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Mephedrone, Fluoxetine (Prozac) and serotonin syndrome


Mar 29, 2021
Hi, I have been taking Prozac 20mg for the last 3 months. I've taken them somewhat inconsistently - once every 4-7 days. Now the last time I took one was 7 days ago. I am also on 36mg of Concerta which from what I have understood after 12 hours shouldn't interfere with what you are taking. Lastly, I also take Depakine 250-500mg when I feel more stressed.

I've got my hands on 5g of Mephedrone from a reputable seller, but I was not aware of the serotonin syndrome. I would like to do a few lines now that the prozac half life is reached and would like to know how much (mg) I can somewhat safely do.

For reference I did one line of Mephedrone a few weeks ago, I think around 40mg, and didn't observe any bad symptoms that may be related to serotonin syndrome. I also did about 200mg of Hexen in a 4 hour session 3 days ago. AFAIK Hexen can also cause serotonin syndrome but is not as risky as Mephedrone for some reason. Also done around 300mg of coke one day since I've started taking Prozac and also took 100micrograms of LSD on another day. All of them were pretty good experiences.

It would be really cool to know how to take it so that I stay more on the safe side of things - do one line and then wait an hour and see if I am ok and then proceed with another line? I plan on doing it tonight or tomorrow night depending on the schedule I have.

What do you guys say? Insuflated or Ingested? Always loved snorting but if ingestion is safer then so be it. I personally think that around 200-300mg snorted should be OK. But I really want to hear some second opinions.
In case anyone is wondering I still haven't got to it. Really hope someone can pitch in their opinion