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Mescalines, Synthetics?


Mar 21, 2006
Stuff like Methallylescaline, allyescaline, Escaline etc etc, what's the difference between them all and real mescaline and such? Is any preferable, or just difference in effects? I didnt realize there were so many different synthetics, and that they are more common than just plain mescaline.
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Bump. There's no information on these? I could try one of these, but only one (200mg, i mean i dont have to take all that at once obviously), which do I get?

Methallyescaline, Allysecaline, Escaline.
Jeez, you'd think an ex-president would know you don't bump your own thread! Have patience, & continue reading on erowid or one of the numerous other drugs info sites while you await replies here. Bumping ones own thread is considered impolite, like tugging constantly at your mums skirt coz you want ice-cream.

Also, no-one here will tell you which one to buy & it's not something you should ask. What if I say, yeah yeah go by the proscaline & then the vendor sells you something toxic by accident, or you take too much & OD. How do you think I am going to feel about that? I'd feel like it was MY fault.

On the subject at hand. I have only tried escaline at threshold doses a few years ago, I got a tiny sample & never got a chance to work up from there. I have an unfinished TR around someplace. I can't remember my dose but it was threshold, pretty pleasant, not too unlike 2c-t-2, which is also modelled on the mescaline molecule. I've never had mescaline itself nor any of the other mescaline-like derivatives so I'm not best placed to compare them.

Suffice to say that I'm sure if you did enough reading you'd narrow it down a bit & find out which one is most likely to satisfy your requirements. Now crack on with that research, reports on erowid are many, I'm sure you can amuse yourself until some more experienced folk find time to comment!
I got entity contacts and more of a spiritual feeling on mescaline but not on allylescaline. That was the main difference for me.
I'm just asking for people who've done multiple of these (ally, methylally, escaline, and true mescaline catci/san pedro/peyote/etc) for a comparison or recommendation based on personal preferences. I'm sure they're all great, dangerous, and worthy of a high degree of respect and responsibility in their own right.

I think I saw an odd tihkal report or something say that like ~40mg sucked and was miserable and too much, and then he said like 60mg was great. Or it was in the methyallescaline thread around here.
allylescaline was extremely underwhelming for me.
I have not done mescaline or methayllylescaline or escaline or any of the other mescaline analogues to compare but 50-60mg of allylescaline produced very minimal visuals and even a very underwhelming body and mental high, but was unable to sleep for probably 16 hours.
I have heard good things about escaline however
Don't get ally, methally either IMO. Almost everyone who has tried them has been unimpressed..

Plain mescaline would seem to be the best, though I haven't tried any of these chemicals so I guess I can't really say either haha. I got 250mg of allylescaline nearly a year ago but still haven't gotten around to trying it because it seems like such an unremarkable chemical. I really want to save the doses I do have until I can mix it with something like MXE so I won't be let down.
Escaline is probably the closest to mescaline but it's still its own drug... if you are expecting it to be a drop in replacement for mescaline you'll be underwhelmed.
I have at best heard people say they were pleasant, no one has said they were strong or what they hoped. I personally wouldn't bother with them. There were a few people who said allylescaline is much better than the others, but I haven't tried any of them so I can only speak hearsay.
I've tried methallylescaline, tma-2, synthetic + extracted mescaline.

TMA-2 was sedating and boring but did have some of mescaline's dreaminess. Methallylescaline was too physically harsh for me, much worse than mescaline, and lacked depth. No phenthylamine I have tried captures mescaline's full qualities, but I've seen hints in mdma, 2c-c, 2c-d and 2c-e although the 2c series is much more abrasive and shallow.
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if the 2c's are close to mescaline then since the nbo's (nbome, nboh) are related to 2c's, could you say that there is some likeness between mescaline and the nbo's (allowing for the obvious dose related differences, and experiential variance related to dose differences) ?
The 2Cs do indeed share qualities with mescaline, it's like each of them contains some qualities. 2C-E is the closest, but it's much different as well, very much more intense and fractal in nature, and much more difficult of an experience. I actually find DOC to have some serious comparisons to mescaline too, it's probably the closest of any psychedelic I have tried. But mescaline itself is unique, nothing else is just like it. I absolutely love mescaline, it's deep, spiritual, very psychedelic and fills me with this wonderful pure love.
Well, part of my question is sort of how it compares to straight mescaline, but what I'm really getting at is a comparison of them, or which one, if any, is recommendable (as it seems mescaline, itself, is extremely recommended, in the same league as LSD and shrooms).

I've heard only bad things about allyescaline, mixed on methylally, and seems positive on escaline. Escaline was also priced a couple cents higher than methylally which was like a penny more than ally.

I pretty much have a choice between escaline, 2c-b, and 'orange' dmt so that's where I'm coming from. I just want to sample something that's worth sampling, if that makes sense.

if the 2c's are close to mescaline then since the nbo's (nbome, nboh) are related to 2c's, could you say that there is some likeness between mescaline and the nbo's (allowing for the obvious dose related differences, and experiential variance related to dose differences) ?

I thought (probably for no logical reason) that the nbomes, ie 25i, was related to mescaline. And that the 2c's were made as replacements of sorts for MDMA.
No the 2Cs are nothing like MDMA really, 2C-B could be considered somewhat similar to MDMA in a way. But the 2C-s are real psychedelics. Especially 2C-E... it's every bit as psychedelic as LSD or mushrooms. I actually find 2C-E to be more hardcore than either of those, the most intensely psychedelic trip I have ever had was on 2C-E.

Mescaline is really in a class of its own... nothing else is too much like it.
The 25x class is based mainly on the 2C-x class which is based largely on mescaline. So, they all share similar qualities but there are vast differences between them as well.

IMO MDMA is something else entirely, although sometimes feelings of "ecstasy" can come out in a psychedelic trip of any kind.
San Pedro trichocereus pachanoi cactus powder incense 1 oz ounce peruvian torch, google it, no need for silly mescaline analogs/alternatives.
I pretty much have a choice between escaline, 2c-b, and 'orange' dmt so that's where I'm coming from. I just want to sample something that's worth sampling, if that makes sense.

Definitely take the 2C-B, it's a very worthwhile trip. If you can afford it grab some DMT too. Ditch the Escaline. It's not a recommendation, just what I would do personally.
No the 2Cs are nothing like MDMA really, 2C-B could be considered somewhat similar to MDMA in a way. But the 2C-s are real psychedelics. Especially 2C-E... it's every bit as psychedelic as LSD or mushrooms. I actually find 2C-E to be more hardcore than either of those, the most intensely psychedelic trip I have ever had was on 2C-E.

Mescaline is really in a class of its own... nothing else is too much like it.
This, 2c-p was more powerful visually but I found the experience overall to be less intense and less of a mental high.
2c-e is some extremely powerful shit haha
Will mescaline make you feel as wired as 2C-E? I once took 16mg of 2C-E probably because so many people wrote that it could be a difficult experience including trip reports in pihkal that I just dosed in a range that felt like threshold in pretty much all aspects except the wired feeling of nervousness.

Psychologically the trip was positive but I was pacing around a lot.