• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

mephedrone long term negative effects progress reports

It's been 8 months or so since Ive seen meph last but i still get random patches of skin that turn pink, especially my knuckles. Has anyone experienced this?
Also I experience dull aching pain in the left side of my chest and armpit. Ive seen a doctor 6 months ago because I kept feeling lightheaded at work and because of my chest pain. Had blood test done said I have thick blood but everything else was fine. Didn't take any other test cause according to my doctor if the pains were serious I'd definitely be in a hospital already and she diagnosed me with anxiety. Has anyone experienced anything similar? not sure what to do. Probably gonna go to see GP again and this time ask for a ultrasound and other tests myself... Im 20 and used to be a very healthy female before touching that s***...
I'm sure 60 days was a typo and he meant 6. :D

I can confirm individual's staying up on N-methylamphetamine 22 days to a month straight. By "binge", a session followed through completely while awake may not be what's meant. Though I myself have personally done so upwards of ten days in a row on two separate occasions with no sleep whatsoever. I doubt I ever recovered fully, but it is possible. 60 does seem excessive though.

^yeah after like 30 hours of no sleep i start to just fall asleep uncontrollably, regardless of how many lines of drone i take.

Nasal absorption is compromised after some while, but if one were mainlining it, I could imagine a month gone without sleep, I've seen it done on other substances. Such might require some sensitization to sleep deprivation however.
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I don't know about anybody else, but the more that I do Drone over time, my memory has been effected and my concentration span. At the end of a night on it, I chose one of my friends films to take home and watch for the comedown, I picked up 'The Others' to take back with me being totally convinced that it was 'The Sixth Sense', got home, put the film on and half an hour into it I turned to someone and said 'well where is Bruce Willis then', and until he told me it wasn't the film I thought, I had no clue it was The others ha. And on other occasions I get confused with my speech and my thought trails are just non-existant ha, that, or it takes me absolutely ages to think of a particular word I want to use. Weird. Just wondering if anyone else becomes as brain dead as me?? :L
I don't know about anybody else, but the more that I do Drone over time, my memory has been effected and my concentration span. At the end of a night on it, I chose one of my friends films to take home and watch for the comedown, I picked up 'The Others' to take back with me being totally convinced that it was 'The Sixth Sense', got home, put the film on and half an hour into it I turned to someone and said 'well where is Bruce Willis then', and until he told me it wasn't the film I thought, I had no clue it was The others ha. And on other occasions I get confused with my speech and my thought trails are just non-existant ha, that, or it takes me absolutely ages to think of a particular word I want to use. Weird. Just wondering if anyone else becomes as brain dead as me?? :L
I used mephedrone a couple times a week for a few months back when it was legal and my memory is really terrible. 2 years later and it hasnt improved in the slightest, really evil drug
I still suffer from poor memory and HPPD from mephedrone use over 2 years ago, get random patches people talk about on my hands and stuff too. My friend almost died from snorting 1g within the space of around 1- 2 minutes, stupid dose i know but its fucking pure evil this drug. never take it, the side effects out weigh the negatives a billion to one
right, honest and i mean honest report here, been on this shit for about 3 years now, so far no negative side effects apart from the binging addictiveness it has, but i always eat when on it and always stick to one night seshs, but done nd seen done many a time 2 to 3 gram lines with hardly any effect , dont even no why i still take it apart from the stimmy effect i need to stay awake, apart from that its now shit drug with no euphoria just awakeness
A common misconception with 4-mmc is the factor of smell. Most people assume that the stronger the smell - the better the batch. Wrong. The ideal batch would have a really weak or hardly any smell at all, the strong smell comes from residual bromine left in the synthesis, that WILL fuck up your heart and increase the compulsive redosing.

Basically - Less Smell = Safer and more controllable.
A common misconception with 4-mmc is the factor of smell. Most people assume that the stronger the smell - the better the batch. Wrong. The ideal batch would have a really weak or hardly any smell at all, the strong smell comes from residual bromine left in the synthesis, that WILL fuck up your heart and increase the compulsive redosing.

Basically - Less Smell = Safer and more controllable.

or its just a drug that is bad for your heart generally/ the metabolites produced...
Sniffing pure bromine will really get you hooked =D

Yes, smells are often an indicator for dirty / badly neutralized compounds. But people seem to love their stuff reeking of solvents, amines and whatnot...
Given that the smell of meph is often described as "fishy" or "pistachio" like, I would wager what you're smelling is either left over methylamine (fishy-smell) or 4-methylpropiophenone/4-methylbenzaldehyde (pistachio). Elemental bromine wouldn't hang around in the end product - and it stinks in a totally different way from MeAm and the ketones. Think like chlorine or iodine.

But as Heroic says, pure mephedrone shouldn't have a smell.
long term side effects

It's been 8 months or so since Ive seen meph last but i still get random patches of skin that turn pink, especially my knuckles. Has anyone experienced this?
Also I experience dull aching pain in the left side of my chest and armpit. Ive seen a doctor 6 months ago because I kept feeling lightheaded at work and because of my chest pain. Had blood test done said I have thick blood but everything else was fine. Didn't take any other test cause according to my doctor if the pains were serious I'd definitely be in a hospital already and she diagnosed me with anxiety. Has anyone experienced anything similar? not sure what to do. Probably gonna go to see GP again and this time ask for a ultrasound and other tests myself... Im 20 and used to be a very healthy female before touching that s***...

long term side effects i got and still have:
MEMORY LOSS (forgotten child hood memories, stuff that happened during the time i was taking the drug, and stuff that happens now)

2 years later... still got all of the above.
and i dont react the same to other drugs any more, which is also a shame.

and i also agree with the guy below who said he feels like he doesn't have to breathe, or like he doesn't breath any air.
also when i start drinking even after just one drink my heart will be beating really fast, for hours and i'll be really shakey.
me and a few of my friends used to buy this shit a couple years back in packages of two 1g capsules of a white powder called 'plant food' when mephedrone was in the area. one of my friends with a mild heart murmur did a few lines and i watched as her motor coordination and ability to form a coherent sentence rapidly deteriorated over the next few hours. she stayed with a friend till he left for school then got dropped off at her house and entirely lost the ability to move and probably on the verge of heart failure or heart attack or something and was like that for an hour before her mom came in to say goodbye before work and got her medical attention.
i personally have blown up to roughly 2g in a night and been physically fine for the most part, i did have realistic hallucinations that my two friends were sitting behind me murmuring things about whatever came on tv in a language i recognized as english but when i tried to listen it was distorted and mostly meaningless. i would be genuinely surprised when i turned to ask them what they were saying and there was nobody there, even though i came home alone.
Its clear that the blue knees have nothing to do with vasoconstriction as confirmed by hospitals, it looks like exactly like lupus, i wonder wheter it brings out underlying lupus (wich flephedrone did for me, witch as result that every stim brings up a flare up) or wheter its specific drug induced lupus that only occurs with meph and resolved after a weeks.

There are some indications that benzo's can reverse lupus, this is confirmed by me and a few other anecdotal reports as they allow the body to deactivity the excessive immume cells, after taking seroquel i noticed that benzo's did not help (it causes drug induced lupus) and further research indicates its indeed caused by a differened mechanism.
In my experience quercetine dramatically reduces the lupus i get from stims too so thats worth a try.
I was a major stoner from age of 15. Then late in my 17th year as a human being i found meph..
I Can't smoke weed anymore - it reacts horribly with my head. The veins on my temples (running past my ears) feel very uncomfortable, suicidal thoughts ('i should just kill myself') intermittently come and go and my hearing gets worse.
All in all just a very disagreeable experience.
Anyone else? i only smoked the dankest of the dankest buds but i'm sure it'd happen with any old thai too.

P.s I never get suicidal thoughts
on the verge of heart failure or heart attack

Not surprising, the second most commonly reported negative effect of mephedrone (first is headaches) is heart palpitations.

Meet 4-methylephedrine (a well known cardiotoxin):


Now compare that to mephedrone:


Fun times.
^That's somewhat disturbing, but even small differences can make a, well, difference. Not saying it isn't true though.

What I've noticed is the light-headedness and heart racing out of nowhere. But still I can't attribute all of it to mephedrone in specific, since I was abusing both MDMA and street amphetamine at that period. No good either way.

Months after, I feel normal. And it feels weird.
Basicly my experience with the old drone was one of talkative sense of well being. A marked increase in sexual arousel.The only thing that stopped me using was the comedowns.Unless i had opiates to hand and i mean plenty the comedown was to depressing and anxiety provoking.Benzo.,s qwelled the comedown a little but the negatives out weighed the posotives come the end of a session im afraid.
I really don't think this drug is safe. Not sure why it was ever chosen to be produced. I'm sure the person who discovered this and mass marketed it is out there on the internet since that's where it's mostly available, so tell us some day.

I can answer that question.The person who discovered it had nothing to do with its marketing. It was back in the days of the Hive, around 2003, a young British chemist was bored and decided to synthesize a legal cathinone derivative from a common solvent that he had at hand as the precursor. He tried it and reported on it, you can find it back in the Hive archives, his user name was Kinetic. I remember him telling me on irc that it was a "boring stimulant" but he couldn't stop binging on it, sometimes for days on end.

About five years later some entreprising vendor must have remembered Kinetic's reports and started selling it, opening Pandora's box.

here it is, you need Tor to access:
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It would not be a PEA, what they're talking about is unreacted alpha-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone, ie. mephedrone with a bromine in place of the methylamine, not mephedrone with a bromine and an amine.

I don't know the details of mephedrone synthesis, but IIRC the non-ring-methylated version (a-bromopropiophenone) can be used to make methcathinone. So if mephedrone is similarily made from the 4-methyl version, it would be reasonable to assume that unreacted paramethyl-alphabromo-propiophenone would be in the product as an impurity after a sloppy synth.

I don't think it would be psychoactive, but very probably toxic.

Alpha-bromo/chloroketones are powerful lachrymators (think MACE, or alpha-chloroacetophenone) so one would notice even small amounts of this compound as an impurity. They would indeed be toxic due to the fact that they are alkylators, eg they can react with DNA. But I somehow doubt its presence, as it is easily removed from the end-product.