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[Mega] Anxiety and Paranoia Help / Discussion Thread

Great advice in the first post. I will definitely be thinking on all of that these next few months.

I forgot to mention... on a more practical level, when you do eventually smoke again, I would make sure your weed is an even combination of indica/sativa. I find that a strain that is too indica, or too sativa was often the trigger for my own paranoia. The sativa will give you energy and the ability to meditate on various ideas; the indica will help you to come down and chill out.

When it comes to street weed, it is rather difficult if not impossible to pick your own strand. Any suggestions on how to differenciate between different strands just by look, feel and smell? And im thinking maybe indica would be the best pick if not a well balanced mix. I find the relaxation of indica to be more calming, where as any negative energy on a sativa would be more intense?
<truncated but much appreciated prose>

Fear is a tough one, but the antidote is love.
Maybe the weed can help you with this,
if you treat it sacredly.

I love the way you write, foreigner. You really express yourself beautifully, and your advice was equally beautiful. It's a shame you don't post more often.

I stopped smoking weed for close to 20 years, while I was being the mother of my four kids. I missed it but I couldn't be on deck the way I needed to be with them... they were little fukkrz sometimes, ya know. When I busted my then 15 year old daughter smoking weed, I lit up with her. Her jaw hit the floor. I found out that weed is stronger, and I got blown that first time with her. She is 28 now. She and her husband live with her dad and I, and she and I and her husband smoke together almost every night.

If you've only gone a few months without smoking, I wouldn't trip too hard off how bad the effect will be. If you just hit it gently, respectfully, you will probably have a free and easy, floating high.
In the case of harm reduction I shall say this -dont fucking do it! You have mental health problems AND you have already quit yet you are about to voyage back down the slippery slope of lethagy, shit hair cuts and more mental health problems. It's like pulling out your finger nails, waiting for them to grow back and ripping them out again.
Make a nice tin foil hat, they are great at picking up E.T signals from space AND it blocks others listening to your thoughts. Hope this helps.
In the case of harm reduction I shall say this -dont fucking do it! You have mental health problems AND you have already quit yet you are about to voyage back down the slippery slope of lethagy, shit hair cuts and more mental health problems. It's like pulling out your finger nails, waiting for them to grow back and ripping them out again.

yes, except that last time i was pulling my fingernails, and now i just want to gently trim and cut them. If i decide to smoke it daily again(IE ripping off my fingernails), then i believe that statement is fair.
I used to have this same problem when I first started smoking. If weed is doing this to you the best thing to do is smoke not to get blitzed but to get the slightest effect possible. Litteraily only put half a pinky nail amount of weed in your boul and hit it soft and respectfully if you know what I meen.
Repeat as disired.
I find that with mostly anything that gets you high(especially with phycadelics) you need to slowly come up on the feeling instead of letting it hit you like a train. That's what causes most panic attackis I think. Just think about it...your sobor one minute, and litteraily the next minute after you've smoked a fatty boul to the dome your fucking high as a kite when your not used to being under the influence. So try smoking just literarily a PINCH just so you can feel alil something while still having control of your thoughts and work your way up.
Same rule applies with weed...you can always take more but can't take back what you've already took. I promise you'll find a more enjoyable high by doing this, it's how I have to get used to weed after a long break and my first times with it.
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When you start again eat a fresh Orange and do it alone the night before you have nothing to do. Expectations ruin a high
Another question: I hear that hashish has a higher cbd content. im thinking a small hit of hash could be a good idea for the first time back on the pipe. wise? no? yes?
Noooo, Hash definitely has a higher THC content IMO. Hash is definitely a more cerebral, heady, psychedelic high while weed tends to relax.

Best thing to do: smoke one hit. Yeah, that's right, one hit. If there's more left over, save it for another day. It's gonna hit you really hard with a lower tolerance.
In the case of harm reduction I shall say this -dont fucking do it! You have mental health problems AND you have already quit yet you are about to voyage back down the slippery slope of lethagy, shit hair cuts and more mental health problems. It's like pulling out your finger nails, waiting for them to grow back and ripping them out again.

I'd say this too but it depends upon how bad the OP's anxiety/panic issues are, and it's up to him/her to make their choices if they want to get high or not since it's their life.

I have anxiety/panic issues too and I was like the OP and I stopped for years because of them while I got help for them but mine were not caused by smoking pot or using drugs and I'd get them while sober but I didn't use any drugs once I found out that's what they were and when I was getting help for them.

Then I became a full blown pothead and blazed a lot daily and nightly and I didn't get any major anxiety or horrible panic attacks while under the influence of THC.

I did what ErgicMergic said and I just smoked a single hit of Indica out of a one hitter, and did it with a friend while we watched a movie together. Then gradually over the next month or so I'd smoke just once on the weekend and then slowly I started smoking more until I got a tolerance, and then I started smoking multiple times daily and smoking large bowls and out of bongs. I also would smoke Sativas too and I didn't get anxiety from them even though some people can get anxiety from them. I never got way too high or got blown away by smoking way too much at once which I'd done before but I think that most people have done this.

Yes when I was a total pothead I would get the munchies, not always eat healthy food, and at the time I would just smoke, get high, stay high, and keep smoking a lot nightly but at the time I figured it was better than what I was doing which was going out every night for a long period of time and drinking way too much booze in bars, and only stopping when I'd get sick or pass out.

When you've gotten way too high in the past OP did you ever try to tell yourself to relax, enjoy it, that you'd be sober within a few hours, or things like that? I know that can work for some people when they get way too high.

I also know people who get anxiety while stoned and they will slowly drink a beer or two, or if it's really bad and they have them they'll take a benzo. I've just drank a beer since that can relax me and at the time I was at a party and everyone was drinking. I've never taken benzos recreationally.

Good luck.
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When you've gotten way too high in the past OP did you ever try to tell yourself to relax, enjoy it, that you'd be sober within a few hours, or things like that? I know that can work for some people when they get way too high.

I also know people who get anxiety while stoned and they will slowly drink a beer or two, or if it's really bad and they have them they'll take a benzo. I've just drank a beer since that can relax me and at the time I was at a party and everyone was drinking. I've never taken benzos recreationally.

I did try to tell myself that. it never worked my anxiety was always too severe when i started to react badly to the weed, but i always knew i'd be sober in a few hours and be fine. My anxiety was more related from what i like to call Ganja Psychosis. Im the kind of individual who should've treated weed with a little more caution. instead i threw caution to the wind and smoked bowl after bowl, held bong rips in as long as i could, every day and it left me depersonalized, derealized, and just all out anxious. Not near ready to try to smoke again, but like to have a full understanding for when i try it again. I actually do have an old perscription of Ativan(benzos), so if anything goes south, ill take a normal dose of that and know that weed just wont ever work for me again. and i'll just have to face that if the time comes.
In my opinion, id say that after you smoke for a while, months or years, and get over the anxiety...if pot starts making you uncomfortable again, then the plant is telling you to take a break. Or your brain. whichever way you wanna look at it.

I look at weed as a gift of nature, and in a non literal way, I think it helps you when its supposed to, and pushes you away when its not right.

Dont force it ya know? Benzos are a terrible way to handle weed anxiety. It'll just turn into a vicious cycle that'll result in way stronger panic attacks in the end. Just cuz you don't smoke now, doesn't mean you can't smoke later.
Noooo, Hash definitely has a higher THC content IMO. Hash is definitely a more cerebral, heady, psychedelic high while weed tends to relax.

Best thing to do: smoke one hit. Yeah, that's right, one hit. If there's more left over, save it for another day. It's gonna hit you really hard with a lower tolerance.

i agree with this. smoke one hit, then in your mind, you'll know that nothing can possibly go wrong from one single toke and you can always do more if you need to. and if you think you're gonna be anxious, go for a walk right after you smoke or do something that will hold your focus. then you can just think about the walk instead of your anxiety :p
I have anxiety too. I don't recommend starting back up any time soon. Its not worth it. You might need a longer break than others.
I have anxiety too. I don't recommend starting back up any time soon. Its not worth it. You might need a longer break than others.

Yes, i plan to wait a few months even after i feel completely recovered. Need to know myself before ever smoking again.

Thank you everybody for you're help.
My advice would be to approach the cannabis in a sacred manner, as though it is a spiritual teacher. This context will resonate with your heart, and put you into the safety of its "spirit". That means you should do it after a period of meditation or reflection, or just a general happy, feel-good day. If you can be in a heart centred space when you smoke it, that will make the journey positive. Weed is benign in of itself. If you feel fear when you do it, then this medicine could be forcing you to confront your own shadow.

Fear is a tough one, but the antidote is love. While you are sober, this could be a good time to go within yourself to find out what the root of this fear is. Weed was showing you the fear, and sobriety can give you a chance to investigate it. Given this, weed has helped you, which means you have nothing to fear from weed itself. Your fear is of fear. So find out what is making you afraid and try to move beyond it. Maybe the weed can help you with this, if you treat it sacredly.
that's really nice. I had an experience with weed a few weeks ago that matched up with this pretty well - I realized something I had been scared of for years without ever thinking it outloud.

OP - try pranayama when you smoke up, and go very slowly to begin with - your tolerance has disappeared so just remember that your heart rate is increasing and this is where you edginess comes from if this is what you're talking about.

I would also suggest using the search engine - there are numerous threads like this.
Another question: I hear that hashish has a higher cbd content. im thinking a small hit of hash could be a good idea for the first time back on the pipe. wise? no? yes?
No - fallacy - it's CBN - biproduct of degraded THC/burst trichomes. Darker hashes tend to be much higher in CBN than lighter hashes because of the method of production, the trichomes burst through a lot of friction. If it's a dark hashish - sure, but if you're in USA there isn't much chance of getting that stuff, unless you can handrub some kief yourself.
Buy yourself a one hitter man. I'm like you, and I get so freaked off of it sometimes but using a one hitter pipe is real nice for getting a couple small hits and it's great for not wasting weed if you're not able to take a whole bowl or joint in a sitting. You just stick the bud in one end, light, and hit the other end.
A one hitter can often hit you too much. I find that when I roll a joint if I take one or 2 tokes, I can test the waters much better than smoking a pipe. If that gets you high enough then you can stub it out/let it go out by itself.
im thinkin of just loadin a small chillum and take a mouth rip off it like smoking a cigarette, inhale and immediately exhale. With a chillum with a small enough bowl and a good enough screen, it should be easy to load a preferred amount of weed. Unless theres a better idea out there? ;)
Nope, chillums are as conservative as they get, even though they give me 2-3 hits, and not one. Just take a hit and have fun! :)

Cannabis is a psychedelic, so set and setting is where it's at. It seems like your mindset's great, now find a good setting to smoke in.