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Dosing Microdosing cannabinoids

Snafu in the Void

Moderator: NMI Bukowski Jr.
Staff member
May 27, 2020
I'm curious if anyone has tried this and if so what sort of benefits you've noticed.

Specifically I am talking about microdosing psychoactive cannabinoids in sub-psychoactive doses. Oral dosing <1.5mg or so.

Did you notice any benefits in sleep, pain, stress?
I'm curious if anyone has tried this and if so what sort of benefits you've noticed.

Specifically I am talking about microdosing psychoactive cannabinoids in sub-psychoactive doses. Oral dosing <1.5mg or so.

Did you notice any benefits in sleep, pain, stress?
Does it have to be edible or would you consider vaping a low dose of some as well?
I don't really care, I just didn't consider vaping because I don't see how to accurately dose a specific amount.
okay , i have some experience with vaping low dose consistently throughout the day and my experience with it is it seems to stabilise my mood a bit and take the edge off but i make sure i dont do enough to feel high but this is what i do when i see family like visit my nan or something lol its not something ive tried often because i do like to get high too.
I think if it was legal in the UK though and i could be prescribed a low THC strain to vape i would fully comply if it meant getting my moods and everything in order (Please note even with years of sobriety ive always had issues with my moods and anxiety as well as depression almost like bipolar mood swings, can compare them to ecstasy comedowns)
Like, go to pharmacy tommorrow and pick up my 7g of 3% thc weed to vape id definitely give it a try

Edited to add
Does anyone know of a good vape to microdose dry herb cannabis in? the Mighty is great but the chamber is a bit big to efficiently microdose weed with
I'm curious if anyone has tried this and if so what sort of benefits you've noticed.

Specifically I am talking about microdosing psychoactive cannabinoids in sub-psychoactive doses. Oral dosing <1.5mg or so.

Did you notice any benefits in sleep, pain, stress?
About 2.5mg is my sweet spot with edibles. I don't smoke much anymore because it gives me wicked anxiety now. My tolerance is almost 0 now. A light dose of edibles is just right for sleep. I don't get buzzed really, maybe the equivalent to 1 beer or a glass of wine.

I live in PA and still buy off the grey market
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About 2.5mg is my sweet spot with edibles. I don't smoke much anymore because it gives me wicked anxiety now. My tolerance is almost 0 now. A light dose of edibles is just right for sleep. I don't get buzzed really, maybe the equivalent to 1 beer or a glass of wine
Yeah this is in line with my own goals here and current experience.

>2-3mg edibles becomes counterproductive, but below that seems to help me sleep and relaxes me
I kind of micro-dosed research noids because I got adverse reactions from usual dosages. Specially good when applied on industrial hemp (possibly due to other cannabinoids like CBD in there). I don't think that cannabinoids have a similar microdosing profile like psychedelics are supposed to (I tried it with 1cP-LSD and got no good results anyways tho). But low-dosed UR-144 was nice. Relaxation mostly and possibly increased creativity, easy flowing conversation (for somebody like me with social anxiety).
My lady has anxiety and other issues. She benefits from about 1/8 to 1/4 of a 10mg gummy daily without getting a buzz.
If she's been doing that for a while, I might creep her up to 1/4. These are the legal ∆9 gummy's which seem to be weaker than what they claim.

I've heard of others doing quite small amounts of gummy on a regular basis. So yeah, it's not uncommon I think. Some CBD in there as well would help with medical benefits while taming the high.

My lady does like taking 1/2 or so occasionally when she wants a buzz.
I'm curious if anyone has tried this and if so what sort of benefits you've noticed.

Specifically I am talking about microdosing psychoactive cannabinoids in sub-psychoactive doses. Oral dosing <1.5mg or so.

Did you notice any benefits in sleep, pain, stress?
100% I noticed benefits and I’ve been microdosing with edibles around 1.25 - 3mg of D-9 THC , generally a minimum of once daily. The average is probably **2mg**, which I still technically think falls into microdose as it’s under 3mg lol. I generally only use the weekends for say a 5mg nice buzzy amount of THC, and my limit is around 10-12mg mark (that’s about the most I can handle without significant side effects lol).

A few things to note. I am quite sensitive to THC, but thankfully not hypersensitivity like I used to be. Also, I generally take a light to moderate dose of CBD (example 5:1 CBD:THC) as this dramatically increases certain non-intoxicating therapeutic effects). While I generally prefer D-9 for microdosing, I will on occasion use D-8 and HHC, due to subtle effect differences, usually around 3-6mg). Microdosing D-8 is good for long sleep and HHC is good for high-task days lol. Onto D-9.

I find ~2mg of D-9 THC is basically like s daily supplement for me, because I definitely feel better with it and notice on days without the missing positives. The #1 reason I use it is to supplement the pain relief achieved through prescribed low-dose opioids. It def helps and I credit it for helping keep me on lower dosing (7.5mcg Butrans, 5mg Percocet as needed). It also helps with improving my mood and slowing down my thoughts a little. The subtle relaxation properties also help with stress and help me to be a bit more social.

So the benefits are on the mild side, but there’s multiple benefits, and the combination of them make this a game changer for me. 😌

PS- sometimes I microdose smokables as well and will do another response later to discuss that lol.
I have a MMJ card in my state with chronic migraine as my qualifying condition.

I microdose to help with managing the headache frequency/severity. If I microdose often enough and at the right dose, it helps to reduce the frequency and severity of the pain and other impairing migraine symptoms.
It allows me to hover around a 2 to 5 pain level on most days instead of a debilitating 6 to 9, which is where I was at most days before I started using marijuana as medicine. There are of course really bad days where I'd love to take a larger dose early in the day because I'm in migraine hell but can't afford to be impaired so I still only microdose. Does it take the pain away entirely? Of course not. I'd need to use a much higher dose to get rid of the pain completely, and on a dose that high I can't function normally and I would be too impaired to carry out daily tasks.
So that's why I microdose 1mg to 2.5mg throughout the day (the dose and frequency depends on the day, my symptoms, my setting, what I have to accomplish that day, etc) and then take larger doses for more relief later in the day after I'm home and have no more obligations.
When I was a stoner I could say I was into megadosing. Now I can feel beneficial effects from microdose. Be it very small amount of THC in some form or CBG weed (I like it a lot more than CBD weed).
I don't really care, I just didn't consider vaping because I don't see how to accurately dose a specific amount.
Dosist vape pens. but as far as I can tell it’s 2.5mg per dose. But it is supposedly rock solid. You inhale like on a normal vape pen and, depending on the settings will give you 2.5 mg or 5.0mg(?) per dose. The control comes from the battery, which *has* to be used b/c it contains a microprocessor controlling everything.

Since I do not micro dose I’ve never tried one of these. I’m thinking $40-50 b/c of the battery.

@Snafu in the Void I almost forgot (I did, until now); the best option is water soluble THCdrops if you have access to them in/from a legal market.

Typically they dispense 20 drops in a 1ml and it’s 0.5mg THC per drop. They all (in Canada anywaysit’s mandated by law) have precise dosing nipples, which will only give 1 drop at a time. Although you can pour them pretty fast.

oNe nottle of a particular brand has 30 ml - so 600 precise 0.5mg doses. I’ve used these in;

-soda pop
-salad dressings
-powdered drinks

A word of caution (and I know you’re only interested in microdosing) is if others use these water soluble products, the bioavailability is greater than With traditional edibles. It takes effectin 5-10 minutes

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