Methamphetamines: How much damage have I done to myself? Will I be ok?


Apr 5, 2009
Hello Bluelight,

I am not sure if I am posting in the right section or not, but hopefully I am. I hope I do not make anyone mad like the moderators or any of its users, so my apologies in advance for anything I may do wrong or inadvertently.

The past year or so has been pretty tough for me, with constant self letdowns and personal disappointments, all resulting for my inability to stop and quit using methamphetamine's. I have a long drug history and past that date back to when I was a teenager, and going over that complete history would take way long to do right now. So I am basically trying to focus this thread specifically for crystal methamphetamine in regards to my health. I am concerned if this recently acquired habit of mine has done specific damage to my body..This is why I made this thread basically. Any info would be appreciated, as I feel so alone and helpless right now.

My duration and use of crystal meth has been for about the last (1) year. (I know not long at all compared to reading other people's duration and time spent on this substance) I took up this habit after a break up with my ex-gf. We had a volatile and relationship, that spanned over about 10 years. It was good the first few years, but took a bad turn once I made the mistake of asking for a open relationship, which led to cheating on each other (both her and I), constant fights, abuse (physical, verbal, and psychological), all marred and tangled with my own personal substance abuse problems that ranged from marijuana, mushrooms, nitrous oxide, prescription pills, ecstasy, cocaine, and has finally led me to the last and worst one in my opinion crystal meth. She also would use various substances, some, but not all of what I listed plus a seriously bad LSD trip (which lasted for 3 days), that I still can not forget to this day and I personally think has somewhat traumatized me (if that makes sense).

Back to crystal. Once my ex finally decided to leave, and move out completely, I started hanging out with another girl, one who I had previously cheated on my ex with maybe 2-3 times. I knew she had used meth before, a year or two before the breakup I had watched her do some, but never did it myself. Once my ex-gf was out of the picture though, my mind was made up that I wanted to try it out. Big mistake and regret I have now.

I ended up smoking with her for my first time. Of course sex went hand and hand with it. I immediately was hooked. First time I took maybe 3-5 hits total over that day. I remember while on my way home from my first day using, telling myself I should go to rehab immediately. I knew myself deep down, and knew I was going to go down a horrible road. But for whatever reason, I didn't and thought I could control my usage. Approximately a day after I used, I remember having withdrawals, which seemed so odd to me. Being it was a 80 degree night the next day, I remember sweating, being extremely cold and having to put on a sweater. It was really strange, but I thought nothing of it.

From that first time I tried it, I began to invite the new girl over all the time. Started off only on weekends of course, friday-saturday. That eventually led to Friday through Sunday. Soon Thursday nights I was inviting her over, to the point where I pretty much started being a regular and consistent user. She taught me how to use it, how to smoke it, how to clean the pipe, everything, all while having copious amounts of sex while under influence.

Eventually I began to realize new girl was basically only after my money. She was also my dealer at first, but it got to the point where I realized she was skimming me on my sacks. This is when I began to expand my resources and began picking up from maybe 2-3 other people as well. Being I become impatient when I want something, I always wanted to have my own personal fall backs in case someone doesn't come through for me. So now I began using and getting crystal from different people, all so I could constantly stay high whenever I wanted to.

My primary and favorite way to use crystal is smoking it. I have never injected, and have snorted it a handful of times as well. But with smoking of it, I have built a strong tolerance, and have become increasingly, over time, more and more addicted and dependant on it. My usage and amount had skyrocketed over time, and being the idiot I am, I did not do any research into or about this substance, until recently.

I have got to the point now, where I am having a lot of problems because of my use and frequency. I am missing more and more work all the time, having to call in sick; I have had out bursts with my temper at people at work, family members, friends I am sure. I am no longer allowed to live by myself at my personal place and am currently living with family members elsewhere. I have lost all credibility with my family, have lost many previous good friends, I neglect the people I love that support and help me. And I am sure I am hurting them more than they let me believe I am. I was at one point in my life a few years ago about 217 pounds, weighed myself the other day and was at 192.5 pounds. Lost a lot I think in the span of a year. Despite all these negative things, I still have not stopped using.

Probably the last 4 months or so, I have had some other serious problems, health wise with my body. I have now officially attended the Emergency room 4 times in that 4 months or so. I want to say I ended up in the ER because I "overdosed", but perhaps some of them were just severe anxiety attacks, and maybe they were not overdoses at all, but I interpreted it as one.. I will try to explain..

First ER visit: After smoking crystal for at least 2-3 days straight with little to no food or water, I began to notice my left wrist had gone completely numb. Feels like a watch that's on your wrist almost. I began trying to look up online what it may be, read somewhere online it could possibly be a stroke, freaked out, and went to the ER. They basically told me not to do meth anymore, that it's the chemicals inside making me feel that sensation, and that if I keep doing it, it might come back. They gave me a IV, a benzo, and sent me on my way.

Probably only lasted 3-5 days clean max before I started using again. Always telling myself I only will do "a little bit" this next time, I got it, and I won't let myself get back to that point..

Second ER visit: Had been smoking crystal excessively/ binging one weekend. Had not slept much, did not have much food or water for probably 3 days. I remember from the time I had smoked my last bowl, it was about 3 hours in the morning. I decided I needed to eat something, made myself a frozen burrito, drank some water. I remember after finishing eating, I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up from the couch, took about 3 steps, and noticed I was extremely and horribly dizzy. I knew something was wrong, took a couple more steps, than I completely blacked out. I remember I was so dizzy, I knew I was going to just collapse and fall down. I have no clue at all how long I was out, I am guessing maybe anywhere from 3-5 minutes. I woke up on my carpet, and was freaking out. I noticed my breathing had become irregular. Super shallow, maybe even partly hyperventilating. I got up, crying now, took another 10 steps into my kitchen. I remember going to the sink, turning the faucet on, drinking water, and boom, passed out again at the sink. Woke up on the floor of my kitchen, no clue how long I was out again. I called my parents immediately and told them they needed to pick me up right away. Walking from my place to my parking lot was probably a good 20-30 yards. While walking outside (I didn't want to be inside anymore) I noticed my breathing was still shallow, I seemed confused, was having a panic attack for sure and talking to myself. Went to the same ER I had been before, this time though with my parents (I did not tell anyone about my first visit to the ER and fessed up to them while they were with me the second time). It was basically the same old shtick all over again. Hook me up to EKG machine, ask me what I took and what happened, I get a IV, a benzo, and I am on my way.

5 days lasted clean before I began to start using again.

3rd ER visit: Had been smoking a good amount of crystal again. Probably up for a few days, can not remember exactly. I remember it being Sunday night, and at my grandparents place (my new place to live after I got kicked out of my own place). I remember just smoking a huge bowl in the garage. I can't even remember how many hits I took in a row, must of been like 8-10. I decided I was over doing it, so I stopped. Approximately 2 hours from when I last smoked, I remember going to my room and laying down. My heart rate was beating excessively fast. I began to panic. Another panic attack. From there, I began feeling the same thing that has happened to me right before I had blacked out. My breathing became shallow, I was hyperventilating, I was beginning to feel dizzy. I didn't want to black out again, so this time I called 911. I remember being on the phone and so mad at myself, I was cursing at myself for being so fucking stupid for doing it all over again. They called and dispatched 2 police cars and 2 firetrucks. I got off the phone with the operator when I saw the first cop car pulling up. I ran outside waving my hands, but he somehow didn't see me, drove right by and went around a different street. I see a firetruck pull up next across the street from me. Here is where I did not feel human any longer or had any dignity anymore. I run up to the truck, i'm wearing just basketball shorts, not shirt, i'm shivering and cold but freaking out. I run up to the window trying to tell them they are here for me, and they basically told me they had to wait for the cops first for some reason. They made me go back to the house and wait. Then I guess cops finally found right house, I told them it was for me and they cleared the fire department people to do their thing. Seemed like the fire dept. must of been having a bad night, because they all seemed to have a grudge against me for making them show up for a stupid druggie. I had one guy ask me if I am on any medicines, I tried to say " Medical marijua.." and I was interrupted half way by a older gentleman who told me that "Marijuana is not a medicine and I need to be quiet". They then hooked me up to the EKG machine. I could hear my heart pounding. Same old grumpy dude says "We have a winner". I was freaking out more, thinking my heart was going to explode. I tried asking him what does that mean? How fast is it? And the old guy gets all mad and basically tells me to shut up and be quiet, not to worry, that my heart rate wasn't even that high compared to others, basically scolded me again. Same guy injects me with needle and IV, I remember it hurting so fucking bad, I know for a fact he did it on purpose because he didn't want to be there for my call. I understood that. I had a bruise on my arm for a solid week after that. So we get to the ER, I get loaded off the truck, put inside. Same thing all over again, EKG machine, ask me what happened, give me a benzo. I was on my way probably in and out of that ER in 1 hour or less. Another lady inside the ER chewed me out because I was cursing while explaining to the Dr.s what my situation was and what happened. She chewed me out in front of like 20 people, about how I need to watch my mouth and be respectful, something along those lines. I felt less than human this third time around, I felt inferior and below everyone, the firetruck people, the ER people, the Dr. I was just another drug idiot wasting everyone's time basically. I felt so fucking bad. No one cared. No one has pity for me, it's all just a standard protocol to them it seems. So I get discharged in a hour, take a taxi back to where I was staying. Threw away my pipe, flushed all my shit, swore up and down I will never do it again.

Lasted probably about 5 days again before I started using again.

4th ER visit: Fast forward to last night, another Sunday night again. I had been using less in terms of quantity, but still smoking pretty consistently 3 times a day at least for the last 4 days or so. The night before I had gone back to my place, I remember smoking a lot quickly. I took probably somewhere like 6-8 hits in a row back to back. I remember getting up to do something and feeling that dizziness again. How the fuck did I do this again? I knew to stop, so I did, I ate some food, My breathing had begun to feel irregular, walking I would have to lean on things to not fall down. Ate some food, drank eater, felt a tad better, went home to my families place and was alright that night. Next day, feeling better, was moving some stuff around my personal place but feeling really stressed out about it all day. Decided I could smoke just a little bit and be good. Smoked a few times there, then went back to where I actually sleep at night and smoked more there. Around 12 A.M I had my last bowl. I was convinced I would be asleep by 2 AM and able to get some rest and go to work this morning. Was unable to sleep of course, and then I noticed it happening again. Probably 7 hours after my last session, I noticed during that time, it only kept speeding up faster and faster. I was having horrible sensations. Both wrists and hands numb, feet going numb, bottom of feet felt wet for some reason, my breathing was shallow, hyperventilating. I wasn't dizzy, but when I layed down I noticed my heart was going so fast and my breathing so slow. Started to freak out. Noticed the numbness sensation crawling up my neck and head. Body temperature was rising, I am sweating, but am freezing cold at the same time. I couldn't believe how stupid I was, doing it all over again. Monday morning I should be going to work, but instead I did this bullshit again. I coudn't bare to tell my family again. If I did, I was afraid I would lose everything, I have already lost so much this year, I didn't want to lose anymore. So I lied. I told them I feel like I have a fever, the flu, told them all that, and that I was going to my urgent care center to get some medicine and checked out. Drove myself really to the ER, and did it all over again this morning. Of course, I felt horrible, sad, depressed, inferior to all of the staff. I feel like they all look down at me, down upon me as a person, make me feel fucking horrible and useless. Threw me in the corner away from sight, away from everyone else. Main nurse you could tell just really didn't give a shit deep down about me, but it's OK, I understand that they just probably don't get it. I was probably the same at one point when I never had done meth either and would look down upon people that did. So it's all good. Same thing all over again, I get a EKG, I get a IV, I get my benzo which brings my heart rate down and makes all my bad feelings go away that I was having.

So that is my journey, my own personal account of the hell life I have lived this year. Fucked up so many times, I get chances to redeem myself only to shit it all away and fuck up again. The cycle continues.

As I sit here writing this, my left wrist is still numb, my lower back hurts, I am sweating, feeling like shit.

I guess my question is, how much damage have I done? Is this damage at all reversible If I ever really finally stop using? Last night I was having the strangest feelings and sensations in my body. Along with all the numbness in my extremities, I was having a feeling all over my body which I tried explaining to the ER Dr. the best I could, it felt like my blood vessels inside my body were exploding, various places like my feet, legs, thighs, butt arms, neck head, was constantly moving throughout my body. He thought it was a combination of just muscle twitching and the chemicals just making it feel like that. What could this possibly be? Anyone know? Also my hands, feet, when this happens to me, feel so cold, feels like my veins are popping inside and trying to pop out of my skin, you can see my veins, I noticed my skin color would change from pink to blue than back to pink with movement. I am so concerned that I have done some sort of damage to my body, my veins in particular. I now methamphetamines are a vaso constrictor I believe? So they shrink your blood vessels right? What kind of damage could I have possibly done to them?

I sit here a mess. I am completely alone, miserable, depressed, and unhappy with what I have done with myself and my life recently. I have been told countless times that if I don't stop, eventually I will have a heart attack and or stroke and will die. Even with this prospect, I still have continued to fuck up. I only hope, and pray that I can stay away from meth forever. There is not too many more chances I will get. I know this. I have been seeing my psychiatrist again recently, and have enrolled myself for research at a school about my problem and what has been happening. I know I thought I could do it on my own, quit when I wanted to, but I have been completely wrong. I have become a slave to meth, it is fucking horrible. I only hope I can quit and regain my health, and hopefully take my life back. Finish school, follow my passions again like music and film, and patch up relationships with so many people I have hurt. Someone suggested in patient rehab, which I may have to consider now as well.

Any information for those that read this would be appreciated. Anything that could maybe could explain why I have some horrible side effects from use. I really hope I change for the better. As one good friend put it "100 miles in the woods, 100 miles out", I know I have a long journey to go to get out of the hell I created and pursued.

My biggest regret in my life is trying meth. My second biggest regret is my continued use of meth when I know I shouldn't. In terms of addictiveness, meth is by far the most addictive and powerful substance I have ever used, and has caused me the most negative side effects from it.

If you have never done meth but were thinking about doing it, please just read my story. Don't open pandora's box. Don't let the devil, satan, pure evil, whatever you want to call it, into your life. I beg any of you to not do it, to not over do it, to not eat or drink or stay up days at a time.

If I can persuade even a few people not to do it by this threat, I will feel so good.

Don't do meth, don't end up like me. And I hope no one judges me for my reckless and irresponsible ignorance and actions that I have committed. I know how bad this is. I want out of this hell, I want off of the meth. I will pray right now for myself to get better and the damage to be minute.

God bless you all and please, please don't use meth
I could really relate to this. It's great seeing someone share there story. Yeah meth is one hell of a drug. Just when you think you're doing meth, meth has been doing you. I was clean for 4 months then i relapsed. Meth will get the best of you. All you need is discipline and a strong mind. I was like a dime won't hurt anybody, it's just a little bit. I should reward myself for being clean, now im been smoking daily for a month. I remember when i started using i felt like i had it all. It was good at the beginning. Now i feel less of a person, i feel horrible. This drug takes away joy. It's not too bad if you don't go all crazy with it. I know how it feels bro. Been there done that. Walked in those same shoes and i'm still walking in them. I hope you get sober. There's so much you've been missing.
I could really relate to this. It's great seeing someone share there story. Yeah meth is one hell of a drug. Just when you think you're doing meth, meth has been doing you. I was clean for 4 months then i relapsed. Meth will get the best of you. All you need is discipline and a strong mind. I was like a dime won't hurt anybody, it's just a little bit. I should reward myself for being clean, now im been smoking daily for a month. I remember when i started using i felt like i had it all. It was good at the beginning. Now i feel less of a person, i feel horrible. This drug takes away joy. It's not too bad if you don't go all crazy with it. I know how it feels bro. Been there done that. Walked in those same shoes and i'm still walking in them. I hope you get sober. There's so much you've been missing.

Thanks for the response. I am sure my story is similar to many people's story regarding meth. I definitely let it get the best of me and destroy so many things. I've been sucking the devils glass dick this whole time, and knew it too. I wish I never did. I sit here with a bible in my room now, scared as shit. I slept good when I got home, ate a nice meal, smoked a fat blunt and was feeling better. Then I wrote my story on here. Decided to go sit with my cat in the den, because for some reason it really helps me out just petting and being with her. But now I am still having negative effects, even though I haven't done anymore meth. I was laying next to my cat, but then was hearing really strange noises. Outside in the back yard, I hear a bunch of birds making noise. But what the fuck? I never hear birds at night here, it sounds like it's day time when it it's night. That is super strange, then I kept hearing other noises from the back room next to the living room where I was at. I hear footsteps, but no one is there. My grandparents are asleep, and I am really tripping out now..

I was not a believer of "shadow people", auditory or visual hallucinations, but I am pretty sure it's happening now. I feel a dark force and presence around me. I could of sworn after hearing those footsteps, I saw one of these shadow people out of the corner of my eye. Only for a brief second. I still hear weird noises while sitting in my bed. Perhaps this is another lesson of right and wrong, good and evil. I let the evil in my life, I spoke bad of evil's leader with my post. Trying to do right instead of wrong/ their will, probably makes them not happy with me.

When my ex-gf was on her 3 day LSD trip, she saw demons, she saw the devil, and I watched her experience it all. I couldn't see it, but she could. I would lay with her, she would go to sleep, and wake up the next day frying still. 3 days. She ate a entire vile of acid and was on a serious 3 day trip. Her eyes were black as the universe and space. She would be walking by the television in her house and start screaming at demons she saw. On day 3 she became violent. She was fighting off me, her brother, mom, dad, 4 fucking people. She was speaking in tongues, not of this earth. She looked possessed and demonic. We had to tie her up to the bed, and it was a scene straight out of the movie excorcism. She bit my arm and took a huge piece of my flesh out. Finally had to call the fire department to get her. She was talking all sorts of weird things to them, about how she had a demon in her, was so fucking scary. Once they got her to the hospital, they gave her something that made her come down like 6 hours later. She had seen hell. She had something evil inside her. For some reason, her trip and story just makes me think of mine. So many times when I have done meth and stayed up for 3 days or so with no sleep, I do not like looking in the mirror. It scared me. My eyes in particular. The pupils I remember a few times were morphing so fucking crazy. Literally my eyes would be shape shifting, constricting, opening, widening, all at once. I can not explain it other then it looked fucking evil/reptilian, I don't even know how to categorize it.

Meth is evil. Straight up. It tricks and deceives you. It makes you think you are better on it, than not on it. It makes you feel invincible, makes you feel like super man on sex, makes it seem you do your work faster and better..All of it is fake / false though, in the end, it fucks your life up, your body, takes away everything you had worked for. I will pray now and do the work of God for now on. Fuck this bad stuff. Meth is the worst thing in the world, and it only took me 4 ER visits and a year of horrible addiction to finally realize this.

I hope everything goes back to normal soon, and to stay off meth for good now. By far the most destructive thing I have encountered. And I had already seen all the shows, documentaries and specials all about how bad it is. Still made the mistake.

And anytime I tell myself, " I can just have a little " , that's exactly when everything turns up, and it gets absolutely out of control and becomes the complete opposite of a little. Then it becomes 10 hits in a row multiple times all day long until you OD and do too much. It is the strangest fucking thing I swear.

And I also feel less of a person, the more I use it as well. I know I been missing out on so many things. Life in general. I put it all on hold just to fuck with this fake pleasure and its false reality.

Fuck meth
I'm moving this


I don't mind at all where you put it, but find it Ironic that right when I start talking about it being evil /demonic, whatever you want to call it, it is moved into "The dark side".

Dark as fuck is right. I used to be a nice person, a alter boy and shit growing up. Look at me now. Wow.
^Ha yeah, I just want all talk of anything evil as far away as possible.;)

No, this particular type of meth discussion is more suited for TDS, I just want you to get as many good responses as you can.
Trippinballz, its great that you are quitting. (I wasn't clear from your post whether you had already quit or whether you have made the decision but have not yet broken entirely free). Don't waste any time or weaken yourself for relapse by heaping a bunch of shame and regret on where you were. You tried something and you got to know it very well--how its seductive and how it ultimately fails to deliver what seduced you in the first place. That's real knowledge that no one could have told you. Now, you are here and I can hear the resolve in your post. Concentrate on your strength, not what you perceive as your weakness. Learning to have faith in yourself is a real struggle, exponentially harder when you are feeling ashamed.

Good luck. Give your grandparents a hug--they sound like good people.<3

I think that you are incredibly lucky not to have experienced more of the delusions that come with meth use. In the course of one year on stims (MDPV, not meth) I watched my son get more and more psychotic. It was scary.
Hey Trippingballz. Sorry you are struggling with this right now<3 As far as any damage you have done to this point, it really becomes a pointless question as what has been done is done right.. but really not to get you in a downer mood.. we as humans are incredibly strong.. and the brain, although initially thought to be unable to heal itself, will likely be in the future looked at the most resilient and healing organ we have, period.. it plasticity and ability to regroup will astound the world for a long time, thus resulting in many a smart persons hypotheses claiming otherwise going down as part of the massive scale"bloodletting" of this age, its nonsense.

So Im no doctor but it seems to me that the use of the meth has started to cause panic attacks combined with temporary physical symptoms.. you will be just fine and I see little if any permanent irreversible damage that has been done.

One thing you seem to have acquired is an addiction. Shit this is not the end of the world by any means, it just means that you know have a situation tha warrents your attention. You will need to come up with a plan for living life peacefully without the use of this substance, or any substances which drive the addiction to this or any other substances that crush your life and soul. It seems are cycling through addiction relatively fast in about five days. There is some good information on addiction >Here<

with meth and coke we can pretty much throw the physical dependence out the window, yeah there is a little bit but not much, so then we really have to jump right into the real battle, the battle against the most addictive substances in the world.. In no particular order they are methamp, coke, nicotine..

So im sure you know you are now an addict<3 what do you see as the best way to proceed from here.. what are the things you think will make a good recovery plan that will cause the type of change in thinking and lifestyle that will allow you to live a peaceful and rewarding life at this point?
Tl;dr meth also makes you extremely paranoid about having damaged yourself with it and people often confuse comedown/withdrawal with permanent damage.
From what I learned in all my drug classes meth's affects are much more psychological than anything else. Your body will heal along with your mind. Just try to take it day by day hour by hour and tell yourself you're not as bad off as you think you are
You've done a lot of physical damage, but that can be healed.

Mentally it will take a ton of work. They did not lie when they said quitting will be the hardest thing you've ever done.

Get into rehab immediately. And pick up a discipline -- a martial art, yoga, a sport, a new language, anything -- while you're at it.

With diligence, patience, and, most of all, forgiveness, you will be yourself within a few years.

Yes, it really will take that long. Marathon, not a sprint. Be kind to yourself along the way. But don't deceive yourself. You've dug a huge hole. Best thing you can do now is to stop digging. Only then can you learn how to crawl out.
I suggest you check yourelf into rehab. In my personal experience I wouldn't have been able to stop w/ out the help. Your body will most likely make an awesome quick recovery once you have stopped using. As for your mental health it could take a bit longer. Meth is a horrific drug once addicted. I've been sober 2 years amd still have using dreams every night. Good luck
It does get easier
I experienced similar symptoms while using meth. At first my doctor wanted to test me for MS because I kept losing feelings in my hands and at one point had, temporarily lost vision in my left eye. Once I was honest with him though...I was also prescribed seroquel by my psychiatrist at the time as I was having ghosts and had also accused my husband of trying to poison me. Pretty fucked up! Years later...I don't have any remaining physical or psychological effects of my meth use. I'm no longer on seroquel. Get into long term rehab if you can; 3 weeks is not long enough if you don't have a good support system on the outside. I'm not suggesting you do what I did, this worked for me in the early days though sleeping tablets from my doctor and pot. The early stages of quitting were fairly hard for me but it was definitely worth it. You can recover.
Talk to a medical professional about the questions you have about meth use/abuse and your body. Be honest. You will not get in trouble and you should be honest with a doctor or medical professional if you use or have used drugs and are/were addicted to them. It's good that you are going to stop using crystal meth good luck.
I have realized I can not quit this on my own. I don't want to enter rehab but I think it's my only option now. Still been using, not as much as before but it's starting to get there.

I hate this drug. I hate what it does to you and how it ruins your life. It's so fucked up. It's the worst thing and hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I can not quit meth. All I do is get by my day then go back to my place, smoke, and just want to jerk off or have sex. Nothing else matters. I got excited one time bc I found a lighter I couldn't find for 2 minutes. Like so fucking happy I was a kid on Xmas opening a present, but instead it was finding a lighter to smoke meth. That's not right.

I really don't know what kind of rehab to enter. I get overwhelmed when looking up and frustrated. Any recommendations for Southern California ?

Can I hopefully still smoke weed one day once I'm off meth ?? Weed never did this to me in 14 years, and I still think it has medicinal properties that My body needs.
Tbh that was a bit tldr (sorry) for me as I've only used meth a few times, although I did have a skim through, and don't have a lot of directly relevant advice to offer. Thanks for coming to bluelight and sharing your story though. I'm sure it will be of benefit to plenty of people reading, and if it's only one single person it was worth posting.

As for whether you can still use cannabis, no one can tell you really. Everyone is different and the propensity to return to an addictive pattern of behaviour is different for everyone else. There's every chance you will be able to use cannabis in a sensible manner, but by the same token for many people it will either turn in to a drug of addiction in replacement or be a stepping stone back to their drug of choice. For the moment I would advise keeping ALL drugs including alcohol to an absolute minimum, or zero, for a decent length of time whilst you collect yourself and pick yourself up from where you are now. Don't do anything that might hold you back and give yourself every chance you can to recover.

It seems you are solidly set on recovering, but you will be amazed by how quickly that conviction can disappear for many people, so keep on top of your recovery and continue to remain vigilant and thoughtful on how you are going to go about changing your life and not going back to meth. You might have psychological stuff to work on, you might not, but there will definitely be a big void left by the drug that you need to work out how you are going to fill. In a way you are unlikely to ever be able to go back to how your life was before addiction, you will have to be proactive in making sure you don't relapse. That isn't a bad thing though, it can open up many positive avenues for you.

For the moment don't bother about what damage you may have done to yourself mentally, what's done is done. Focus on staying clean and deal with any psychological issues if and when they arise. You can concentrate on living a healthy, positive lifestyle to try and prevent this from happening though.

Good luck.
Staying Clean of Meth

I've managed to stay clean from meth for over a month now. I used to IV it on a daily basis, 3 or 4 times a day. Staying clean hasn't been easy at all but with great friends I've managed to do ok. All I want however is for the thoughts of going to get some and shoot it to go away. Who on here can help with ways to make the thoughts and images and dreams go away?
as far as physical damamge i really dont think you have anything to worry about. First, you have to realize how much the human body can deal with and recover from. So get this aspect of your drug using out of your head. Your fine. I would focus more on what you think you need to do as far as staying clean and what your plan is when you get the cravings for meth. That should be a bigger concern for you. The physical things you are talking about are panic attacks and with those come irregular breathing and what feels like a for sure heart attack but you are actually nowhere near having a heart attack. Not anything that should be needing attention. My past involvement with this drug has given me physical damage that i deal with everyday and those things i deal with you didnt mention so again, dont worry about that but more on your recovery.

If you decide to keep using, develop a way of calming yourself when these panic attacks happen. Do some controlled breathing, find a good memory to think about, realize your ok and what is happening is not a heart attack. Be safe man.
I appreciate all the replies and suggestions from everyone. The speed train is a lot fucking harder to ever get off than I previously imagined. I'm lucky I started seeing a psychologist, who has Led me to a psychiatrist, and it seems like I am going to be put on vyvanese. I'm super happy bc I have heard and read nothing but good things about it, and considering I'm going back go school next month I will finally be able to focus and give it all my attention. I truly believe this is going to help me am I am going to take it exactly as prescribed to get the max benefits
People with problems like you like to feel sad is why youre hooked try to be happy you only live once enjoy it