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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Methoxetamine / ~300mg) - Experienced - Fuck the police


Mar 17, 2005
Preface: This experience took place a number of years ago. I have not put much or anything online about it for years for the sake of all involved. This is my rough draft version for my bluelight buddies.

Background: I'm a 24-year old polydrug (ab)user and have been using psychedelics for over a decade. I prefer classical psychedelics and dissociatives over the newer synthetics but I'm not picky.

I was living with a girlfriend, K at the time. We had decided to go to [city in the California] to see Amon Tobin perform ISAM live.

For the trip down I did small bumps of MXE at every pit stop. At the time I had been abusing methoxetamine fairly frequently. It was cheap, pure and readily available so I always had at least a gram lying around the house. Having fully explored other routes of administration, I planned to take an oral dose for this opportunity.

We arrived in [city] early and explored China town. I've been to [city] a bunch before, growing up 45 minutes away, I am somewhat familiar with the major areas. Made our way to the theatre and found our seats. The concert began earlier than I thought so I quickly made a line to the bathroom and popped a pill containing roughly 75mg and did a small line of the same amount. K had decided only a small oral dose (~60mg) as she is more sensitive to the drug and I figured she wouldn't want to be that far gone for the experience. Got back to my seat and was enjoying the mild effects and incredibly visuals of the performance. It reminded me of a DMT trip, where you can't really get oriented.

The ISAM installation is essentially a textured box-like structure which is used as a projection "screen" for an array of high-quality projectors in order to give the effect that what you are seeing is 3-D. This effect, in real-time really does give a true impression of 3-dimensionality. It looked real and I was in awe for the entire performance. I'm fairly certain I would have been just as equally impressed sober.

The capsule didn't seem to do much and the insufflated dose was wearing off, so I made another trip to the bathroom to take another capsule and another line (same doses as before).

The concert begins to wrap up and it's time to leave. Still not feeling particularly incredible, I decided to take a final line before leaving the venue. We had to leave to drive back the same night, but decided to take a pit-stop and have some dinner so we could sober up a bit. We eat at a nice sushi restaurant and that's when things started to get funky...

Mid-way through the dinner I become increasingly drunken acting. I ask K to marry me, she asks if I'm seriously doing this right now, we both laugh and leave. As we walk to the car I notice that my balance is completely off and everything looks way too muddled. Like all of the colors and textures are blending together. I'm dangerous in the sense that I can drive on any drug, sometimes not very well, but I can drive on any drug. At the time I had a manual sports car which had decent maneuvering and was fun as hell to drive. Enter [city]: steep hills and one way roads. I back out of our space and, following the advice of Google Maps, make a right into oncoming traffic. I panic, turn off into an alley and sit for a long while. I question if I am really sober enough to drive.

Now K didn't know how to drive stick. We took my car due to reliability and gas cost, plus I love to drive. There was literally no way she could drive us back, so we were stuck with my deteriorating mental state.

I manage to get us on to the freeway and we're off. We have some interesting philosophical discussions while listening to music. With a nice buzz under my belt, I put the cruise on at 75mph and expect a leisurely drive back. Out of nowhere I hear what sounded like someone yelling in my backseat for me to pull over to the next exit. I look in the rear-view mirror, and see what looked like an angry red hornet buzzing right behind me. I pulled to the next exit and they directed me to a parking lot. They take my info, inform me that I was speeding. The 55mph zone, the last 10mi or so before it turned into 65mph all the way home. Who fucking invented this place. Noticing my clear insobriety, the officers ask me to step out of the vehicle. At this point K is essentially hysterical and one of the officers takes to trying to calm her down.

They were mildly perplexed by my breathalyzer results so I was asked to perform a sobriety test. I was able to do some of the sobriety tests with ease, like keeping track of time and touching my nose with my eyes closed, but other tasks such as walking in a straight line or holding my balance were impossible. My inability to complete them was actually more entertaining to me than anything. Clearly understanding I was under the influence, they place me under arrest. Then we all realize that K can't drive my car. Enter the wallet and the impound - I had taken a few capsules of MXE but also brought the remainder of the gram in it's original plastic baggy with label and all. The capsules were kept in my pocket but the bag was kept in the wallet.

After a bit of convincing, I get the cops to give my wallet to K so that she could use the cash in it to rent a hotel room. They hand her the wallet, the tow truck arrives and we're off to the station.

I feel rather confident knowing I have nothing on me and that what I am on won't show up on any drug test. So I'm sat down to do yet another breathalyzer, this time with the super accurate desktop ones. Again, I pass, and I sit in silence. I meditate for some time, ask to use the restroom and drink some water. Eventually I am questioned. Apparently upon my search, they had found some empty capsules in my pants. I forgot, two of the ones I had intended for oral use were cracked and snorted and the capsules kept in my pants pocket!

"Well officer, I take niacin daily and it works best sublingually, so I crack the capsule under my tongue and I must have put the capsules in my pocket."

They hear that, and then obviously took them to test. Evidently it was nothing they could identify. Wonderful.

So I wait and meditate some time more, by this point I had regained the ability to speak without slurring. The officer mentioned something earlier to his co-worker about his dog. I told him I used to be a dog trainer (true) and about a great dog training manual. It lightened the mood a bit and put everyone at ease. After a while, the sergeant came in to do a medical evaluation. She checks my vitals, which were within normal limit, and has one of the officers administer a pupil diameter test. Now I know that if you change your focal point, you can also change the diameter of your pupil. This effect must apparently be compounded when on drugs affecting pupil dilation (check it out with your friends!). So basically while he was looking at my pupil I would look slightly at his face, then slightly at the wall behind him, just enough to change the pupil. As I was already experiencing nystagmus, the eye movement wasn't noticed. I. blew. their. mind.

They were so fucking shocked and I laughed like a fool! oh the howl and guffaw, and I explained it to them with my slightly-slurred tangled tongue. They performed a few more tests, asked me if I ever used drugs before? Told them no, obviously officer I've never touched a drug in my life. They said I would be cut out for the CHP. We laugh.

Sergeant asks me if I have any prior medical history, I mention seizures (true). They kinda stop and talk with each other. I start to see a problem with my situation. The sergeant inquires further into my "condition" and we discover that this may be a medical event that has transpired! A resolution.

The sergeant says she's essentially writing this off and calls up the impound place. Wakes the owner out of bed and tells him to open the gates and release my car, that she'll put his place "back at the top of the list". I ask for the sergeants card, which I still have somewhere I think along with the impound slip, and I'm whisked out of the room and down a hall to a squad car with my new cop buddies.

I go for the rear-passenger side door and I'm told to take shotgun so I hop in the passenger seat and we're off. 85mph in a police cruiser just feels amazing, it's like you're riding on air. At least to me, compared to my car and car's I've driven since, it felt grand. Probably the whole fact that this was actually happening. Lol.

So we show up to the impound place and get out, cops pound on the door and who opens up was apparently Hugh Hefner's fully tattooed, smoker-of-50-years, cousin complete in silk robe like he was fresh out of bed. This creeper lets us in and shows me to my car, I get in, wave and drive off. I struggled to orient myself but found which way to go and got to the hotel. The hotel clerk was being an asshole because he thought she was being abused and running from me (it looked like I was drunk, and she was distraught). We resolved the issue and returned to the room. The experience was surreal, I was trying to process it in this MXE afterglow. K seemed satisfied that it was over. We left the next day and that was that.

Craziest damn trip of my life. Nothing will top the madness of that night.
Fucking hilarious read. Can you explain the pupil dilation though? What does a pupil diameter test involve?
Just FYI, the "low" dose that your girlfriend took is, for me, sometimes a hole dose. I can't even walk on it, or speak, if taken all at once. Good read, sounds like you know how reckless it was already.
Xorkoth, yea at the time we had been using pretty frequently. She was handling 60mg I.M. at the time, so I felt the dose was appropriate.

My dissociative tolerance is ridiculous, I have to take at least 50mg I.V. of MXE to really get much out of it now.

And yeah, probably the most reckless thing ive done.


It's commonly used despite being irrelevant for certain drugs.

Gotta love science.

Essentially if you look at something close, then at something far away, your pupil will change size so your peepers don't go blind-like.

Some drugs enhance this effect.

I also should mention: one of the officers informed me that if I got a letter from a doctor stating my "conditions" (ie, nystagmus, ataxia, aphasia, slurred speech) I could get out of a sobriety test.
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