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MDPV Megathread

It's wednesday night and the mdpv seems to have crept up my nose somehow. I blame my girlfriend who had a line earlier in the night. I must be more strict with this stuff as it seems all to easy to end up having a go. Once you have one line, it does not seem to stop there either.
Parkhamno1 said:
I would highly recommend taking MDPV if you are forced by a dealine to complete a geat deal of academic work in a short space of time.

MDPV should not be relied upon in an essay writing situation to produce results. It is no 'smart drug'. Its main strength lies in its ability to keep you awake and focused upon the task at hand for an extended amount of time.

Thanks all for the adivce I received.

Yup, that "deadline" and "short space of time" are key phrases there. Which is exactly why it's shite for long term projects, term papers, (the aforementioned) essay.

Good point, Parkhamno1
gabbachris said:
It's wednesday night and the mdpv seems to have crept up my nose somehow. I blame my girlfriend who had a line earlier in the night. I must be more strict with this stuff as it seems all to easy to end up having a go. Once you have one line, it does not seem to stop there either.

Aye - it tends to go this way.
dandandan said:
Can you mix it with water or would that ruin it?
Theres posts in this thread of people mixing it with water (to get a accurate measurement) and then snorting it
I would advise against mixing it with water unless it's going up your poop chute. If you have say 250mg just half it then you have about 10 lines X 2 half them both and you have 5 lines X 4. This method is as good as any for dosage.
My other half is still up from yesterday. same seated position in front of her computer. I managed 4 hours of semi sleep parralisis followed by 2 hours sleep. (with the aid of a sleeper) I got all my missions done now just not long before bedtime, I have succum once again.
Strangly appealing funny smelling stuff.
gabbachris said:
I would advise against mixing it with water unless it's going up your poop chute. If you have say 250mg just half it then you have about 10 lines X 2 half them both and you have 5 lines X 4. This method is as good as any for dosage.
considering a dose for some people (and would certainly be advised as a starting point) is only 5-10mg, i would say trying to eyeball that from 250mg is a pretty daft thing to do. you haven't got a hope in hell of getting it anywhere near accurate with that method.

speaking as someone who has only recently got scales, i know now how silly it is trying to eyeball anything like this.

if you start off taking too much of this stuff, say hello to increased tolerance and a sketchy and prolonged MDPV episode, which can be a pretty horrible thing to experience.

get scales. :|

gabbachris said:
My other half is still up from yesterday. same seated position in front of her computer. I managed 4 hours of semi sleep parralisis followed by 2 hours sleep. (with the aid of a sleeper) I got all my missions done now just not long before bedtime, I have succum once again.
get scales. :|
I started off doing the scales dose thing. carnt be arsed noo. I just sniff a little line. I do however, respect the fact that this stuff is very potent and not everyone would enjoy the same size lines.
I have seen some folk doing massive lines against advice.
One Southern group done a G in one night between 3 of them as well as other stuff.
Must be real hard men them Cockneys, lol
^ With enough practice one can *ahem* make an accurate enough visual assessment. the question is that - after enough practice is - that visual assessment a wise amount, in short probably not

Get scales & benzos aplenty I reckon ;)

Regarding chest pain, well I've experienced it - but I have high blood pressure & ended up doing excessive amounts - I would guess if it was particularly damaging it would have let me know by now, maybe not tho.
Subtle. Pornographic. Animalistic.

GHB has nothing on this drug when it comes to sex. And I thought I loved GHB.
StoneHappyMonday said:
Subtle. Pornographic. Animalistic.

GHB has nothing on this drug when it comes to sex. And I thought I loved GHB.

Now try a bit of GHB on top of a decent dose of MDPV - we'll await the news report on the telly of the result, complete with the authorities having to dart and net this obviously sex-crazed naked man running about the streets. I don't think it's an accident that it has the slight odour od seminal fluid about it...

Hey, I've come close at times myself ; imagine a long haired version of Cosmo Smallpiece (look up Les Dawson if you don't know what I'm on about) and you're not too wide of the mark! =D =D =D
AuraithX said:
Theres posts in this thread of people mixing it with water (to get a accurate measurement) and then snorting it
Works well, but don't mix up any large batches - the stuff breaks down fast in solution and starts reeking of pyrrolidine within an hour or two. At minimum use dh20, boil and let cool a bit to dissolve the MDPV better, then store in an air/light resistant container, and keep it refrigerated between parties. Oh yeah, and make sure that's really milk you're hitting the fridge for =D.
gabbachris said:
anyone get a sore nose with repeated usage of mdpv? Like every weekend for 4 months.
Yup... once again, I'd guess it's related to pyrrolidine. Icky stuff.
fastandbulbous said:
Now try a bit of GHB on top of a decent dose of MDPV - we'll await the news report on the telly of the result, complete with the authorities having to dart and net this obviously sex-crazed naked man running about the streets.
Heh, it's sex-crazy enough stuff by itself. I noticed that pyrrolidine-cum smell too, but after a run it's hard to tell where the hell the smell's coming from... =D

P.S. anyone noted any circulatory issues associated with MDPV use? The biggest prob I've noticed with regular use (other than wondering what your heart looks like on a sonagram) is a tendency toward dehydration/associated minor electrolyte imbalance, even while consuming fluids regularly. It's a pretty strong diuretic. Excessive fluid consumption could also pose problems - couple minor but highly unpleasant cases of hyponatremia here. Watch that shit, guys...
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does anybody know about the shelf life of MDPV how should it be stored?
I have left it out this week. I am having one of my little holidays from drugs.
gabbachris said:
does anybody know about the shelf life of MDPV how should it be stored?
I have left it out this week. I am having one of my little holidays from drugs.

I think it should last for a long time if kept cold, dark and dry. The whiter stuff anyway. If you have the putty then it might be an idea to putt a dessicant bag in with it.

I had a 10mg blotter of MDPV on thursday night which worked really well, i've never eaten in the past, always snorted and it. I think its better orally, really got me buzzing. Copious amounts of alcohol probably helped too though!