• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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^^ Absolutely gorgeous!!! Love that curious face they get whenever food is in the vicinity ;)

Beautiful babies L2R :) <3
Who bathes a cat?

I love cats but I can't have one due to my domestic situation. I request that those in the thread with cats post pictures of their kitties.

cat ass is stanky man. and some breeds even require bathing i think.






LuGoJ, great pics! What a great personality :)

I didn't know that. Thanks.

we even need to give the kids "hygiene cuts" which means using clippers to shorten the fur on the back of their legs. uriney and shitty fur aint no fun.
Set up a place for the cat to sit/lay at a decent height. Put it in your living room or the room the cat (and you) will be in more of the time. Cats feel a lot more comfortable having this "escape" and also like to feel that they can see and know what is happening around them. Even if they don't always use it, they like to have it there.

Also, get a laser pointer. Or even a flashlight would work. I have spent hours having so much fun watching cats chase and swat the light as you move it across the wall....Also get cat nip, cats like to get fucked up too
Two of the new cats..# 13 & 14 ...
What 8o
I am so jelly!! I want 14 kitties!!!!
P.S I was waiting for you to show up in this thread ;)
P.P.S The second kitten you posted above looks like my cat Sushi. So pretty <3
P.P.P.S Great job on rehoming those white kits!!
mazey, how do you make your kitties all smile like that??? :)
THat thing would have lasted my girl girl about 5 minutes. she loves to tare the guts out of them. then I have to pick up all the little fuzzies from all over the house.
if it weren't for me...my wife would have 13-14 cats. The only reason she doesn't bring everyone home is because I would explode. I told her my house will never been on Animal Hoarders. I already have 6 cats and 2 rather large dogs and that is way more than I wanted. But they are still my buddies.
all the kittens in here are giving me permagrin :D

I never thought I'd be a cat lady but here I am. I don't know if its my bio clock ticking or what but I love animals way more than I used to. I have always loved them but now it's like, they are such a part of my life that I couldn't imagine life without them! I only have one cat, but I totally want more.
Don't dress kittens up in baby clothes, throw them in a stroller and roll it down a hill. They'll start jumping out like crazy. My dad did that in my grandpa's army uniform no less when he was a little boy. The picture in my mind has always weirded me out... :\

Oh, and IME you have to be very careful during the moving process. It can be so hard on them. :( Getting them use to riding in the car etc. is useful.
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oh the dreaded car trips. i've always had difficulty with not creating teh association betwen the car and the vet

Don't dress kittens up in baby clothes, throw them in a stroller and roll it down a hill.

this made me lol proper good
Zinn, my familiar. currently MIA, assumed to be eaten by a wolf. I do not believe it and keep a candle lit in my heart for my darling, darling.


as a kitten:


