Mephedrone cravings (getting addicted?)


Oct 1, 2015
Hi all,

I hope you're all having a good day!

I'm a new member however I've browsed Bluelight on numerous accounts for years, this is a great forum for harm reduction and I applaud the owners and the seemingly friendly, knowledgeable and supportive members on here!

I've has been an on-off drug user from the mid-teens, so almost 10 years now! I am quite an experienced toker and has dabbled in (mostly in the teen years) the main "designer drugs" and even had a short heroin period (a few months). Eventually I decided to quit all alcohol and chemistry, especially after entering a serious relationship with a non-drug user recently (except for the rare one-off occasion with friends, maybe twice-three times a year) but continued smoking weed almost daily, with 1-2 week breaks in between.

I recently decided to leave my career to gain a Bachelors Degree in college in another city, which meant a big property move and also having to live separately from my partner (very hard! Although we do spend every weekend together).

I've met some really good friends already and was recently introduced to Mephedrone, which is extremely popular and easy to find in the city. Being alone and celebrating the beginning of student life - I thought "why not!" and had a few nights sniffing mephedrone. This is where the problem begins.

Since the first mephedrone use, I has had cravings and purchased multiple times. Especially when missing the partner. The friends are quite controlled and are able to store a gram or two of mephedrone in a safe place for weeks - agreeing not to over-do things. Unfortunately the cravings are quite bad and I found myself purchasing 2 grams weekly for the last 2 weeks. I knows that I should be focusing on my studies but I have an addictive personality.

I'm just looking for some tips for myself on how to beat cravings, get over this and some support on getting back on track without chemistry.

I hope I haven't posted in the wrong board, please do feel free to move it if this is the case!

Hope to hear back from some of you soon :)
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Hi thanatos!

I can't help your pet probably, as I'm not a veterinarian, but anyways I love animals ... :D

Do you know if it's actually Mephedrone you're taking? As this has been banned nearly world-wide for some years now and there are many, many research chemicals that would get sold as replacements or - even more so when buying off the street - as Meph itself. There is clandestinely synthesized 4-MMC / Mephedrone around, but I think it's rather rare. Possibly you got 3-MMC or somewhat - but they are quite similar either, the effects are a bit different but when it comes to chronic use there's not that much difference.

These cathinones are monoamine releasers. They will deplete your storage of monoamines (dopamine, serotonin) over time, leaving you depressed and craving for more. Also they have the nasty side of getting metabolized into some horrific vasoconstrictor (4-methylephedrine for Meph, if I'm right, and 3-methyleph. for 3-MMC etc) causing tachycardia, anxiety, restlessness etc. when coming down and blue fingers, toes, etc. with higher dosages.. this puts a heavy strain on your heart too..

What most people will say of course is just abstain from taking more. This is difficult, I know. The cathinones are not the easiest drug class when it comes to psychic desire..
If you're in need for some occasional motivation / stimulation, in my eyes Ritalin (methylphenidate) is the safest thing available by prescription for that when used in low dosage and in moderation - or bupropion, it might work for you or not, it's a hit and miss with the latter. Or, of course, the newer modafinil - I don't have experiences with that one, but many say it's good.
This all can be optimized etc. depending on how you are, how much is just substance induced and will go away if you keep clean off the cathinones for 2 weeks or so.

The first days will be the hardest. After one week most should be over from not-too-heavy meph use.
Edit: If you have a hard time to rest or to fall asleep, get some OTC doxylamine - it's a good sleep aid, and start with half of a pill (12.5 mg), that might well be enough.

Good luck :)
Hello Dopamimetic! Thanks so much for your support and advise!

The friend who introduced to Mephedrone is much more knowledgeable about chemistry than me and has plenty of meph experience so I think that they can be trusted - but who knows what you get in a pack, you can never be 100% without testing it first. All I know is that the craving is strong and you probably know how your brain can really trick you into creating a justifiable reason for the purchase of such a substance!

I guess, after reading your advice, chronic use of cathinones can end terribly! I don't know too much about them but have heard about the vasoconstriction and symptoms such as blue fingers (scary!) - fortunately I don't go too overboard when having a session (no more than 1g really) and takes an ibuprofen (I heard that can help a little with vasoconstriction). Also plenty of water and White Tea since it is known for it's positive effects with circulation! The strain on the heart is definitely noticeable - especially during the first few times! Fortunately this usually subsides using deep breaths and controlled breathing.

Stopping is really important, before it's too late! I'm thinking of avoiding the substance in future, possibly a small session with a good friend but only at intervals with a big time gap (like once or twice a year).

Thank you so much for your suggestions! Really need to find this Doxylamine, since I have recurring insomnia and am prescribed zopiclone (7.5mg) during sleepless periods. Unfortunately zopiclone is powerful and makes me raid the fridge - sleep walking without any memory of what happened after zopiclone is taken. If you have any other suggestions for OTC sleeping tablets (except Melissa, Valerian or
diphenhydramine) please let me know!

Will keep this updated so I can "track" my progress :)

All the best!!! Thanks once again :)
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hi thanatos, just so that you know, referring to yourself as SWIM or a fictionary animal/character is against the rules of BL. it offers no legal protection and all it does it annoy users and makes your posts difficult to read.

i edited both your posts so they are in first person, please refer to yourself as I/me/my from now on though.
i think if you have a clear intention to not use mephedrone at all, if you feel that you want to stop using it, that may help. if in the back of your head it is okay to have a small session with a friend, that will most likely lead to having a small session on the weekend, or a small session if you have had a bad day, especially if you have an addictive personality as you said. there has to be something that clicks in your head that you do not want to use the substance, even if its offered to you.

the longer you don't use it, the less strength the cravings will have over you, its best not to give your brain the reminder of what if feels like to be high imo.

i hope you can nip this in the bud before it blooms into something destructive, take care, and welcome to BL! :)