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Benzos Melatonin as a sedative?


Jun 25, 2022
Just got some Melatonin prescribed as a sleep aid. It doesn’t work at all but it makes me feel relaxed. Can it be used to reduce benzo (Bromazepam)?
Man I think its garbage but it sells off the shelf.
Maybe some get "relief" but it isnt for me.
Others may chime in, yeah?
Man I think its garbage but it sells off the shelf.
Maybe some get "relief" but it isnt for me.
Others may chime in, yeah?
I believe you're right but I'm gonna try it for a few days. Developed tolerance to benzo so I have nothing to lose.
I've found 4mg to give me deeper and faster-acquired sleep on a couple of occasions. Gives me crazy dreams though, and last time I remember thinking it didn't really do anything
I heard it synergies well with valerian and also the combo makes for easier induced lucid dreaming states although I've still yet to make it into 90's era Charmaine Sinclair's bedroom...
well in the interests of science and for the advancement of the human race, I popped 4mg Melatonin 15 mins or so ago to see how it combines with the 170mg opium I had about 10 hours ago (which I can still feel nicely) and the 0.7g of Jack Herer I've recently smoked
I heard it synergies well with valerian and also the combo makes for easier induced lucid dreaming states although I've still yet to make it into 90's era Charmaine Sinclair's bedroom...
I was just about to tell you that someone had recently posted a pic of CS on this site - then I realised it was you :p
I've read that it decreases testosterone and that it increases it, so I don't know what to believe

well in the interests of science and for the advancement of the human race, I popped 4mg Melatonin 15 mins or so ago to see how it combines with the 170mg opium I had about 10 hours ago (which I can still feel nicely) and the 0.7g of Jack Herer I've recently smoked
Ok, so the melatonoin definitely synergised with the lingering opium effect and the weed quite nicely, slightly sedating and dreamy, and my bedtime pipe of hash seemed much stronger than usual

Was out within 5 minutes of laying my head on the pillow, unusual for me. Also 'slept' for 9 hours, again unusual, 2 hours extra to my norm.

I say 'slept' because the sleep was littered with vivid (not lucid though) dreaming, and I must've woken up 6 times minimum through the night. I'd be back to sleep within a minute (2 at most) of waking though, again unusual as it would normally take 15/20 mins.

Definitely feel more tired than usual this morning though, and have had to take modafinil as I've got loads of boring shit to do today that I'd struggle with at the best of times.

So, probably not the best sleep-aid for me, not at that dose anyway. I might experiment with different doses though, maybe
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Just got some Melatonin prescribed as a sleep aid. It doesn’t work at all but it makes me feel relaxed. Can it be used to reduce benzo (Bromazepam)?
The melatonin is flying off the shelves because everyone has insomnia due to the microwave frequencies in the air "5G". These frequencies decrease the natural production of melatonin which is why we can'y sleep and need an aid. Many think this is a conspiracy theory or want to keep their head in the sand on the matter but I have been studying EMF since 2017 and have EHS. I will provide you with a link to support my claims. I also have a couple channels on EMF/EMP shielding and a DIY channel for Faraday cage building for sleeping areas or other sizes.
To your question about using the melatonin for benzo detox I'd say yes but there are now other factors involved to a easier detox. I detoxed in a basement many years ago and it was the easiest detox for me to come off H. I always wondered why till I found out being underground blocks out radiowaves. I've tested this for EMF shielding and the basement is the best sleep with no meds. I'm buying a swiss shield natural travel canopy for me. This will help with healing from these frequencies and a easier detox from benzos.
Here is my last build:
I'm setting up a new channel for DIY shielding since I was locked out of the youtube channel due to censorship years ago. Clonidine helps with benzo detox too. But be careful with this med not to take too much. I've stockpiled bottles of this med for emergencies. I'd get any meds you need now for a long detox as I am. With drug shortages getting worse it's been time to get as much as we can for emergency situations. I'm not saying to go to the street or a friend or online or a doc that believes in prepping. It's just info and thought.
IME it helps you fall asleep if you have 0 tolerance to it. If you keep taking it that effect goes away though. Ymmv
It gives me weird but fun, vivid lucid dreams. I wonder if combining the stuff with galantamine and amanita muscaria would produce the most intense dreams possible. Or maybe, like other cocktails, be dangerous
I do remember the screwed up sleep patterns and dreams of wierd shit. Wasnt good sleep for me. IDK.
After a session of E 12 mg Melatonine put me and a friend to sleep. Staggering to our bed, Placebo effect?

But when taken sober at night for fallin a sleep is ok. But the wicked vivid dreams are indeed reason enough to walk around it when in search for sleep aid's. I advocate Mulungu, but haven't gotten to my second go with it. First time it was the perfect sleep-aid.