take methylphenidate which I used to take rather often. I don't take negative things so seriously and also allow stressful situations to kind of roll off.
Note: I am not fully sure yet what I think of taking lsd at a micro dose for therapeutic use. I am still nervous that this will manipulate my brain to want to not succeed and try as much such as weed would. My hope is that it does the opposite and makes me push away stress that holds me down and push towards goals faster. A critical reason for me doing this at this point in my life is because I am about to fail out of high school unless I mega task in the next week which I find no motivation to do. Most ask why I don't desire to do this and I answer, because it's so easy to drop out and follow my business dream and investing millionaire. I had this idea for a long time and only recently when my entire life is right in front of my face, I think that i can't do this. I think that i will turn into a loser who does nothing with their life and works at a normal job for the rest of his life digging out of the hole of debt till death. This choice shouldn't come upon anyone and it defiantly doesn't for the normal kid. The normal kid has a family with money and has had great grades all though high school and has it all laid out. I've always wanted to be the exception to this curse. Facing all of this I choose to try micro dosing lsd to boost mood, motivation, and overall focus on my goals.
Day 4
I skipped a little while here but yesterday I did dose again so I decided to take today and tomorrow off and resume Friday. I have noticed an uplift in my social life per say but interestingly the friends I've had for a very long time, Im losing interest in.
To add I did wake up a few days ago after my first ever trip and I lost interest to smoke cigarettes, which I've been smoking for over a year now, and haven't had one since. I have noticed many positive changes in my life like planning for the future and making better relationships with people.
Today and tomorrow I am hoping to notice a difference to show that the dosing is actually doing something and then taking again in 2 days noticing change. In all honestly I am not sure if this is all placebo or actually changing my life.
Also to note, I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary physically and I am taking this as no side effects have been gain from micro dosing. Huge change from previously taking methylphenidate, where I had very noticeable and uncomfortable side effects.
Day 5
As I was driving to work last night I felt this very heavy blanket be put over me. It was a blanket full of tiredness, stress, and anxiety. I knew the moment I felt this that the dosing wore off. I learned 2 very important things from this.
One: It takes 2 days for it to last and so now I have learned to dose every 2 days. This is me learning my body and brain, and how it processes lsd.
Two: The "trip" of micro dosing can not be explain as come up, peak, and come down. It is linear. Like a light bulb turn on when it is taken and the after 2 days the light bulb out of no where just shuts off.
These 2 things I took away from this one drive to work was very astonishing. Also I have found that this for sure effects me emotionally and also energetically.
After all these I obviously chose to dose again this morning knowing it wares off after 2 days. This morning I noticed very heavily. My social life has been effected and continues to be. My motivation and positive energy is great. My participation in class has risen and before didn't so much care about like English. Throughout today I will be noting differences when taken on a large work load because today I have a lot to do.
I plan to maybe try this again and report in better detail to this forum if I get enough interest and thoughts.
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When I did this a few months ago I was horrible at following a pattern but I would say I took more like 1/6th a tab the days I did. The tabs were 150ug tho not the traditional 100ug.

By the end I determined every other day is what seemed to work the best for me. In the topic of cycling though, I wouldn't do that for longer than a month judging on what I've read from others accounts.

Have you had any microdosing experience?
I seem to be doing lysergamides (not lsd25) variously 20 to 50 mics every 3rd or 4th day for a couple of years, lower is too low for me to be interested in, and higher is for special occasions.
Very interesting. Do you have a forum about said lysergamides and your experience with them? I'm interested to hear what it's like to have microdosed for so long. After a year straight I've herd of people becoming social hermits and having serious anxiety.
I guess this is my forum, or the shroomery, where I am more known for salvia reports - I am a bit of a hermit now, but live with my wife, and function pretty normally, meanwhile kids are grown up (over 30) and living out. A few years ago I was immersed in civic politics.
I have regular work - multiple clients - with travel as a computer specialist.
Also I do a fair bit of artwork which has been published, so - yeah, pretty active in self promotion and engaged with multiple different creative projects.
I once met a man who said he had been dosing a half tab of acid every day for *decades*. He was probably about late 50s at the time. He said it was like his morning cup of coffee. I don't know if he was bullshitting or exaggerating, or maybe it was perfectly true. He seemed very nice and friendly, and a little bit trippy :)

Microdosing is pretty interesting. Seems like it's been getting some attention in the mainstream media and thus gaining cultural awareness lately.

I've only ever done it here and there, one-off microdoses, but with lots of various substances, often just for allergy testing them. Many of the 2C-x have been good to microdose. 5-MeO-MiPT was a good microdosing material. AL-LAD might have been my favourite for microdosing so far. ETH-LAD was good too, and LSD of course.

OP: I'd be interested to read your conclusions/summaries/meta of your experience with microdosing.
I plan on doing another microdosed week and reporting it to this thread soon.
Good luck to you, but you have not convinced me that you experienced anything other than placebo. I am highly skeptical that microdosing has any real effect whatsoever... as far as I see it, it is basically the homeopathy of psychedelics.

Obviously the placebo effect can be a powerful thing, possibly even more so in drug users as our brains are already wired to associate taking certain substances with a positive outcome of some kind. But the effects you describe are not distinguishable from those that would result from just having a more positive and optimistic outlook on life.

Of course, if taking sub-threshold doses of acid daily is what it takes to induce this feeling in yourself, then this is no bad thing.
well it is not harmful and not very costly and it makes the world more sparkly so it shouldn't bother anyone.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it bothers me, and I'm sure it's quite harmless. :) I would also of course love if LSD or indeed any psychedelic turned out to be a potent nootropic in lower doses. I just feel obliged to present an opposing viewpoint in the face of the reverence with which many people hold entheogens, which (in my view) sometimes borders on irrational.

For example, if I liked to smoke a very tiny joint every couple of days, or have, say, a beer in the evening every few days, I might say that I think this improves my outlook, makes me happier, and has an overall net benefit on my life because of these things. But most people wouldn't say I was "microdosing marijuana" or "microdosing alcohol". Most people also would simply say that these are drugs which they just like to get very lightly buzzed off, as a harmless and hedonistic pastime.

In contrast, it does seem to me that when people talk about "microdosing" psychedelics, rather than just saying they like to feel the threshold sparkly weirdness of a trip every now and then without diving right in (and of course there is nothing wrong with this!), generally the very term "microdosing" implies some kind of higher significance to their actions that is not present with less mind-expanding substances, or even other widely used substances which may be quantifiably nootropic like, for example, caffeine. The implication, I feel, is that microdosing these substances has some kind of higher benefit to their overall health, intelligence, and wellbeing, which of course, it may well do... but so does doing anything which you enjoy doing on a regular basis.

Again I want to stress I'm not judging here, or saying no-one should bother with microdosing, or really making any comment on how other people choose to live their lives... everyone is obviously free to do whatever they choose as long as it isn't harming anyone. I just present my considered opinion and an opposing viewpoint, for discussion. :)
@Vastness, 20-60 mics affects the sense of time passing in various ways - unlike the vague notions of nootropics. - kinda like cannabis but without the fog or gooey physical effect of cannabis's syrupy nature.
Accordingly waves of superimposition of ideas and sensation occur which is trippy, definitely not placebo-ic, and more clearheaded than can be achieved with coffee, weed, or any of a number of mind altering alternatives.
over 40 mics and the floor is warped and can be real spooky at times as well.
Often when people are talking about microdosing they mean 5-10µg LSD, which is very sub-threshold for most people. It's possible a dose like that is placebo level.

Usually when I "microdose" I do it right to at the edge of threshold. Some wouldn't call this microdosing, because it *is* perceptible, but just barely. If we're talking lysergamides, for me this is 15-25µg. With 2C-E I think it was 0.5-1mg. etc.

I've seen people call half a tab of acid microdosing, which I suppose it could be if you have high tolerance, natural tolerance, or really weak tabs. I don't generally consider this microdosing though, I'd call it a light trip.

Microdosing is a bit poorly defined, so it's hard to know what people mean when they talk about it. I think strictly speaking, it is supposed to be sub-threshold, but many people (myself included) are using the word to describe dosing slightly higher. We should probably all get in the habit of trying to use actual numbers.
I did microdose Monday with what I would say is about 20ug (1/5 tab) and I drank coffee and 40mg of noopept. I got every effect of a full trip besides visuals. I got this in class and I didn't like it much while doing mundane daily tasks. I think it was the noopept that made it way stronger but never has a microdose felt so "in your face".
I'm going to dose again tomorrow with hopefully slightly less and report here. I'll try to make prof that it is less or a placebo and see if my daily task are more enjoyed. Basically I'll report to this thread every hour or so starting tomorrow morning. If you're interested check back tomorrow and give me your comments through out the day as I give me. :)
Also don't hate me for my spelling and grammatical errors. I do my best best reporting on my phone I often mess up or go fast so I'm not sitting on my phone typing to a bluelight thread for an hour.
Dosed at 8:15 EST on my way to class in 15 mins. I'm also taking noopept this morning because I take it every morning.