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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Microdosing LSD - Retrospective - a negitive review


Dec 25, 2014
Quick summary if you don't wanna read the whole thing: I microdosed LSD for about 4 months, and feel that it had a negitive, but not very significant, impact.

So, last September (2020), I began taking 10 micrograms of LSD once every 3 days. I had never used LSD before, and never took a full dose, only microdosed. I continued this regiment until about January 2021, when I decided it wasn't really providing anything positive for me. During that period, I had a lot of "insights" into my life. A few of them I still feel were good, but many of them I later came to disagree with. The LSD had seemed to bring back issues from my past, and made me believe that they were to blame for my current psychiatric issues, and that they were still bothering me subconsciously. One of them was a trauma from my past, when I was sent to an abusive wilderness "therapy" program at the age of 11 (I was 20 at the time of the microdosing). While that experience had a severe and lasting impact on me, I was able to process it over time and get over it. It certainly lead to many of my psychiatric issues following it, and some of those lead to what I'm currently dealing with, but I don't believe it still had any remaining direct impact on me by the time I was 17. The LSD seemed to bring those memories back, and they began to trouble me again. There was another incident when I was 14 that deeply troubled me (I don't really feel comfortable talking about it), but by the time I was 16 I was over that too and the memories no longer bothered me. The LSD brought the memories back however, and I would dream of it several times a week.
It's been about 6 months since I stopped microdosing, and I'm no longer experiencing any of the negitive effects of it, I'm back to how I was really.
I'd like to note that the negitive effects of it were not very significant as well. From what I've heard, most people have good, or at least neutral, effects from microdosing, but I figured I should share my atypical experience.

EDIT 6/19/23: Very shortly after posting this (within a month), I had a profound spiritual awakening in which I accepted God, connecting with my spirit. I got my first job, whereas before I did literally nothing in terms of work or education because I felt I couldn't. My depression and agoraphobia immediately got better (there were a few brief episodes of regression afterward, but generally speaking I was healed). I shed my addictions over the next year, drugs (including psychiatric drugs, caffiene, nicotine, and alcohol), pornography, video games, unhealthy food, I even got rid of my smartphone and switched to a call and text only flip. I feel I'm doing incredibly well in life. In April or May of 2021, a month or two before posting this, I attempted suicide. Now, I love life! I absolutely adore it! It was the spiritual awakening that healed me, not the LSD itself, but the LSD was a critical step in reaching the spiritual awakening.
Microdosing LSD - Retrospective - A profoundly positive review.
Tagge d by Xorkoth
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often the naked truth is too harsh for us to bare.

still I believe after having a fuck load of acid that sometimes you see truth and many times

you are just mad as a hatter looking for sign posts.

as buddha put it.

don't look for signs

or for the love of fantasy

“Always try to remember that most of the things that happen in this world aren’t signs. They happen because they happen, and their only real significance lies in normal cause and effect. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you start trying to pry the meaning out of every gust of wind or rainsquall. I’m not denying that there might actually be a few signs that you won’t want to miss. Knowing the difference is the tricky part.” ~David Eddings
Thanks for the report Nancy. Yeah, listen to the other posters. If you are getting those memories maybe take a good hard look at them, make peace and let them go. If you can't let go talk about them with a therapist or someone until you can let go. They are not there to haunt you but to give you some form of knowledge and wisdom as bad as they can be. Then they will never bother you again.

Hell go to the Dark Side, post about it here and talk. You may have already,this is a big site. lol But yeah, don't run from the memories. Go right through them, process them and let go. Because it apprears you burried them for a long time and they came back to teach some lesson. So in a way that is a positive thing from a negative time period.

I am always struck o the NDE's where someone is getting physically raped by a relative and dies for a few moments. Then then they are with some Angel that helps them to stay strong and then the situations don't happen anymore. I find that fascinating. The largest question answered, why did I have to go through that? Yet they do and come out the other side.

Life is hard. Anyone alive deserves a gold metal. So many sorrows and not enought joy.
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Wow......JackARoe said a mouthful but yea I would have to agree. Processing the feelings that are coming to you fully and completely and letting your self be completely in fear or completely angry or just completely joyful is what I've read in self-help books that work out usually. Instead of pushing aside the feeling try to feel it completely relax into the emotion and just breathe. Gaining consciousness and self-awareness in the now is pretty awesome and amazing to me. Also you are one tough person to be talking about it even without details. Way to go. You are already on a path to getting better, and sometimes we don't even realize this. All I'm really saying is your awesome and that was an interesting read. I've never micro-dosed per-say, but I have done LSD a fair share of times. I enjoy it. But don't overlook the main thesis of your writing. You suffered. That's the main point. You are now out at the other end and thinking clearly. For a lot of people that's too hard to even do. So stay strong, and if you ever get in the right head space a year or even half a year from now I would give LSD another shot. But it seems to me that you are making good progress. I'm no doctor, but I sensed the sincerity in your writing. Stay strong!