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Meth METH...WTF?


Aug 7, 2023
Okay I am from Oklahoma... I use meth... So my question is to any other meth heads out there..... Am I the only one that is getting bunk ass dope that's really weird that doesn't get you high that tastes like s*** and doesn't make me horny doesn't do anything good that real meth does and it's been like that for a month am I the only one experiencing this?
You are definitely not the only one! I've been meth head off and on for 25 years. Gone are the days of p2p dope, the stuff that you could get $20 and still be high 2 days later. Now it's this shit that always looks the same and has no ✊ to it (punch!) I have a buddy that saw a Ziploc bag full of dope looking stuff! It smokes like dope and shoots like dope, but it's just cut! I'm sorry my friend there's no more f@#k dope as I like to call it! Man I love that kind!!! Keep searchin brother!
Okay I am from Oklahoma... I use meth... So my question is to any other meth heads out there..... Am I the only one that is getting bunk ass dope that's really weird that doesn't get you high that tastes like s*** and doesn't make me horny doesn't do anything good that real meth does and it's been like that for a month am I the only one experiencing this?
Sorry for laughing but yeah haven't seen any "real" meth since what late 90s?
Anyway, welcome to bluelight sorry ya got ripped. Was just reading a post where someone thought they had obtained xanax in a transaction and got tylenol.
Be safe out there.
Yes it's a big problem nationwide, and the strange part is nobody knows why. It tests positive for meth, but doesn't feel like meth.

According to the DEA meth purity from seizures of imports is higher than it's ever been, like 99%... but people everywhere are universally reporting awful meth.

It's weird, and a commonly discussed topic here.

The last time I bought meth about 2 years ago it was super weak, but did get me high and made me horny, yet there wasn't a strong euphoria I'm used to no matter how much I used.
Okay I am from Oklahoma... I use meth... So my question is to any other meth heads out there..... Am I the only one that is getting bunk ass dope that's really weird that doesn't get you high that tastes like s*** and doesn't make me horny doesn't do anything good that real meth does and it's been like that for a month am I the only one experiencing this?
I actually came on this site for the very same reason. I am going to exchange my latest Bach because I buy ozs. But yeah WTF is going on in meth world? I think it's telling me to quit using because it is a waist of time
WTF is going on in meth world? I think it's telling me to quit using because it is a waist of time
Sounds about where I ended up.
Stopped cause it was garbage. The way I treat anything that turns to sh*t.
Listen to that quiet voice and put whatever poisons they are making away. Maybe some good shit returns some day. :shrug:
My last taste was near the beginning of July, weekend of the 4th, and the dope was absolutely fire, looked like that old school, cloudy anhydrous... cheaper than I'd ever seen it too, by half. This was NC, in the mountains. Shocked me really, cause the last time I'd spent any real time in the area the dope was always such trash I finally ended up going DIY... and went to prison for it. Come back and lo and behold, they're basically giving away pharmaceutical grade shit??? I dunno. 🤔

Haven't been anywhere near that scene since, kinda in recluse mode atm, but haven't heard anything about a drop in quality.

Sorry, guys. Better days ahead hopefully, but in the meantime remember that every dollar you give some shyster pushing bullshit product, you're telling them what they're doing is good enough, that it's ok. Maybe time to remind them that it's not?

Yes it's a big problem nationwide, and the strange part is nobody knows why. It tests positive for meth, but doesn't feel like meth.

According to the DEA meth purity from seizures of imports is higher than it's ever been, like 99%... but people everywhere are universally reporting awful meth.

It's weird, and a commonly discussed topic here.

The last time I bought meth about 2 years ago it was super weak, but did get me high and made me horny, yet there wasn't a strong euphoria I'm used to no matter how much I used.
This is the COMPLETE opposite of what I'm seeing and I've only been smoking meth for a lit ten years (with years at a time breaks. In fact I probably binge on it 4-6 times a year and it's basically pure d-methamphetamine. Comes from the same people that cook the MDMA I get from A-dam. I also get the Mexican "super lab" shit (which oddly the dutch are now copying) but both are the same, they make me waaay chatty and even more horny. Back in 2010 this stuff was 80$ a gr. Now you can literally buy an ounce for $100, though the $200 ouncea need NO WASHING. w/ the 100$ a O you loose 20-40% so obviously it's worth it to grab the "primo" as the "xalisco" delivery boy's call it and no not Jalisco. These fellas from this small town revolutionized the delivery business in Las Vegas going back 20+ years. The model is always the same. Has been forever. Sometimes popular drivers go out on their own(usually through the advice of cutsties) now they sell fet too, pills for 3 and a zip of 12-40% powder for 900$. Black went from 80$ a g to 35-40$ a g. So yeah no change here other than it's waaaya cheaper. Sent some into drugs data and it's pure, no cut. I'm guessing you all get from white middle men?
It was the Dutch that pioneered the resolution of methamphetamine when the price of P2P went through the roof. They then use a radical initiator on the unwanted enantiomer which racemizes it back to 50-50 (R/S) and they simply repeat the process. That's why the DEA is proposing to add radical initiators to their list of 'watched chemicals'.

I've only ever sampled enantiopure methamphetamine and then only once. It ranks as one of the worst experiences of my entire life. Just a small line by my GF and I were running around Amsterdam convinced we were being followed. The guy who gave it to me (in fact he gave me a bag of the stuff but I gave it away) ended up BACK in a psychiatric unit.

I have NO idea how pure the stuff other people get is but circa 80mg of the stuff I was given was utterly insane. I'm used to SKFs and 2 or 3 of those is QUITE enough for me (well, was, haven't touched if for over 20 years).

I'm kind of surprised that desoxypipradrol isn't popular in the US. It's insanely potent and a 20mg bump lasts for 3+ days. I SUPPOSE if you enjoy stimulants, desoxypipradrol is the MOST potent and the longest acting. Also suspect it's the most direct route to an RSU.
It was the Dutch that pioneered the resolution of methamphetamine when the price of P2P went through the roof. They then use a radical initiator on the unwanted enantiomer which racemizes it back to 50-50 (R/S) and they simply repeat the process. That's why the DEA is proposing to add radical initiators to their list of 'watched chemicals'.

I've only ever sampled enantiopure methamphetamine and then only once. It ranks as one of the worst experiences of my entire life. Just a small line by my GF and I were running around Amsterdam convinced we were being followed. The guy who gave it to me (in fact he gave me a bag of the stuff but I gave it away) ended up BACK in a psychiatric unit.

I have NO idea how pure the stuff other people get is but circa 80mg of the stuff I was given was utterly insane. I'm used to SKFs and 2 or 3 of those is QUITE enough for me (well, was, haven't touched if for over 20 years).

I'm kind of surprised that desoxypipradrol isn't popular in the US. It's insanely potent and a 20mg bump lasts for 3+ days. I SUPPOSE if you enjoy stimulants, desoxypipradrol is the MOST potent and the longest acting. Also suspect it's the most direct route to an RSU.
Very nice insights regarding precursors. And OMG the first time I unintentionally tried meth via a red butterfly circa 04 I already brought a bunch of molly tomthe fest but traded a few things with our neighbors. These meth bombs literally made me think the DEA was after me (they eventually did get me lol) however thos was a NIGHTMARE exp. My very first time trying it orally. SEVERE paranoia. Ruined and amazing well potentially amazing time. The meth I've tried outwest always from either Adam crew (UMB) or the xalisco boys never ever gave me a feeling like that. It was exactly how nat geo describes thhat young couple who tries it for the first time and ends up dying pf hypothermia in a feild full of snow. It's amazing the difference. Not a compound I put in my top 15 tbh. I use it as a tool rarely. Shame people are getting such garbage. I mean a flower by any other name is still.....well you get it. Give me MDA/LSD anyday over shit. Weird drug culture as well. I'm fact the stupidest quote frankly. Filled with sooo many myths it's actually funny. Methheads on the other hand, not so much... no disrespect to methheads out there!
Make friends with gay guys.
I've had a lot of pleasure in my life to taste great quality meth thanks to meeting up with all kinds of gay men.
But I also haven't touched meth since April & I've been making a conscious effort to quit. And I couldn't be happier about it.
My normal sex drive is back, I still have no energy but I never had energy on meth anyway. Unless you consider nervous insomnia "energy".
I also don't have to feel like a loser with my dick in my hand for 72hrs straight. Non-meth life is great.
Pretty sure meth quality has gone up over the years. So it's gotta be out there tho.

Most of the meth users I've met felt very.....soul-less. They no longer cared about empathy, sympathy, love, affection, relationships, none of that. Just meth & sex.
Even I still had all of those emotions during my peak heroin addiction. But meth... yikes.

Still love lots of other drugs though.
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I have noted a few times that older methamphetamine users seem to want P2P dope AKA prop-dope to come back, Well, most routes from (pseudo)ephedrine will produce (S) methamphetamine and now the Mexican cartels have begun to use the radical initiator method of producing (S) methamphetamine, one has to wonder if their is a substantially different subjective effect.

Strange that it's the only chiral drug where the enantiopure drug is now the most commonly available.

Evidently at least once someone produced enantioenriched MDMA. In fact, someone has patented enantioenriched MD(M)A and 5/6 (M)APB. MAYBE the price of the most common MD(M)A precursor - PMK glycidate has now got SO high (it was $150000/Kg last time I heard) that if you can produce a pill containing 100mg of active that is as good or even superior to the older pill containing 125mg, it's financially advantageous? OR maybe they had a standing order for X pills a month and simply couldn't acquire enough precursor at any price. I suppose it's unlikely that we will ever know.
Okay I am from Oklahoma... I use meth... So my question is to any other meth heads out there..... Am I the only one that is getting bunk ass dope that's really weird that doesn't get you high that tastes like s*** and doesn't make me horny doesn't do anything good that real meth does and it's been like that for a month am I the only one experiencing this?
YES 🙌 A FUCKTARD sold me a ball and it was clear and decent and I subsequently bought a zip and it is PURE BUNK ASS SHIT looks like idk wtf but I told him I am bringing it back and want to watch him slam this BULLSHIT