Mental Health Mental Health Problems from Frequent Acid Use


Jan 11, 2020
I am 16 years old and in about a month it will be 1 year since I have tripped on acid. During my Sophomore year of high school (Last year) I ran into my first acid plug. I had tripped before, but I never had cheap, easy, reliable access to it. I probably tripped over 25-30 times with massive doses (up to 3000ug) within a 4 month period. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy acid, I'm never even had a bad trip, but a lot of times I feel like doing so much in such a short period of time has led to many of my mental health problems. I've used many other drugs (Cocaine, MDMA, Shrooms, Weed, Xanax, Oxycontin, DXM, Codeine) but I feel like none of them have had the lasting effect on me like acid has. Sometimes I'll start tripping out of nowhere for a few seconds, I believe it's called HPPD (I know for a fact I have BPD, Bipolar, and ADHD I can't seek treatment for HPPD, I don't want my parents to know about my acid use.) But even my Bipolar and my BPD feel like they've been brought out or amplified by acid. My mind is constantly going a mile a minute, sometimes I can't sleep at night. I got terrible impulse control and I've blacked out from anger multiple times. I think about how this is my fault sometimes and it kills me.

I just want to know if there's anyone else out there that feels like this or has experienced poor mental health as a result of the use of LSD, I feel alone all the time.