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Stimulants Methamphetamine recommended ROA and dosing?


May 11, 2016

Oral, smoking, insufflation, or given I have experience with subQ needle work - I guess I could try IV?
But not to bothered.

I'm looking for an effect about equivalent to what a patient of ADHD uses adderall for.

As in - no euphoric - therapeutic dose, basically.

drugs.com suggests Desoxyn (RX) meth is dosed at 5 to 30 mg
I'd be guesstimating the dose to a certain extent as, my scale only goes to 10 mg.


Oral is easiest I'd imagine.
Probably takes a lot longer to gauge its effect however;

I tried smoking it - nothing.

I tried insufflation - nothing (it also seemed to cause my nose to bleed - ees normaal?).

So I ate some - about a sprinkling of the crystal.
Very bitter taste, thought it might be burning my mouth initially - but realised the taste is just super bitter.
(would it be okay to melt the crystal in sterile water and drink it? Is this done ever?)

So far - I don't feel a damn thing.

Edit - maybe a mild dopamine'esque effect?
Happy/euphoria/all-is-right-with-world type feeling.
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Either you're tolerant to stimulants already or you hsve cut stuff... smoking it the right way (off foil or in a meth/"oil"/bulb-style pipe) should produce a rapid effect with even 10-20mg of material, it also has a very ... characteristic taste/smell.

You can definitely dissolve it when taking it orally, it works just as well as any other oral amp.

If you have tried it all 3 ways within a short span of time and only report a "mild" effect... either your doses are in the sub-mg level or you have very impure meth
Is impure meth common?
It came from Germany.

I did get an effect eventually - euphoria mostly.

That was my first time using a highly dopaminergic drug (aside from ritalin), and I now absolutely understand why dopamine's have the reinforcing/addiction potential they do.

I did go on a bender of watching astro-physics lectures and podcasts, and it felt like my brain was a sponge - but it didn't alleviate physical lethargy/fatigue etc - like I had intended to use it for.
Maybe a higher dose would?
But other factors make it a no-go for me again.

But yeah - for a few hours - I was laughing.

It's not serving my purpose so, I have no intention of repeating;

Additionally I feel it could promote some pretty profound issues with impulse control.
Also felt kind of like a "love" drug in that, empathogenic?
If I was in a nightclub I'd have been telling chicks how beautiful their eyes were.
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From my experience, if the meth is good, there is basically no dose low enough avoid euphoria. At least, thats the case orally.

i just don't think they're comparable drugs unless you're doing insane amounts of addy.
I use it almost daily to treat my adhd and have also used it recreationaly for more than a decade. Personaly I much prefer the effects from taking it orally for both therapeutic and recreation. It takes a larger dose but I find it more euphoric and enjoyable that way. The only instance when I take it intranasally is if it is late and I have to go to sleep in less than a few hours because oral duration is very long and will keep you awake long after the initial effects have worn off. I also did not get much out of smoking it other than a short rush but since it is mostly available in pill form where I live smoking it is not very practical. If you take it in the morning for your adhd I say oral is hands down the best.
I snort and smoke. Snorting isnt as hard-hitting but is longer lasting than smoking for me. Its still a radical buzz without being overwhelming.

I smoke occasionally but tend to use more and my high doesn't last as long. I also crash harder from smoking it. Smoking it is very fiendish and i try not to take that ROA unless i have alot.

For best results trying to find a therapic dosage of d-Methamphetamine the only way for that to occur is low dose oral doses, once a day in the morning.
-15mg-35mg orally (capsule) will produce that enhanced amphetamine class effect your seeking without getting you balls to the sun high af 😂😈 (be warned this substance is incredibly strong in it's psychoactive effects and should always be respected (as I've been up for 4 days doing multiple grams IV hahaha slippery slope my friend - been doing it 9 years already and it's not something I'd use without a scale. Got to know the mg dosage otherwise your just eating bitter poison salt like stuff that's actually neurotoxic and can produce many many bad side effects.
Also purity plays HUGE role in this scenario as well; dirty product = dirty high. And u want that clean, strong, stimulation that dextro isomers are known for. (Coupled with it's sneaky partner the Methyl group) :)
Be safe (and don't follow my lead but follow my advice and you'll see the desoxyn like effects )