Meth addiction


Jan 6, 2018
I’ve been on this monster of a drug for 5 years. In the last 6 months I’ve been able to stop for weeks at a time.. week 2-3 seems to be the hardest and where I usually fail.. I’ve now been back on for a month and I can’t stop. I have the time to recover no work ect and still every time I get low I’m reaching for the phone. Spending money I don’t have. I’m getting zero enjoyment out of it. I’m self destructive and weak and am getting to the point where I can’t see any way out other than death.
Welcome to bluelight man, meth truly is a monster. I was a heavy daily user for 2 years, head on over to sober living or the dark side, both can aid you with recovery, great communities in both.
I'm sorry you're struggling. Sometimes watching YouTube videos or reading real life blogs help in recovery...It truly is a "mind over matter" drug...its all in your head....remember, Idle hands are the devils playground...I strongly encourage you to grasp the understanding that this is not like heroin, where there is a physical pain and withdraw...Meth comedowns are unpleasant, but they are along the lines of a really bad hangover vs flu like symptoms when withdrawing from heroin. Best of luck, hope you find your strength...It is in you.
Thanks :) so you’ve beaten daily use? How? I feel like I’m in a hole I can’t get out of.
Like you I didn't get anything out of it, just felt numb. I mad a promise to myself after the love of my life and I split up that I was going to get sober. I ended up having to move back with family about 40 miles away and come clean about my use, that was the biggest factor in my recovery. I moved to an area where I know no one.
Hey Punky, welcome to Bluelight. Death is not your only option but I completely understand how in the middle of a very compulsive addiction it can feel that way. What kind of support do you have in your life? Do you have family that could help you? Or would being around family make things worse? If your family can not be counted on you will have to look elsewhere but help is out there.

When you reach for the phone when you get low it is reinforcing that you have no other options for the low feelings in life but to address them with a drug (and one that isn't even really working for you except as a temporary distraction). People cannot be expected to want to give up a drug that they take like a medication for their psychological pain unless there is some hope of relieving that pain some other way. So the first step is to get some support for understanding your pain--is it loneliness, depression, anxiety, all of the in a big tangle? When you get the courage to face your fears about yourself and your life it turns out that running from them was so much harder. We get trained to run from difficult emotions, to stuff them down, to mask them with drugs or other distractions--but we don't ever get taught how to simply accept that as human beings we all will feel lonely, anxious, sad, angry as well as the emotions we crave like happiness and peace of mind. Learning to be yourself, to accept yourself and encourage yourself is a life-long process but once you start on it, it has lots of rewards.

I don't know if your addiction has impacted your life to the point that money is a problem but if it has turn to your local mental health system and see what they have to offer. Look into self-help books that speak to you--they can be good boosters for the moments when you are craving and your brain belongs to addiction and not to you. Support groups--everything from AA/NA to Smart Recovery, and specialized groups that county mental health may offer can be invaluable. If you can afford therapy, go for it. Addiction is a symptom of something deeper--trying to simply call on willpower to end it is unsustainable without addressing what fed it in the first place.

Sober Living and TDS as well as Mental Health can be a great (and free!;)) resource. You do not have to be sober to post in SL.<3
Hey, I'm sorry you're experiencing addiction. That's cool you can stop for weeks at a time. Do you ever experience psychosis or do you take care of yourself on it? My best friend has been in constant psychosis for the better part of a year from meth, he thinks his brother is trying to kill him and lives in his roof and records all his keystrokes. I fear for his sanity and life.
Thanks herbavore :)
Xorkoth not really I get freaked out at night sometimes convinced someone is going to sneak into the house and have set up some stupid barriers but that’s about all. At the moment I’m smoking more than ever, But still sleeping a full 8 hrs at least which is just strange. I’m sorry to hear about your bestie, mine is on it too and I’ve been begging her to quit with me..
Would really like to talk to someone about their experience with psychosis and paranoia, had my first 50 hours of being awake, self inflicted, and ended up with me calling my dad and explaining this ellaborate “truth” to him. Because everything that was happening was real. Also ended up with me in the hospital and a story that keeps repeating in my head. My instance was weird because it’s was sketchy to me to do these things and the logic was out the wazoo but I️ stayed anyway. Looking back I️ feel like such an idiot.
Would really like to talk to someone about their experience with psychosis and paranoia, had my first 50 hours of being awake, self inflicted, and ended up with me calling my dad and explaining this ellaborate “truth” to him. Because everything that was happening was real. Also ended up with me in the hospital and a story that keeps repeating in my head. My instance was weird because it’s was sketchy to me to do these things and the logic was out the wazoo but I️ stayed anyway. Looking back I️ feel like such an idiot.
Plan on going into much deeper detail obviously, just looking for some info/relevance
Welcome to bluelight man, meth truly is a monster. I was a heavy daily user for 2 years, head on over to sober living or the dark side, both can aid you with recovery, great communities in both.

In my history I have "I am an ex(treme) meth fiend." etched for good reason.
Death is no escape, we are here to support you in face of this monster,
Stay safe,
sleep deprivation/pschosis/paranoia & me
leading up to the question of sanity, was about 2 days of bad decisions, resulting in the next 70 hours awake (at least). The first day of no sleep isn’t ever that different for me, especially because adderal is more common to me and I️t kind of had the same come down, well then about day two hit me, still no concern, and n really feeling tired. I remember being jittery as hell though and tried to keep to myself, start my researching which can last several hours. That evening it started off with visuals, almost like lsd but on a way lower scale and they would’ve been like bug looking guys floatin towards you, or any shadow or objects that could possibly look like a human or something else dark, you’d see thrm out of the corner of your eye or if you focused on the lights or things floating. Honestly stuff like that kills my vibe more than scare me, and i still could realize what the circumstances are and this is only happening because of this. Mind over matter. Objects kind of creeped me out, just old people posted up somewhere so you’ll notice. Lighting helped with mine a lot. So if i didn’t like an “object” I’d just leave or turn on more lights. The only instance in this phase that spooked me was going to get in my car, out in the woods from a friends house and when i got in, an old ugly woman’s face appeared against my passenger window. Gunned it right out of that sucker, oh and another thing the towns and cities or streets all seems to have this rain/Cloud/dust falling down or coming up, weird. This is what i thought psycosis entailed. Cool man just kinda like acid. Ha. No way. But i remained in this impaired state for about a night, oh and i remember the buttons on my phone were soooo blurry, i have 20/20vision but moving the phone back and fourth was the only way to make out anything. Oh and sparkles, my face and other objects appeared glittery, in the worst way.

then shit got real , or maybe not
the next morning (still no sleep) i started my bath and kind of heard like background music, figured the tv or something. Then discover that the music is coming from phone, but it’s nothing that i’ve ever heard, and ITS RAPPING ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE AND EVEN INSTANT THOUGHTS OR COMEMTAING MY MOVEMENTS. Couldn’t depict any familiary to the voice just yet. Im talking skill, like rhyming and everything. still, i’m taking this lightly, again considering it’s lack of sleep, and still aware that it’s probably just me coming down. the voice continues to engage in whatever i ‘m doing and after my phone died, he’d transform into another form of technology, and let me know he was still there...slightly creeped out ...decided to go for a drive. DUMB REAL DUMB. i zoom to get gas. purposefully left my phone off while I was driving there and right before i shut the car door, “he” said im coming too.i kind of chuckle and slam the door. the voice is recognizable... it’s my highschool sweetheart who is currently serving in Colorado. Now we are making snide commments jokingly back and fourth, i was hesitate at first plus i was in public. & this seemed crazy but i charged my phone back up anyway, it was almost if he was in my car. my cell phone laid next to me, and from then on he mainly communicated with me through songs or adds, rarely being able to really tell me much just by talking and meanings of songs, he then told me to drive to a sentimental spot from our childhood, he . Still skeptical i thought what the hell ya know, he is spirit form looking, not a ghost but clear. If i don’t look directly at him parts of him you’d get glimpses or a clear yet crystallized vague outlines of him. So he’s showing me something through these songs, a lot of sentimental stuff that is leading me to a story but i don’t know the ending yet, emotionally drained from the ups and downs and confusion on what i am supposed to be catching on to, all of it clicks. He tells me through song that he loves me so much and we can’t stay here together because he’s going to heaven and he’s talking a list about everything I need to do, which i tuned out realizing my one true love is dead. i am hysterical frantically asking what happened and what is going to happen and if he can stay with me forever like this, he again replies with songs, about our past the good and the bad, and then told me i was pregnant. He asked if I’d like to marry him and that way we could be forever together, an emotionally wrecked, sleep deprived me, was ready! He asked me to drive to the first place we met, and back up and park my car. He had a wedding set up but it’s all with his people and friends who of course look like him. We all danced and he proposed, and asked me to join him in heaven, all i had to do was take my shoes off by this car, jump a fence and get to the highest point (he was godlike in the sky at this point) how fucking ridiculous, i must have looked to bistanders i thought, but this was the love of my life! Climbing through trees and rocks in attempt to get high enough or get in. We would hold hands (the god version of him) and he was trying to get me to come up there. The clouds would whirl but for some reason he couldn’t, so frustrated and upset, paranoia began...i kept hearing a man say call the cops. And then putting facts together like they were setting me up. That he was actually the one that killed someone in a crash, and needed someone to frame. And i have vague memories of thinking this was the alluminati, and realized that this guy who I’d been talking to all day was not Kam, he sounded like him and snuck in my blootooth and new everything about me, but how could they fly like that, i don’t believe in this shit which is a good representation of how gone i truly was. They were leading me to the body walking on belongings of those people and getting foot prints here and planting stuff there... but knew the gig was up and returned to my car, called my dad and the worst part out of all of this is when you realize that none it happened. But not until you swear it did and cry and cry because YOUR HEAD DID THAT, ALL OF IT. now im confused as hell, feeling everything over and over again, and embarrassed, and at a complete loss that my brain was capable and my soul was so naive but it’s an entirely different world of laws when you’re in this state of mind. Never again will there be an opportunity for this to happen again.
I have been using meth for about two months now, daily roughly a half gram or a little more. I havent had it in roughly 4 days and I am feeling like... stupid, like I woke up this morning having literally no clue on what day it was or what I was supposed to do. I have pretty much always been prescribed add meds. Lisoamps (vyvanse) and prior Adderal. I have a constant dizziness behind my eyes when looking to and fro. I kinda feel helpless. While I am not craving (to say) but I feel like I almost need it to keep on track with my daily routine.
That's how it is, It will get better, I used 2 grams daily for 2 years straight.
Very sorry to hear this. My experience with meth was a long time back, but I used it daily for about a year before quitting. Like others have said, there really is no physical WD from it. Everyday you wake up is another opportunity to not use it and the beginning of what could be day 1 of sobriety. What is the real killer with meth addiction is the boredom. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion and you are standing still.

What I would suggest is to jump head-first into your local recovery community. It really doesn't matter where you live (unless maybe you are on a chunk of property in the Yukon or something) there will be a recovery community in your area that likely has something going on each day. It really helps to keep your hands busy with this and it also has the added benefit of plugging you directly in to a support network and a totally new group of non-using people who understand what you are going through. Try to do something in the community every single day. Become accountable to someone, be that a mentor, sponsor, etc. Start volunteering to help. Pretty soon you will be talking to and helping people with less sober time than yourself which is always an interesting feeling the first time it happens.
Relating to meth addiction

It was suggested that I come visit this thread by a mod.
I can absolutely relate to the feelings of hopelessness, as I have been feeling this way since 12/31/17, relapse day. I haven't been sober since. I am to the point where I will be smoking and bawling my eyes out. It is truly pathetic.
I joined this forum because I really need a safe place to vent, receive help and advice and have some sort of support system.
I want so badly to call my parents and ask for help but they live half way across the country and I am not sure they could help.
I wanted to reach out to my counselor, but she made it very clear that any drug usage while having custody of children would result in her immediately calling DHS / CPS.
On of the biggest reasons I want to get clean, not just for myself but for my two beautiful children. Hence the reason I cry every time I might up... I k ow what a disappointment and failure I am being right now. I'm disgusted with myself.
I was clean 3+ years before this relapse. For what ever reason I find it so hard to quit this time around. I know that the WD is more in my head than anything, but I do get really bad shakes and headaches and VERY bad irritability.. as I am already diagnosed with depression and unstable mood swings.. this becomes horrid when I'm coming down. But in all honesty I haven't really come down since day one. I redose periodically... probably every 5 or 6 hours.
I consider myself pretty functional. I work a full time job my house is clean ( obviously ) my kids don't miss any extra curriculars... My bills are paid before my next fix is purchased. And yet I hate myself.
This isn't the life I want for my kids. It's not the life I want for myself.
Last night was really bad. I was shaking so badly for over 3 hours... I wanted to seriously just end it. But I gave my weapons of mass destruction to my boyfriend.. who locked them up and I have no access. But it's a dark day when it gets that bad.
I also have diabetes and that adds another level of complication to this whole thing. I don't want to die from this. I want to be well. I just don't know when or how I am going to accomplish this. I feel like my whole world will blow up of I ask for help. But I KNOW if I don't stop soon and get clean I will loose my kids, home, job, and family.... I am so lost!
Your world will not blow up if you ask for help in the right places. Obviously never ask for help at work. And right now, depending on your situation, asking your family may or may not be the best thing. But where your world will absolutely NOT blow up for asking for help are places like NA or other anonymous groups or even commercial treatment centers. Everyone imagines that you have to do the Intervention-style 90 days in 24/7 treatment. Not at all. They all know most people don't have the resources to just disappear for 3 months.

Try giving some places in your area a call and just see what they say. See what they can offer for your situation. If you like what one says, go check it out. I did an out-patient treatment a number of years ago and a lot of the people in there had a job (which they had taken time off from, mostly saying they were "going on vacation") and then went home to their kids in the afternoon. Most of them were paying with it on their work insurance. If you do have insurance, do not worry about your work finding out. If you are in the USA, they will not and legally cannot find out anything you are using your insurance on. I worked in telecom and was using my insurance for years to buy methadone. They never found out.

There is so much help out there. You just have to reach out and see what can be tailored to your needs.
So I did try to go to an NA meeting, and then an AA meeting and found it to be unhelpful as it ended up being more like a dealing spot then a healing spot. VERY discouraging. I tried reaching out to my counselor but found out she is allowed to report to THE/ COS. I would like to reach out to my Dr for help but because I have kids does that give them a loop hole to contact someone? In my state you can go to places for either drug addiction ( not a lot of options in my area.. more like a few hrs away) or you can get into places for mental health. They don't offer a program that offers both. I have state insurance that I pay 15$ a month for because I am " low income" .. Thank God for that, but kinda sad that No other resources are available since I " make too much " ( i don't know how the hell that happens) anyway I will keep searching... guess it's a good thing that I am hopeful there will come a day I can get the help I need... hope that feeling last!
Punky, were in the same boat, and I had this fucking addiction kicked for almost two years before relapsing.

It?s hands down the biggest struggle I?ve ever had with a drug. Opiate and benzo wd were worse than meth wd, and they had very long PAWS... but neither of them left me with these all-consuming insanity-inducing cravings the meth did.

For me, this is the most addictive drug I?ve ever done.

Good luck