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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Meth, Heroin, Adderall, MDMA, Vodka, Cannabis. Destructive Chaos. 15mg ADD, 30mg MDMA


Oct 19, 2005
Vital signs: Normal.
Vision: Slightly disturbed.
Sanity: Not quite sure.

It's been over three days into the experience. I’ve been continuously redosing methamphetamine for days. I’m not sure how this all even started to begin with nor do I remember any bits and pieces of information a few days earlier. My memory is shot and my state of mind has reached boundaries that may be near at the end of the earth, time, and the universe. Not at all was this experience a psychedelic one, but rather a tale of borderline insanity and disturbed thoughts. Maybe a small happier ending to the tale, but you decide. At the time, during the middle of the experience, I was with my colleagues and we were indulging on several drugs and alcoholic beverages. I had already been up for several days and have been driving back and forth from doing a bunch of crystal meth. As I’m drinking my beers, I go to the restroom and noticed a small bag. It was almost empty and as I examined the bag, to my surprise, it still contained a small amount of heroin. Oh! How this brings back sweet yet awful memories. I continue to scrape whatever I can get out of this bag. I end up getting a pretty nice little bump out of it and I indulge myself to a meth speedball.

God! This feels amazing!

I feel ready and amped, yet I feel content with inner peace and overwhelming feelings of blissful apathy. People often say that the two cancels each other out, but I often feel otherwise. The combination of the two drugs feels like the perfect balance. Not too speedy, not too relaxed. I feel… perfect. I can’t quite possibly explain it. It just feels like… I’ve look at the perfect cinematic, committed the perfect crime, and had achieved the perfect orgasm. It was delightful. I take this vodka shot and light a cigarette.

Well, time to go to work!

Vital signs: Lethargic, energetic, paradoxical
Vision: Disturbed, peripheral hallucinations.
Sanity: Paranoia, confused
I made it to work, but I start to feel lethargic in the middle of my shift. For some reason, that last dose didn’t seemed enough also, it seems like there has been a mistake on the floor chart, I guess I’m not included on there. They’ve decided to have me as a back up in the patio during winter, so I can get sent home early.

What kind of fuck up shit is that?

Luckily, one person is ill and asks if I can take his section since I have the patio. I’ve decided to help him out and he gives me an Adderall in exchange. Now, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take it during that time, because I was already on methamphetamine and had been awake for 3-4 days, but I told myself 'fuck it' and took it anyways.

Vital signs: Energetic, jittery, hyperfocused
Vision: Heavy nystagmus, peripheral hallucinations, dreamlike and exaggerated hallucinations and visions.
Sanity: Paranoia, confused, delusional, psychotic, exaggerated

The Adderall kicks in at full speed. At this point, my thoughts are flowing faster than 50 bullet trains going the same direction simultaneously. I’m getting drinks at a fast rate. I’m running food every 30 seconds. I start to feel even more stimulated. Next thing you know, I get overwhelmed with my tables. I panic and start to really fear this dreaded feeling. My mind was overwhelmed with illogical fears, I worry that I might lose my job, make grave mistakes, or even thinking I could possibly lose my job. I get to the point where paranoia isn’t even the definition of this current feeling. It felt like the video game Silent Hill. Where I’ve crossed boundaries and crossed into the other world. A world full of fear, chaos, and no logic. It was as if I had opened the Pandora’s Box. I start to screw up with my tables badly, and things start to get really out-of-control. My hearing gets heavily distorted and distance. My mind almost gets completely disconnected from reality. My heart is racing from the fight-or-flight response that I was undergoing. From complaints to understandings, I try best to make customers happy, and with all my might. I eventually got them to pay and leave and despite the unpleasant experience, they hopefully understood. I eventually had to spend 20 dollars on my mistake due to the mistakes that I’ve made throughout the night rush. After the chaos, one of the servers asks me to come over so that we could take some Molly(MDMA). I was hesitant, but I told her I was going to think about it. With the little energy I was exerting. I finished all of my side-work and left. While I was driving, I’ve decided to drive to her house, to partake in some molly.

Vital signs: Lethargic, tachycardia
Vision: Disturbed, peripheral hallucinations, photophobia, colors more vivid.
Sanity: empathic, calm, stimulated, some delusions, some paranoia

I get over there and see multiple friends of mine. As I can see, they are all ‘rolling’(under the influence of MDMA). Another friend of mine decided to give me some. I realize I have everything I needed for administering it intravenously. So before I go on about doing an IV in the bathroom, I ask if anyone needs anything from the store. I get money for cigarettes, food, gum, drinks.

Alright! This is just what I need.

I decide to get it for them, only for the sake of my first time IVing MDMA in my bloodstream. I measure and IV about 50mg and I start to feel the effects. As I’m highly anxious, I keep missing but manage to hit some veins. Once all of the drug is administered, it hits me much faster than snorting or eating the drug. I feel it immediately, as lights get brighter, music gets more intense, and feelings get more pronounced. As I’m driving through the city lights after IVing, the lights display a certain feel of awe for me. I can feel the drug flooding my brain with serotonin, creating these good vibes. As the music plays I can feel the bass from this artist pumping my ecstatic state up. I lose all fear of insecurities and delusions. Coming back from the store, makes me feel like a changed person. As I step through the door, I come back with a different feeling. A state of mind that was different from the time arriving to their humble abode. I start talking more to my fellow friends and I feel a deep connection with everyone, but for some reason, I start getting tired. Throughout the trip, my eyes start to get real heavy. It is hard keeping up with a conversation and eventually, I fall asleep.

Despite the strong feelings of intravenously injected MDMA, it had a very short duration. Which, I was able to fall asleep without a problem after only 2 hours into the experience. In the beginning of the peak, it was a powerful experience. I was fully enjoying the experience other than the slow and shallow breathing the MDMA possibly might have caused. I might have to try this one again. This experience was quite different. I’ll have to give it a try again one of these days. Well… Maybe, I don’t want to get into heavy IV use, but sometimes the 100% bioavailablity is what draws me into the experience. However, I’ve learned to never mix amphetamines with amphetamines. No cross tolerance, just more intense. Maybe due to the l-amphetamine coursing through my body and the increase activity in the peripheral nervous system..