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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

you were shooting through 32MG of bupe? what!? I had a 1-2 gram a day habit and I take 16MG/day and I feel fine.

I didn't take the 32 mg for very long because it was useless. I was scripted 20 mg a day, but the whole time I was unemployed I'd only been taking about 2 mg a day, so I had a lot extra. When I got a job, it stopped holding me, so I tried dosing higher and higher in the hopes that some dose would hold me. It never did, so eventually I gave up and started using again.
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I'm needing some encouragement. Feeling very, very alone with all this. Long story short: I'm a long-term survivor of a chronic form of of a blood cancer. Had serious, intense treatment 9 yrs ago that left me still alive, but with some rough neuropathy and function problems. 6 yrs ago I was put on neurontin and methadone. I should mention I seem to have a high sensitivity to meds of all types. It wasn't easy to go on those, but they saved my life, although created other problems, particularly marital because "You've changed!" Yeah, ya think? Cancer, near death, fall-out from treatment, loss of work, identity, friends and a helluva lot more -- yeah, that mighta changed me some. After a couple years I was able to get off the neurontin w/o any worsening of condition [which is both pain and weakness in nerve signaling which translates into reduced ability]. I've remained steady at 15 mg of methadone for over 5 yrs and am relatively stable and functioning -- but I hate it! It's not the drug so much that I hate - it's the whole fucked up system, the suspicion, the shaming, the worry over a hundred possible things going wrong. Anyway, this past fall I decided to attempt getting off of what I've heard someone here call the 'holy grail of withdrawals'. Doctors are of little to no help with this - and frankly, I feel as though they expect me to fail -- and anyways, what's the deal since they look at me through the filter of "cancer patient" and kind of write me off to a degree. Here's the thing -- because of my station in life, I'm ALLLL about the QUALITY of said life. Quantity would be nice, but since that's an unknown all I can do is focus on quality. In my best version of life in my mind, it would not include asshole pain docs and their controlled elixirs with their federal narcotics contracts! I have pretty low tolerance for b.s. To cut to the chase, I've slooooowly titrated down, thanks to things I've read here and elsewhere, from folks way more helpful and understand this stuff from the inside better than the docs seem to. It hasn't been too bad until recently - and still, it's not in the 'Horrible Zone' - but sometimes lately I can peek it over the horizon. I've been doing a steady reduction of 1/8 of a 5 mg pill [.62 mg] every 12-14 days - going from 15 mg to 7 with only a few days of some withdrawal symptoms that would pass and that I ride out with the help of pot [which I had to cold turkey for several months for a scheduled pee-test,]. At the 7 mg point it started becoming less predictable with the symptoms [nausea, diarrhea, anxiety, depression, lousy sleep] lasting for more days. I hit the pause button recently to stabilize at a little over 6 mg for a few weeks. I needed a break from this 'Titration Project' feeling like my obsessive part-time job. It was a bit of relief - but now here I am back in the saddle - now reduced to a shade over 5 mg with the worst diarrhea - my gut feeling like crap, weeping out of the blue when I'm alone and feeling esp. blue and lonely with all this with my head in my hands crying over "how did my life ever get here?!" Anybody who's ever been here - I gotta tell you, this titrating methadone shit is in some ways harder than when I've been in chemo! i.e. I can handle A LOT! I have handled a lot! But right now, with this, I'm feeling lost -- and mighty scared of just having enough ability to get through these next 5 mg to find out who/what I am without it. I'm doing my best to put in place other pieces of scaffolding under me - one of the main ones: meditation. Like serious mind management unlike I've ever done before. But it's a lot like herding cats. Feral cats at that. Any guidance out there is welcomed.
^^ dude, you are on 5MG, you can easily do it, its just a mind game at this point.

I left my Methadone (clinic treatment) at 17MG (coming down from 95MG 3 months prior) and was fine within a week or so; then again, I've been through dope withdrawals many times in my life, so this may be somewhat NEW TO YOU, but to us heavy/past heroin/opiate users, these withdrawals are just part of what comes w/ being a junkie.

sure, coming off the final dosage will lead to the withdrawals, but you have 2 options here:

1. stick w/ your 5MG and continue to drop to 0MG and slowly feel those withdrawal symptoms as you do; this may run a course of a few weeks.
2. GO FROM 5MG to 0MG NOW! do not wait, and do not drug 1MG/day or every other day, just drop from 5MG to 0MG NOW and realize you are going to feel the same regardless of how you go about it at this point, so why not just get it out of the way the fastest. you MAY be a bit sick for 3-5 days, but after that you'll be fine. realize this, its MOSTLY A MIND GAME - believe it or not. its all in the MIND and do not let yourself think you are getting "sick" or do not "feel yourself" because that is only you telling yourself that.

I've been there many times.
I'm needing some encouragement. Feeling very, very alone with all this. Long story short: I'm a long-term survivor of a chronic form of of a blood cancer. Had serious, intense treatment 9 yrs ago that left me still alive, but with some rough neuropathy and function problems. 6 yrs ago I was put on neurontin and methadone. I should mention I seem to have a high sensitivity to meds of all types. It wasn't easy to go on those, but they saved my life, although created other problems, particularly marital because "You've changed!" Yeah, ya think? Cancer, near death, fall-out from treatment, loss of work, identity, friends and a helluva lot more -- yeah, that mighta changed me some. After a couple years I was able to get off the neurontin w/o any worsening of condition [which is both pain and weakness in nerve signaling which translates into reduced ability]. I've remained steady at 15 mg of methadone for over 5 yrs and am relatively stable and functioning -- but I hate it! It's not the drug so much that I hate - it's the whole fucked up system, the suspicion, the shaming, the worry over a hundred possible things going wrong. Anyway, this past fall I decided to attempt getting off of what I've heard someone here call the 'holy grail of withdrawals'. Doctors are of little to no help with this - and frankly, I feel as though they expect me to fail -- and anyways, what's the deal since they look at me through the filter of "cancer patient" and kind of write me off to a degree. Here's the thing -- because of my station in life, I'm ALLLL about the QUALITY of said life. Quantity would be nice, but since that's an unknown all I can do is focus on quality. In my best version of life in my mind, it would not include asshole pain docs and their controlled elixirs with their federal narcotics contracts! I have pretty low tolerance for b.s. To cut to the chase, I've slooooowly titrated down, thanks to things I've read here and elsewhere, from folks way more helpful and understand this stuff from the inside better than the docs seem to. It hasn't been too bad until recently - and still, it's not in the 'Horrible Zone' - but sometimes lately I can peek it over the horizon. I've been doing a steady reduction of 1/8 of a 5 mg pill [.62 mg] every 12-14 days - going from 15 mg to 7 with only a few days of some withdrawal symptoms that would pass and that I ride out with the help of pot [which I had to cold turkey for several months for a scheduled pee-test,]. At the 7 mg point it started becoming less predictable with the symptoms [nausea, diarrhea, anxiety, depression, lousy sleep] lasting for more days. I hit the pause button recently to stabilize at a little over 6 mg for a few weeks. I needed a break from this 'Titration Project' feeling like my obsessive part-time job. It was a bit of relief - but now here I am back in the saddle - now reduced to a shade over 5 mg with the worst diarrhea - my gut feeling like crap, weeping out of the blue when I'm alone and feeling esp. blue and lonely with all this with my head in my hands crying over "how did my life ever get here?!" Anybody who's ever been here - I gotta tell you, this titrating methadone shit is in some ways harder than when I've been in chemo! i.e. I can handle A LOT! I have handled a lot! But right now, with this, I'm feeling lost -- and mighty scared of just having enough ability to get through these next 5 mg to find out who/what I am without it. I'm doing my best to put in place other pieces of scaffolding under me - one of the main ones: meditation. Like serious mind management unlike I've ever done before. But it's a lot like herding cats. Feral cats at that. Any guidance out there is welcomed.

Question: when & if you get off methadone, what will you replace it with? I'm asking this wondering if you're in pain still from the cancer & whatever else you've been going thru?

Someone that's been thru what you've described should be smoking weed, & the doctor should have no say on whether you're smoking it or not......also, can't you get hydromorphone, oxycodone or anything else prescribed?

I'm assuming your doctor started you off on percs/vicodin? If not, what a terrible doctor......or at least he should have had you on Roxicodone.

The loneliness you're feeling & the running to the bathroom deal is all part of withdrawals.

I have come off methadone, but have from xanax......to me, a benzo addiction seems very difficult compared to an opiate addiction. Crying for no reason, a damn commercial.& you get emotional. 5mgs of hydrocodone will cure that, & off to the races we go again.......

With your health concerns that you've described, the doctors should be giving you anything you want.
Man methadone wd was a walk in the park compared to booze IME

How much methadone were you on & for how long?

I had an uncle that needed to go in for major surgery & he was a alcoholic.....he had to detox & stop smoking for a while before getting surgery, & boy was it crazy hard for him to get off booze.
Thanks for the responses. Boston, it's very tempting to just take the jump all at once - but then again, I don't want lay too much at once on my body to handle - It's already managing keeping the lymphoma fires tamped down, which last flared last summer and I'm only now making the recovery from those meds/drugs. I hear you though about it being a mind thing - "The mind is its own place and can make a heaven of hell or hell of heaven." [John Milton] That's why the brain management - because first of all, that's where pain, both physical and mental/emotional, are primarily happening. My whole nervous system is pretty fucked over by a little friendly flower called the madagascar rosy periwinkle. Sounds sweet, eh? Kills cancer, but it's a nasty motherfucker in pink and leaves tracks all over a nervous system --- All this to put into perspective that I'm trying to heal [as much as possible] this nervous system of mine cuz where I'm stationed - it's all about quality, not quantity.
LostBoys - yeah, that's my question, too. Will I need to replace it with something? Right now I'm scaffolding with meditation, weed, zapping my nerves [TNS unit], acupuncture [including some of the NADA protocol for withdrawal symptoms - self-inflicted haha], exercise, from yoga to cardio, sauna 2-3x wk, and herbs and supplements. I obviously have no problem if I have to use big guns like opiates or chemo, as for other ones, yes, my docs have had me on lower level stuff like oxycontin, hydrocodone - all of which make me break into horrible hives. I WISH I could take vicodin and those type. I remember of all, dilaudid gave me the least of the hives -- Eventually they went with methadone, saying to me it was purer and I'd have less reaction, which has been true, other than leaving me with a body with 6 yrs constant dependent use. It saved my life though as I was at the point where I was only able to lay on my side and ponder the fact that this wasn't a life I thought worth living. It got me off that slippery slope - and I'm grateful, I'm just fed up with my doc - which in Plan B says I should look for a new Dr. I appreciate your "You should be able to do whatever the hell you want." Yep, I agree. And here I am, a 60 yr old cancer patient who has managed to outlive prognosis and they still want to check my pee to see if I smoked some weed - and will cut me off cold turkey it?!?! Fuck them! [yeah, I'm a little wee bit pissed. heh.] So yeah, wish you could be my doc. My guy just hears about the strides I'm taking proudly and says, "So you're hoarding drugs?" when I mention cutting back, but still filling my script like clockwork. I'm thinking: "Hell yeah, I'm stashing! I'd be insane not to! I'd have to trust YOU people!" sigh.

Thanks for the listening today. You both have helped me hear myself better and answer: 'what's the next step?' It's have something to eat and then poke some sharp needles into my ears [look up NADA detox protocol - Anybody here experienced?
Thanks for answering - just that much helps not feeling quite so fucked over by my own mind as I was earlier.

I can do this.


ps: I meant to also say, as far as the pain and weakness of my legs -- the seriously messed up part of - because of all my efforts, I'm no worse for the wear as I lower my dosage - giving me hope that maybe i could get all the way off.
brother, I had a brain tumor/cancer, had 8 inches of that tumor removed from the left fronal lobe of the brain; the tumor ended up being benign lucky but I went through the chemo (pill form only, luckily) and it was all a hassle. this is while I was going through withdrawal from heroin and coming on/off methadone. TRUST ME, man.. you are on 5MG's and can easily handle the drop. you are coming up w/ your own thoughts/reasons as to why you cannot. realize that 5MG's is truly next to nothing; remember, I was coming from 95MG to 17 or 18MG and left it there.

no negative thoughts; it can easily be done, trust me.
I like what you say, but then elsewhere I have read others saying the last 5 mg were the toughest -- and in my experience it is starting to get harder, but then going through this cycle over and over and over again is wearing and I lose perspective, too. Have you heard of others experience with the last 5? Or anyone else here with some added perspectives? Regardless, all I can do is go forward and give it my best - even if in the end I have to surrender once again that this is just a life-long necessity. Man, if I could just grow my own medicines I'd be happy. Plants are my friends [even that nasty periwinkle called vincristine - It saved my life.] and the dirt doesn't come with creepy li'l doctors whose income depends on me being dependent on them!

Done with dinner - that was step 1 for tonight - now for the acupuncture part of the evening's program. thanks again for giving me more fodder to consider + the positive vibe.
Quick question about getting high on other opiates while on MMT:

I am currently receiving MMT for heroin addiction. I have been on methadone for 6 months and clean of H for the duration. My methadone dose is 80mg once per day. I am urine tested once weekly.

I have access to a bunch of stuff but I'm most curious about fent and acetyl-fent mainly due to price and the possibility that they won't show up in the urine tests. Can somebody please clarify?

First of all, will fent and/or acetyl-fent show up in the standard MMT urine screening?

Second, if I obstain from a carried dose or two of methadone, will I be able to IV the fent and get a decent high?

I know fent is very dangerous ... I'm careful with dosing and I simply cannot afford the amount of H that would be required to get me off at this point. Also the H would show in the urine screen for sure I assume.

I can get pretty much anything, so if there's a better option out there that would work in this scenario, please let me know. Thx
** can you not piss dirty at your clinic? I pissed dirty every month and only got tested once a month, if that, but they never said a thing to me. they'd keep letting my dose go up and up and never a worry in the world; my insurance paid for it all so they never cared.

you have access to straight fent? yea, fent will give you a decent high but be careful; its how we are losing a lot of people here in Boston.
Dilaidid IV would work, but it will show up ....

Im assuming you're looking for something that won't show up? Haveyyou searched online?

I'm pretty sure any RC won't show up, correct me if I'm wrong.......
How much methadone were you on & for how long?

I had an uncle that needed to go in for major surgery & he was a alcoholic.....he had to detox & stop smoking for a while before getting surgery, & boy was it crazy hard for him to get off booze.
I was 70mg for a year and 750ml for 2 years cold turkeys both in jail
can you not piss dirty at your clinic?
No unfortunately.

Dilaidid IV would work
Can't afford it and yeah might show up as you said.


So I guess the new question is: are methadone clinics in Canada urine testing for fent and derivatives? Found the same question on other forums, but it seems like nobody knows for sure with synthetics (beyond methadone and its metabolites).

At the clinic I don't get paper results - the doc just tells me "your urine passed this week". I know the nurses test on-site with strip style testers. Would it be out of line to ask what they're testing for? That would be a huge red flag to me - although you could be asking due to other legit meds I guess.

I found this official info sheet - it says that fent requires its own special test apart from the standard 'opiate' (i.e. morphine and related) panel, as do oxy and other synths. And I know that fent urine tests do exist.

Edit: Found this pdf from Toronto Nov 2014, says that fent-specific 'immunoassays' have recently been introduced. The urine detection period isn't clear to me (I know its excreted within 4 days typically but what does 'protein bound' mean in this case?) See page 5.
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Do they piss test for fentanyl at methadone clinics? The answer might be in that pdf I posted above, but I honestly can't tell. If anyone in Ontario knows the current standards/regulations, please post. Thx
Man methadone wd was a walk in the park compared to booze IME

I agree. I watched my dad go through alcohol withdrawal and it was heartbreaking. Although, I actually had to use dope to taper off MMT. I know that sounds crazy but I was without a car for 3 days meaning I had to go back to the clinic and be tapered down. That 3 days was like absolute HELL. I don't remember dope withdrawal ever being so hellish. I was literally punching my legs to make the shaking and pain stop.

I was on 50mg and they reduced my dose to 25. That 25mg dose barely touched the withdrawal. I may be alone in this but I'd rather w/d from dope 10 times than do methadone once.
Hi Brother, just seen your thread, and am wondering if you can get britlofex (lofexidine), prescribed where you are.
I reduced from 90+ mls down to 25. I found tapering below this was difficult and prolonging withdrawals.
I quit at 25ml and went on a 12 day course of britlafex, which really did take most of my wds away. From 5 ml I hear they will work wonders as long as they don't drop your blood pressure too much.
Personally I think you'll go through more discomfort keeping your taper going.
Anyway all the best in your treatments and I wish you well, Brother.
God bless.
Wd from long term methadone use sucks that shit gets into your bones and the half life is forever long.
I know drug testing questions aren't allowed, so if this question is too close to that, let me know and I'll delete this post. I'm really just looking for someone to point me to a better resource for this. A buddy I met at the clinic is running into some problems. He is consistently coming up dirty for alcohol on his drug screens. He has hepatitis and he's on dialysis. As a result, he can't pee for the required supervised urine screens. He has a doctor's note for this, and the clinic tests him with mouth swabs instead. He doesn't use any mouthwash with alcohol in it. What could be causing him to come up dirty for alcohol every time he takes a drug test? Our clinic uses a three strikes model - verbal warning, then written, then a team intervention and after that, you're done. He is now on the team intervention which will take place in two weeks. He's on an administrative taper, 5 mg a week, and unless he can prove that he's not drinking/using, he'll be tapered down to 0 and then kicked out of the clinic. Any thoughts about what could be causing this, or where I could find out? No one at the clinic believes him, but he's been clean since the end of October.