Methadone taper


Jun 8, 2014
Hello everyone: So I have been on methadone maintenance for about 7 years now. Got up to about 160 and then brought myself down to 85 where I sat for about 5 years. After moving from NY to VA I encountered the major cost difference of meth maintenance programs, about $90/week versus the $10/week I was paying in NY. I've put up with that for 2 years, and finally made the decision to taper.

I started tapering about 6 months ago, taking it very slow. I started at 5mg until I got to 20, then to 1mg/week. I am down to 5 mg. Up until now didn't feel a thing, but the past week or so I've noticed some changes, the worst for about 48 hours. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing like being dope sick, but I am wondering if it's going to get worse.

The symptoms started with anxiety when I woke up, which I've had in the past just from various stressors in my life, but after I took my dose I usually felt better for the day, no big deal, can totally deal with that. But now I am noticing the lack of sleep and restlessness at night. Last night I tried to go the bed at midnight, tossed and turned for 4.5 hours, took like 6 over the counter sleep pills throughout the night, and finally at 4:30 when I couldn't take it anymore I took my daily dose, which I usually don't take until 9 or 10AM on weekends. I can already tell tonight is going to be a great night. Today I can feel the anxiety, in my legs, that ache that only comes with this kind of withdrawal, I recognize it and know it well from the dope days.

I suppose if this is going to be the worst of it I am going to deal. But as I said, I'm wondering if this is going to get worse? I have 5 weeks left of taper. Am I torturing myself? Any ideas or suggestions? The doc at the clinic is supposed to give me something to help with this, I can't see him until Friday, 5 days away, and I think he is just going to give me clonidine. Can anyone tell me if that will help?

Thanks all for your help.
As you take each mg away you notice it more as it's a higher % of the total dose.

Good work on the tapering, at somepoint you are going to have to endure an element of dope sick though unfortunately.

Clonodine will help, but usually you would only get that when you stop taking opiates totally I believe.
Alright, thanks....I've heard so many different things from different people; I suppose that it's going to be different for everybody, I've heard some say they tapered off with no side affects, others have endured hell. I suppose if I want off this crap bad enough I'll have to deal. It's my choice to taper, so if it gets bad enough, maybe I'll have to go back up, hoping that doesn't happen though. I'm ready to move on.
Yeah don't be expecting no dopesick=D Surprised you haven't had any tapering down. It was so bad for me I got to 20ml and thought fuck this for a lark and jumped off (which hurt an insane amount).
Well I moved down to 4mg this morning and will stay there for a week and go to 3 next week. I'll see what the doc says Friday; last night I took 3 OTC sleeping pills and an Ambien and left like rock and feel completely fine this morning which is odd. Not gonna complain though, just rolling with it at this point.
I've been slowly heading for the 0 on my taper too. Currently at 6.5mg. (The half thing just accidentally happened that way-I'm tapering in my own, with all the mg's. I saved over last 6months...from my take homes).
I've found that some days I'll feel a little weird sweat, mire anxious(than my usual self is) , legs aches that are no doubt familiar reminder of what's going on-and bouts of sleeplessness. I may feel that way for ad at or two-I felt crappy just under 10, but nothing horrible.i haven't hit too many walls like that-going from 140/150mg. tapering down to where I'm at now. Doing 1mg. reduction a week, I can do it by 10% reduction if it were to get bad, but trying not to. Like you, I'm hoping it's not gonna be anything made of hell-but willing to move on, even if it warrants more ickies. Keep posted how it goes! Do you dose at a clinic daily? Or do you have take homes?
It's funny you say that on and off days because I think that's where I'm at. I felt fine all day. Legs are a little cramped now but I also went to the gym earlier today. Also something I just started after a couple years of being very out of shape, so who knows that could also have something to do with the cramps. I took my 4mg dose this morning, I'm not taking ambien tonight I don't want to get hooked on something else after kicking this beast. I'll keep you posted for sure, and you do the same. Thank goodness I get take homes but still have to go once a week to dose.
Hey gettinitdon.. congratulations on what looks like a very successful taper. =D

The cramping is most likely from the gym and probably can be helped with some gatorade or other source of electrolytes.
I love the slow drop once a week. This i feal is the very best way to tapper methadone.. I see way to many people go for a really aggressive taper and do well for a little while. Then the half life starts to catch up to them and they all of the sudden find themselves in strong withdrawals.

I would avoid strenuous exercise for the last part of the acutes. It causes a spike in adrenals and they are likely elevated already. This is what we take the clonodine for as it acts to try and curtail adrenal activity.

Now that you are getting to the end of the first part of your recovery, and again amazing job.. do you have a plan to deal with the other aspects that you will likely be exspierincing soon.

I think that addiction has at least four important components and it can be very beneficial to understand them and come up with and implement strong recovery plans that address them.

1) the acutes (almost done with that amazing push!!)
2) The PAWS or post acute withdrawal syndrome
3) The addiction
4) The roots of the addiction

We all tend to focus on the acutes because they are so intimidating. But so many people find that these to be the "easiest" part of this difficult equation ;)

Given the length and extent of your habit you could get hit with substantial paws. This is by no means guaranteed and since you have done a nice long slow taper I think this is a very good thing to do to try and limit any eventual paws. But again given the length and size of your use I think it would be a very good idea to familiarize yourself with them and come up with a strong plan to deal with them if they end up showing themselves.

Why We Don’t Get Better Immediately: Post-acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Post Acute Withdrawal (PAW) Excerpted From “Staying Sober” By: Terence T. Gorski
Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome Wiki

Chemicals and supplements to recover from opiate addiction
Managing depressive thinking

it is a powerful thing to keep our thoughts possitive and here are some threads many of us use to help us do this.
Good things about being off drugs/getting sober
Share something POSITIVE from your day!
Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 3: Earth, Wind and Fire!
Here is the mindfulness thread.

and here are some links that cover medications for detox.

medications for acute opiate detox

The medications I would explore the use of for detox would be:

one of either
OR >Lyrica<
OR >phenibut<

>a nsaid<
Senokot S is a stool softener and laxative. If you do not want the laxative you can go for strait stool softenerDioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.

(Opi Withdrawal) what is the best comfort meds for opiate w/d?

Your Personal Opiate Withdrawal Arsenal

Your doing great.. keep at it.. steady as she goes and you will get through this in a short time. =D
I think having a detox/arsenal is it feels like if it DOES go sideways on you-&bit feels just too much to kick /too heavy duty, you have the comfort meds there. (I've been building mine over last 6months...vitamins, meds., all that jazz).
I feels like I've been peeping for this the last...near decade. (Well, I have, in the root of it all). Being prepared is solid ground I feel. Prepared , but hoping for the best! I am hoping for short lived "calm" seas for you! Those links neversick posted are great! This forum can...IS.. a bright light in getting through this! You're doing great!
I went to 6mg. Today...turtle wins the race, right? I will keep you posted&likewise. Any questions/need to vent...whatever, I'm here for ya, running this last lap with you. Then, we get to start a new life from a different&mindful part of life. Support is needed there too.
Anyways, keep facing forward & I am here for you...were all here cheering you on!
Hey finally, how are things going for ya? Sticking with your plan? I hope today finds you well.
Thank you everyone for the feedback. This hasn't been an easy battle, but I've endured much worse with dope sickness. The last few days were rough, it's just the lack of sleep that gets to me as I still have to function, go to work, etc.

I'm sitting here at the clinic waiting to see the doc. Hoping he can give me something to get me through.

We'll see what happens.
Good luck finallygettingitdone- plz. Update how all goes. The sleep bit is .. Well, it sux. I've had little episodes of very little to no sleep- but nothing horrrrrible yet( I worry of the "no sleep for 6weeks). Keep head up there. It's going to all be worth it!
Sincerely, Emme80
Good work people! Keep it up.

I'm 20 days out from jumping off 24mg of subutex and I'm going for my first totally med free day today. Feel pretty ok at last.
^ Congratz to you !!! Keep rembering this too shall pass! Can't wait to say the same thing!!! Keep it up omen_owen!!!