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[MEGA] Cannabis Quitting Thread aka I need a break

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first thx for writing back tokenname! I dont have any bad side effects from smoking or quiting. I eat well, when on munchies, I rarely cheat on fat ou high carbs food.
I would say unless your cardiovascular endurance has decreased, then you're good to smoke. That tar can clog up your lungs and arteries. What kind of work out do you do? Some kind of aerobic exercise like jogging or biking could be more beneficial to a smoker than lifting weights.
weed is teh herb of the gods , its practically 100% healthy , ive been smoking for almost 4 years now and the only thing im worried about is the tobacco in my weed , im 17 and have been smoking cigarettes for almost 7 years , weed didnt ever make it worse , it made me smoke less cigarettes though , and simply bought benifit to my life .

however i think its time to quit soon , i get to lazy and unmotivated , i cant even attend a 2 day course enough to not get kicked out ... and i have to say it was weed cause i wake up all throughout the night , have a quick sesh chill for a bit , sleep for a bit , wake up around 7-8am , smoke for a while by 8 : 40 when my bus comes i just go fuck it lol .

stick to weed , ive just started messing around with opiates and RC's , including smoking pharmacuitical pills , which is a whole new world to me , i just moved states to get away from ice , i can see myself being addicted to heroin in a year or two but lets see what happens .

Bong on !
^So you're basically saying weed in 100% healthy.. besides the fact it fucks up your life.

I think you deny something to yourself..

I agree that physically, weed isn't very harmful. But mentally, it can be harmful if the wrong persons use it and especially for those who can't moderate their use. You say you skip class to get high... That certainely is a negative effect.
first thx for writing back tokenname! I dont have any bad side effects from smoking or quiting. I eat well, when on munchies, I rarely cheat on fat ou high carbs food.
OP..you're very welcome..no problem. if you're not having any bad side effects then the only ppl who have a problem with what you're doing are the close minded ones...watch out for them..they're everywhere!

I would say unless your cardiovascular endurance has decreased, then you're good to smoke. That tar can clog up your lungs and arteries. What kind of work out do you do? Some kind of aerobic exercise like jogging or biking could be more beneficial to a smoker than lifting weights.
I suggest biking..can be super fun in the moment. jogging makes me wanna jump off a bridge..but that's just me. :|

^So you're basically saying weed in 100% healthy.. besides the fact it fucks up your life.

I think you deny something to yourself..

I agree that physically, weed isn't very harmful. But mentally, it can be harmful if the wrong persons use it and especially for those who can't moderate their use. You say you skip class to get high... That certainely is a negative effect.

I didn't read the same post you did obviously, as that's not what I got out of it at all. skipping class to get high is pretty negative...but its the person making the choice...not the plant. Mentally, a ping pong ball could be harmful in the wrong persons hands. I find that most people that smoke weed are able to moderate their use, although many of them choose not to.
but again...that's a choice made my a person. i.e. the person who generally knows how they are affected by thc makes the choice of when to smoke and what to do after. It's up to the individual to make their own choices, and ruin their own lives if they so choose to.

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i've been smoking/vaping cannabis daily for almost 9 years. After all that time i started to get anxious/bit paranoid when i smoke. I think it's because i ended up trying opiates and benzos and much prefer that kind of high to cannabis now, i don't know. I still vape but like 1 or 2 hits a few times daily, any more than that and i get anxious. This seems to happen to plenty of long time smokers for some reason but doesn't happen to everyone. Cannabis used to cure every ailment for me but now i find i don't enjoy it like i used to. So if you keep smoking daily then you may just get tired of it one day or find yourself not enjoying it anymore.
well i screwed up. ended my break after only two weeks, and went back to smoking as usual. didn't think much about it, because once again my addiction made me believe that i -need- cannabis in my life. well the day before yesterday i didn't smoke and had some beer in the evening, while meeting friends. was nice.
yesterday i hung out with a close friend and we had some important talk about personal stuff. we smoked a normal-sized joint, nothing unusual so far. half an hour in i experienced something i would call a minor anxiety attack, being induced by a lightbulb which went out making the room darker suddenly. all of a sudden everything looked strange, i got desoriented, my heart started pounding. thank god i was able to talk myself out of it and stay content until the high wore off. the feeling returned occasionally for like 2 hours but not as strong as in the beginning. bad thoughts crept upon me like how i might get insane now and stuff like that, not nice at all.. :/
met with another friend in a park later and had a beer and some cigarettes as well as good company and nice weather, which certainly helped cooling my nerves. don't feel 100percent right now though, but i'm lucky that it did not developed into a full-on panic attack which would have made medical help necessary.

i have experienced light anxiety with weed before and always been able to handle it, but this was something new. i'm now really starting to realize how much i might have fucked my brain by smoking all the time. i really need to do something, because if i screw up again, then it might be worse than this time. hopefully it works out. but for now i think i'm done with weed.
weed is teh herb of the gods , its practically 100% healthy , ive been smoking for almost 4 years now and the only thing im worried about is the tobacco in my weed , im 17 and have been smoking cigarettes for almost 7 years , weed didnt ever make it worse , it made me smoke less cigarettes though , and simply bought benifit to my life .

however i think its time to quit soon , i get to lazy and unmotivated , i cant even attend a 2 day course enough to not get kicked out ... and i have to say it was weed cause i wake up all throughout the night , have a quick sesh chill for a bit , sleep for a bit , wake up around 7-8am , smoke for a while by 8 : 40 when my bus comes i just go fuck it lol .

stick to weed , ive just started messing around with opiates and RC's , including smoking pharmacuitical pills , which is a whole new world to me , i just moved states to get away from ice , i can see myself being addicted to heroin in a year or two but lets see what happens .

Bong on !

I find it very disturbing that someone in your situation finds it pertinent to be giving advice to others about their drug use.
im 16 nearly 17 and have been smoking weed since i was 14 never wanted to stop never needed to i get like this aswell i think its just the fact that you know you can get high and have that amazing feeling
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Yeah, it happens bagseed, don't beat yourself up about it, just think of it as a nice little test to see if your system is ready for weed or not. It seems that right now it is not. It might be again in the future, who knows? I do think projump has a point that if you really want it to start over fresh and truly heal whatever it did to your brain you need to stop for a long time. I doubt I'll stay away from it for years, I would like to smoke again this summer at some point, but to be honest after over a month off I still don't feel anywhere near ready. The addiction has gone way down, that is for sure, but it isn't gone. I still feel like I need to fix a lot of things in my sober life so I will be able to keep myself healthy when using it.
At the moment i get paid every 2 weeks.. it never lasts the full 2 weeks till i get paid again and when i do get weed i smoke alot of it i also have to take out money for upkeep, i normally smoke weed for the first week then the second week i have none, i sometimes get kravings for weed as if i want to smoke it and sometimes cant sleep very well but i feel as if i dont need / want to quit.
Yeah, it happens bagseed, don't beat yourself up about it, just think of it as a nice little test to see if your system is ready for weed or not. It seems that right now it is not. It might be again in the future, who knows? I do think projump has a point that if you really want it to start over fresh and truly heal whatever it did to your brain you need to stop for a long time. I doubt I'll stay away from it for years, I would like to smoke again this summer at some point, but to be honest after over a month off I still don't feel anywhere near ready. The addiction has gone way down, that is for sure, but it isn't gone. I still feel like I need to fix a lot of things in my sober life so I will be able to keep myself healthy when using it.
thanks for your reply, it means a lot to me. i've calmed down now and had time to think about it. looking back, it wasn't nearly the most frightening drug experience i had (experiencing death on mushrooms was way more scary, but at the same time a much more valuable and actually meaningful experience).

but also it really smashed the fact in my face that my use cannot continue like it did. that being said i don't blame the weed at all, because the problems were already there when i started i suppose (having a very shitty childhood and puberty). two days off of weed now and it already amazes me how good i feel. weed is a strange drug.

how are you doing btw? hope everything is fine :)
id quit for three reasons:
1. Health issues
2. Financial issues
3. Tolerance ( wouldnt quit tho just take a break )

Other than this kush is gonna be with me my whole life
I find it very disturbing that someone in your situation finds it pertinent to be giving advice to others about their drug use.

I find it very disturbing that someone in your situation finds it pertinent to post a very negative, pretty insulting comment instead of coming up with some helpful advice yourself. His post contained lots of pertinent information, sometimes you've just got to look for it.

Thats the thing about weed bro, you'll never become physically dependant on it, you'll stop getting high before you do. By all means stay blazed
have never had a problem.

I am in my early twenties now, and started smoking a decade ago.

It's drained my bank account in the past, but ceasing has never been a problem. I actually gave up smoking over two weeks ago - i had no "w/ds" (unlike when i quit oppies/h/benzos *shudder*)
have never had a problem.

I am in my early twenties now, and started smoking a decade ago.

It's drained my bank account in the past, but ceasing has never been a problem. I actually gave up smoking over two weeks ago - i had no "w/ds" (unlike when i quit oppies/h/benzos *shudder*)

do you have any mental/emotion w/d?
Are you mad at the world?
The ppl I know that smoke daily get mad @ the world when they can't.
But you said you gave it up..which to me means, this was of your own doing.
Did you give up permanently, or are you on cannabis holiday?


Edit: have never experienced any w/d either mentally or physically when I've gone w/o.
thanks for your reply, it means a lot to me. i've calmed down now and had time to think about it. looking back, it wasn't nearly the most frightening drug experience i had (experiencing death on mushrooms was way more scary, but at the same time a much more valuable and actually meaningful experience).

but also it really smashed the fact in my face that my use cannot continue like it did. that being said i don't blame the weed at all, because the problems were already there when i started i suppose (having a very shitty childhood and puberty). two days off of weed now and it already amazes me how good i feel. weed is a strange drug.

how are you doing btw? hope everything is fine :)

Some people say you stop developing in a sense, whenever you start escaping with weed. I sort of think it is true, because I began when I was 18, smoked nonstop for years, stopped for about a year and a half in my mid twenties, and then went heavy with it again (getting heavier and heavier as time went by) up until now. I admit I did have a lot of bursts of development in the year and a half I took off before, and I am developing a lot again now. I think it depends on how you use it but for me I used it to avoid a lot of things I needed to be working on. Now I have no choice but to work on them since without my happy smoke I feel to bad otherwise.

I do think if you face what you need to face and really work to find peace in your sober life, adding weed back in could be a very joyful thing.

I also sometimes think that once you get to that point you might not even want to bother with it anymore.

I'm doing good though, I didn't have any drug tests yet and will probably have some in the next week or two for potential jobs, but I feel quite certain that it's out of me now and I will pass. :) Feels good because I haven't been able to say that in so long!
Wait...it took you six weeks to get a negative result????? Wtf? How is that possible? What sort of drug test was this? Because my husband passed a piss test after smoking pretty heavily off and on after 6 days. I passed one after about a week and a half before. I've never heard of six weeks, that's crazy!

Not sure about the receptors, but I'd like to know too...?

This is very common.

When i was 17 i didnt pass a piss test for THC until i was 93 days clean. This is not an exaggeration nor is it a fabrication.
Prior to quitting, I was smoking anywhere from 2-7 grams a day of HIGH POTENCY flowers (probably 5 days of sobriety in two years).

I was also a bit heavier, definitely above average on the BMI scale. If you have a lot of fat on you and smoke high quality marijuana , it may take a long time to get out of you. (I was using a lot of Vicodin / Xanax / Valium when I didnt smoke marijuana for those 93 days. This definitely didnt help my bodys natural metabolism)

93 fucking days . . .
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